Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Therefore, at this time, even if they had not yet surrendered to Feng Tianlan, they were already scared in their hearts. The fear of her came from the threat of death.

But this is enough. As long as it plays a deterrent effect, Yu Fengtianlan said that the people killed today have nothing to say.

Now, now she just wants to get back Abao. She wants to tell Abao that everything is fine. No one will ever say that he is a demon, and no one will let her hand him over again.

She can protect Abao very well, she can.

She wants to tell Abao that in the future, she will not be indecisive anymore, and she will protect him regardless of everything.


Where is your son, my son? It's a word of returning to your mother.

Feng Tianlan has the shape of a wind and shuttles over the realm of God. Her body is no longer domineering, and some are just worried about being a mother.

She chased like crazy, trying to catch up with Abao's figure, but did not find him at all, no matter how she shouted, she seemed to be isolated, and Abao didn't respond at all.

The more she looked, the more she became mad. The tears Feng Fenglan gathered finally couldn't help but rolled down.

"Abao, where are you?"

From day to night, Feng Tianlan never stopped for a moment. She just wanted to find Abao, now she just wants to hold Abao well and listen to his mother cry.

"Abao." Feng Tianlan fell to the ground, could no longer stand the stimulus, and cried out.

The night is boundless, and the cold wind blows. She is at the boundary of the two domains. This side is a round of moons, and the other side is a blood moon. Even if it is night, the moon is shining, the road is clearly visible, but there A layer of black gas shrouded, even though the blood moon was bright, there were still no fingers to see.

Feng Tianlan was crying silently in such a strange place, whispering, "Abao, Abao, my Abao."

Her cry was not the kind of crying from the sky, nor the heartbreaking tears, but sitting on the ground like that, tears were flowing like water, and the voice of sadness was like talking to herself.

But that's it, let her words make her look more distressing.

Not far away, a red figure stood just like this, watching Feng Tianlan sitting on the ground, crying silently, shouting Abao, blaming himself, his eyes full of distress and perseverance.

"A Bao, my mother has solved it, they will never say you are a demon, and will never think of taking you away from my mother."

"My mother knows that she is wrong, and she no longer cares about the consequences. Will you come back, mother? You can't live without you, you can't live without you."

"Abao, will you come back? If you miss your father, you will be taken by your mother. Don't leave your mother alone."

"Abao ..."

The red figure, listening to this heartbreaking sentence, narrowed his eyes, then turned away.

Xiaoyun'er, I'm sorry. The original reincarnation was to protect you, but it made you sad.


Some things are already doomed, not something that Pu Xia can predict and change, so let's go.

You have to be good, you have to be good with Wuya, and I will help you.

Xiao Yun'er, you must be good.

In the desolation, Feng Tianlan only called Abao like a cry of blood, but she didn't wait for anything, didn't wait for anything, didn't wait for Abao's response, let alone his person.

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