Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Wuya knows his father's temperament, and knows what the gods think. It is just that he wants to guard the **** realm, destroy the magic realm, and come to a great unification. He even wants to develop a long-lived method in him.

They were holding him and jealous of him, but they also wanted to control him and use him.

For these people, even his father, he did not have any kind of gratitude, because he had no such emotions since he was a child.

Depriving him of his passions, even if he can concentrate on his cultivation and not be disturbed by any feelings, it is also a disadvantage, because he lives too self and knows what he wants, not just what they want.

God King was very helpless, but he had no choice but to sit helplessly, watching the endless leaving, anxious not, is there no other way?


Yunyi returned to the Demon Realm in a fierce rush, went straight to his dad's nest, and watched that he was hugging all the big beauties, frowned, and shouted reluctantly, "Dad."

Every time I come back to see such a picture, she does n’t understand. I remember that my father and mother are very kind. But three years after the death of my mother, my father is just as liberated. She is always beautiful, and she ran out. Lived by myself.

Yun Yi broke in without any notification. As soon as Yun Da heard the shout, the tiger's body suddenly shook and pushed away the beauties hanging on her body. "Go, go, Lao Tzu's sweetheart is back."

Yun's father sorted his messy clothes and rushed to Yun Yi, "Master Devil is back, and he didn't tell his father in advance, it really hurt his father's heart."

Yun Yi sideways, avoiding Yun Da's Xiong Pu, "Dad, come back to tell you the business this time, be serious, or I will ignore you and talk to you later."

Upon hearing this, Yun Da, a daughter who was very much a slave, immediately lifted her old face, tidy up her clothes, and sat back upright in the seat, asking Shen Shen, "Yuner came back to talk to his father, but two Rumors that the domain is hot? "

Yun Yi nodded. When she returned, she also heard that Moyu was rumoring that she would marry Wuya.

She didn't return, it must have been passed back from the demon domain, and it was quite wide.

"Is this true? Isn't it a rumor?" Yun Da suddenly widened his eyes and stared at Yun Yi.

Yun Yi nodded. "Wuyao told me this. He said that he would visit the house a few days ago, so your old man hurriedly packed up your kennel. Don't make it look like a house of wind and dust. It scared my Wuya away. . "

After listening to this, Yun Daddy patted his thighs with both hands, and the whole person almost jumped up. His eyes were bright and he looked at Yun Yi with admiration. . "

Yunyi was advised not to like boundlessness before. After all, there is no one who has a good relationship with the devil.

Later I agreed, and I know that Wuya is a person who has no emotions and desires. He certainly won't like Yuner. I want her to bump against the wall and give up this thought. I just didn't expect Yunyi to go, but I didn't look back. Life is gone.

When her daughter grows up, and she is the one she can take, she will go there. She likes it once and for all, as long as she doesn't regret in her life, then what she wants is up to her. go with.

"Visiting at the door?" Yunyi quickly shook her head. "It was a visit to the door. There was no intention to propose a marriage."

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