Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

"Don't be angry." He Xi said when she was angry, he comforted and said, "The King of the Gods should not have been deliberate. The demon domain has our detailed work, and the status is not low, I'm afraid it's too late to tell you."

Feng Tianlan frowned, "That's it?"

"Yes, the first king said that at present the two realms of the gods and demons seem to live together peacefully, but he was still uneasy, and he inserted a detailed work in the realm, but I only know that the detailed work is not low, and I do n’t know who is us. People. "He Xi said respectfully.

Feng Tianlan said a moment, and then the dissatisfaction disappeared. She thought that it was the Emperor who had done something secretly before his death. As long as it wasn't, everything else didn't matter.

He Xi looked at Feng Tianlan, retracted his gaze, and then stood on one side, looking down and waiting for the command.

"You go down first, if there is any news, come and sue me." Feng Tianlan waved anxiously, at this moment she wanted to be alone.

"Those who are working on it need to ask carefully? The last time I went, I just went to a fixed place to get the news. I don't know who it is. Now the situation is not optimistic. If you know ..."

Feng Tianlan waved his hand and interrupted his words, "No need, Emperor Zun will not say it. He has his own reason, and now we are closely watching, so don't make a fuss."

Is it important that Emperor Zun did not say this?

He Xi said yes and then retreated.

Feng Tianlan looked up at the blue sky, thinking that Abao was safe, and she felt a little relieved, but then thought that Abao was in the Demon Realm and had to go to Tianwailou, and she was very disturbed.

Abao, isn't he going to find Mobai, why should he run to Tianwailou.

It was the most dangerous place, but I still ran to that place, it was really uneasy at all.

I just hope that things can be resolved sooner and Abao can be picked up sooner.


Although the marshland was filled with the magical spirits, it was once the place where the devil was famously discolored. At this time, there were still no people.

Only Simobai stayed here, and many people followed, and there was some popularity here.

Sima Bai was sitting at the table, holding a pen, but he didn't fall down. He just looked a little bit dreamy. He seemed to be thinking, and he seemed to be thinking nothing.

He vaguely remembered that when he raised his pen, he wanted to draw a person, a woman. At first, he had some impressions. It seemed that Yun Yi was floating, but when he thought it was not her, he did not write down.

Who will he draw?

Si Mobai looked at the Xuan paper, but he was totally distracted. He didn't think of anything. He seemed to have forgotten something, some people.

"Master Devil, there is a girl named Bi Ling outside, please see me."

Si Mobai looked at the rice paper and turned back, "No."

After all, he couldn't remember who he was going to paint, apparently looked like Yun Yi, but he didn't remember who that person was. This feeling made him very painful and irritable.

A man who should not be forgotten, but he couldn't remember anything.

The subordinate said, "Girl Bi Ling said it was Feng Yunyi's life."

Sima Bai subconsciously wanted to say nothing, but he was annoyed at the thought of Yun Yi's guilt, but he still answered, "Let her come in."

Yun Yi.

The woman I loved a thousand years ago, why after a thousand years, he didn't feel the slightest, and even wanted to run away. If he didn't feel sorry for her, he felt too guilty, and really didn't want to see him again.

What he wanted to see was another person.

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