Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Think about it at this moment, only feel horrible, because such an interrogation is more like a hint, to give you one last chance. If you still choose the wrong, then blame her ruthless illusion.

Seeing Feng Tianlan not talking for a long time, Sima Bai looked down at her, "But what did Laner think of?"

It looked very serious.

Feng Tianlan looked up at Si Mobai, and looked at it carefully. Unlike Wuya, he was much gentler, not so high, and now it ’s like this, but the perfect lover in dreams is afraid of being a woman. Marry him.

And the limitlessness of the previous life, even if it is not so gentle, but that peerless look is enough to make everyone rush.

Sima Bai was a little uncomfortable. "Why is Laner looking at her husband so much?"

Although it was good to be watched by Laner so seriously, but it really made him uncomfortable, as if to pick faults on him, but he did not make mistakes.

"I wonder if Tang Xueying also likes you." Feng Tianlan looked back and thought seriously.

Si Mobai smiled slightly, "It's not impossible, after all, for the husband is also loved by thousands of girls."

Feeling the glimpse of Feng Tianlan, Si Mobai hurriedly added another sentence, "Of course, no matter who it is, he only loves Laner for his husband."

Nozzle slippery!

Feng Tianlan gave him one, I didn't care about your eyes, and then said, "So long as Tang Xueying, I didn't feel she liked you."

"It's not rare for her husband to like her."

Shirayuki interjected, "This is not the case for the sister-in-law. The girl's mind is the most difficult to guess. Besides, you are good sisters, and you have always liked the big brother so clearly. She will be stupid before you can show that you like the big brother. ? "

Sima Bai and the Chinese teacher looked at Bai Xue one after another. What they said makes sense, but you seem to be so innocent and know so much. It seems that you have suffered from women.

Bai Xue was very embarrassed to see, reached out and grabbed his head, "I'm not wrong." Why look at him like this.

"Did you not check her?" Feng Tianlan asked Si Mobai, and the background should also be found.

At that time, Yun Yi saved Tang Xueying out of kindness, and it was still very small at the time of the rescue. The name was still Yun Yi. After being rescued, she has been together. Yun Yi has never doubted Tang Xueying, and it is naturally impossible to investigate.

Sima Baiqing said, "Everything is normal, there is no doubt, and of course there is no suspicious background. As a child, she was a little devil who was bullied. You saved her and she got better. life."

"If there is no background and no means, how did she unify the demon domain and be the first demon emperor in history?" The master said that if he wanted to be unified, it should be the demon **** of Minghuang, not Tang Xueying. Such a woman without any background.

Bai Xue wondered again, "Why did she take Xunzi as the first demon emperor? And the demon domain is not allowed to say bad things about Xunzi, although there are many people."

Feng Tianlan looked at Bai Xue, who was really pure Bai Xue.

Bai Xue froze, or he didn't talk?

"With so much to say, you might as well go to the Demon Realm to see what happened. When you meet, you know what you know." The teacher suggested, somehow, that he had the urge to go back.

It seemed that he also wanted to know where he was in that lifetime.

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