Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

The more she struggled, the more desperate, the more she asked for mercy, and the more excited the few men were, seeing that she was no longer struggling, she smiled wrinkly and unbuttoned her clothes.

"Little girls, don't shout, save some energy, and then shout later."

The headed man took off his clothes and pressed down, raising his hand to tear off Luo Yunzhu's last blasphemy ...

Luo Yunzhu's desperate pupils were scattered, like a dead person, no one could save her.

But as soon as he started, a shadow flashed.


The man screamed and flew out, and the head that was kicked suddenly burst open.

Several other people were kicked away one by one before returning to God, only to have a scream, and then they lost their breath.

"Girl Luo."

Lin Xiao missed them and quickly went to see Luo Yunzhu. Seeing that her body was almost exposed, she quickly moved her eyes away and didn't dare to look at it again. She took off her outer robe and threw it on her. Put on my clothes and I don't see anything. "

Lin Xiao just turned his back on Luo Yunzhu and waited for a while. He didn't hear any action. He wanted to turn back, but didn't dare to turn back. He had to ask, "Girl Luo, are you well dressed?"

After asking, I waited for a while, but nothing happened.

Lin Xiao also ignored the difference between men and women. He first glanced at Yu Guang, and saw Luo Yunzhu still opened his eyes, his posture remained unchanged, and he just stared at the sky.

"Girl Luo." Lin Xiao gritted his teeth, turned back, and quickly picked up his robe and wrapped her up.

At this time, Luo Yunzhu, as if he had no soul, let Lin Xiao move.

"Girl Luo." Lin Xiao saw her so, very anxious, took out the elixir, fed her, and hurried a few more times, "Girl Luo."

Luo Yunzhu who took the elixir seemed to have some reactions. Some lost his pupils and moved a little. Then he was terrified and hugged him tightly. "Xi Jin, oh ... don't, don't leave me, I was wrong, I listen to you. "

Listening to her shout, Lin Xiao froze a bit. Did she treat him as Xi Jin?

Listening to her horrible cry, Lin Xiao had no time to explain, only comforting her softly, "Okay, don't go, I don't go, it's okay, good, okay, I'll protect you around."

His hand, gently running down her hair, was very gentle.

Luo Yunzhu got a sense of security, that tense emotion, and despair, collapsed instantly, and then fainted. Her hand, clutching Lin Xiao's clothes tightly, was afraid he would just leave.

"Girl Luo?" Lin Xiao shouted carefully, seeing that she didn't respond, looked down, and there were tears in the corner of her eyes, and she passed out.

At this moment, she looked like her cheeks were red and swollen, and there were many wounds on her body. Lin Xiao was so distressed that she saw that she was still so gorgeous and beautiful, but it was only one day and she ...

Lin Xiao also didn't want to think so much, picked up the cloak next to him, wrapped Luo Yunzhu tightly, and looked aside, it was her torn piece of clothes. He looked at him tightly, and carefully took her clothes All picked up.

Her clothes are special. If you look up, it will be easy to find her. By then, her reputation will be ...

It must not be so, he must be careful not to let her be harmed in the slightest.

Lin Xiao was sure there were no fragments of clothes, so he safely left Luo Yunzhu who was unconscious.

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