Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Si Mobai's heart was even more painful. It was the familiar pain of heart and soul. There was also a kind of unexplainable heartache that made him want to die. As long as Feng Tianlan thought his heart was dead, no Love him more and no longer believe him, he feels better to die.

No, it can't be that way. He's going to find her, and he's going to explain to her, even though he hasn't thought of her yet, but this matter must be explained, so that she can't make her misunderstanding.

Bi Ling saw that Si Mobai was stomping and was about to go out. She reached out and stopped him. "Where are you going?"

"Let's go!" Si Mobai scared his eyes, the whole person was angry, it was scary.

Bi Ling glanced at him, "You want this look to see Feng Tianlan? Do you want to explain to her like this?"

Seeing that Sima Bai had intended to hit her, Bi Ling quickly retracted her hand and took a step back, and said hurriedly, "Just like you, you have forgotten her again before you reached the realm of God, especially you She hasn't thought of her yet, you only know she is Feng Tianlan. "

Si Mobai, who was about to lift his foot, stopped suddenly, yeah, he hadn't thought of her yet, he only knew her name was Feng Tianlan, she was the king of Divine Land, no matter how much, he could not remember anything.

"Si Mobai, don't you doubt it? Your current situation and your memory are as if they are being manipulated by others. I believe, and I am sure, within three days, even if you lose your heart, you will still Feng Tianlan forgot it all. "

Bi Ling looked at Si Mobai's pale face and sweat dripping down, and continued, "You won't even remember her name. Maybe you don't even remember today's things, you will not find out. About Fengtian Are you forgetting everything about Lan soon? "

Simobai thought carefully. He couldn't remember what she looked like. He couldn't remember the things between them. He couldn't even remember what she looked like when she saw her a month ago.

As if, in his world, there is no such person as Feng Tianlan.

How can this be, how can he be like this.

Who is manipulating him? Who is manipulating his memory and for what purpose?

Looking at him like this, Bi Ling's heart is also bleeding, but still smiled and said, "Si Mobai, are you thinking about whether you want to remember her or just forget it, let the treacherous man succeed, and you will always be separated. In the future, we will never fall in love with each other, even without any intersection. "

At this point, Bi Ling seemed to be thinking about Si Mobai, but she stepped him into the abyss step by step and gave him a knife.

Sima Baijiu was in the local area, thinking of Bi Ling's words, thinking about everything about Feng Tianlan, but he couldn't remember anything, the only thing was that he was afraid of true eternal life and no longer love each other, without any intersection.

He can't be controlled. Everything in this world, even emotions, should be under his control. No one can control him!

He can't let Feng Tianlan suffer alone, he can't make her hate him and no longer love him.

This is absolutely impossible!

"You know what happened to Feng Tianlan and the King?" Si Mobai looked at Bi Ling coldly, and asked coldly.

Bi Ling nodded, "Yes, because I watched you go from acquaintance to love, to life and death, and finally became biological children. Finally, I can live happily together forever, but the result is ..."

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