Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

It is clear that letting the people in the God Realm not assassinate, then it is overcast. The people who bought the Demon Realm have assassinated Xiao Yunyi, and almost succeeded. The divine spirit directly entered the Demon Realm to protect Xiao Yunyi, but it failed to take the end .

Under an elaborate plan, Xiao Yunyi was almost assassinated. It was the Queen of God who rushed in time to save Xiao Yunyi's life, but he exhausted his divine power and became a waste.

Soon after being returned to the realm of God, he died of illness.

After listening to these, Yun Yi was very emotional, "If you didn't find Pu Xia to predict the boundless future, wouldn't these things happen?"

She never thought that the truth of the matter was this way. At that time, the tone of the **** king, she thought that after her father killed the god, she scared her to meet the endless dream.

"For anyone who has cause and effect, who knows what is the cause and what is the effect, but Pu Xia was still young at that time, because he had foreseen things without bounds, contrary to God's will, and died soon after, so now he looks old. No different from you. "

Yun Yi still booed in her heart, "Do you know the death of the queen?"

She didn't know how to say this, but think about that she was almost killed by the prince of the **** king, but was rescued by the queen of the gods.

But she did n’t understand. What ’s wrong with marrying her without bounds? After knowing that, the King of God had to assassinate her, and she did n’t know anything at all.

"Of course I know, when the queen died, Wuya was ten years old." As he said, Yun Da laughed loudly at Yun Yi. "You're stupid. You were stunned by the God King's yin and yang furiously, and trembled. . "

Yun Yi glared at Yun Da angrily and frightened her, but not only the God King, but also the dear in front of him.

"Since Boundless knows, why did he bluff me like this and let me come back to ask you? If you are also yin and yang, I am afraid of falling into bounds with Boundless, wouldn't our misunderstanding be big?"

Yun Yi nodded his head. "That's what the King of God meant. He died after that. He didn't reflect on his mistakes. He still wanted to kill you, but he didn't know why. He gave up, but came to discuss the conditions with me. You are not allowed to go to the God Realm, and you will not be allowed to like Endless in the future. As long as I agree, I will guarantee the peace between the two realms of the demon and the century. "

"So this time, he probably thought that I would understand what he meant. It would make you misunderstand Wuxia and prevent you from marrying Wuxia. But the old guy does n’t treat his wife and children as babies, and he is not allowed to others. Do you care about your baby girl? "

Yun Yi snorted twice, "It's pretty much the same, but I'll call you dad."

Although her father's style is not very good, but she really loves her and will give her freedom. She will support whatever she wants to do, and she is totally a daughter slave.

"Besides, being the father-in-law of the eternal god, when you meet later, you have to be courteous and respectfully call me father-in-law, but there is a thief on my face, I ’m stupid, I will refuse Such a silly thing. "

Yun Yi looked up at her dad's excited cheeks and wanted to walk away. He didn't know the dad. His purpose was not pure. Was she going to be sold?

However, the things hidden in her mind these days were finally resolved, not what she thought, and Wuya also knew, which made her completely assured that she had no misunderstanding with Wuya.

She will cherish it, and she will love and love boundless.

"Daughter, when will my prospective son-in-law come to propose marriage?" Yun's father looked at Yun Yi with bright eyes.

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