Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

He was afraid he was speaking too fast, and he seemed to have a lot of holes in his words. In the final analysis, he was also afraid of guilty conscience, and in this case, he could also show his ruthlessness, which would make her even more disheartened?

Sure enough, hearing Xi Jin's answer, Luo Yunzhu held the tea cup tightly in her hand, and it seemed that she would crush the tea cup, and even if she did not look up, her breathing was thick, and her shoulders trembled slightly. To her emotions at this time.

Luo Yunzhu held his breath as hard as he could, but with enough strength, he could not hold back his anger and sadness.

In order to find him, Manhuang City was searched, and she was almost ...

As a result, he just went to the other woman, and he knew she was going after him, but he did not look back at her.

After all, he just doesn't love her, and she has been rushing to follow him, because she is too cheap, she doesn't look down on herself, she doesn't cherish herself, how can anyone cherish herself?

Luo Yunzhu took a deep breath, raised his head, looked at Xi Jin and asked, "Are you with Azuo for the sake of Tianlan, or because you like her?"

"It's not for Tianlan, it's just been together for a long time, thinking that since I can accept you around, there is nothing wrong with accepting her. Besides, Azuo Waiqiang is a strong and capable person, and I take care of me a lot every time I go out."

Xi Jin was afraid that Luo Yunzhu would not believe it. He looked up and looked at her with no flicker. "I thought, since neither of them likes a woman, marrying one is marrying, marrying two is also marrying. What a difference. "

"So what?" Luo Yunzhu bit his lower lip, forcing the pain in his heart, and looked at him.

"You and I haven't been married to get married, but in the name of a spouse, if you are willing to stay, then continue to be a formal wife. If you don't want to, let Azuo enter the door and be an ordinary wife. The two can get along well." Xi Jin's tone was faint and it was taken for granted.

The more ruthless she is, the faster she will go?

In this case, it's good. As long as she is willing to cooperate and leave with Feng Tianlan, he doesn't have to be afraid of Azuo's threat or worry that Tang Xueying will use her to threaten Feng Tianlan.

Anyway, he was used to it alone, whether she was with or not, it was the same.

Luo Yunzhu looked at him, but he thought it was ridiculous. Well, it was ridiculous. It wasn't him that was ridiculous, but his infatuation.

Self-righteous giving, thinking that one day Xi Jin will be touched and will accept her, but the fact is that all the hard-working, touched herself, touched others, but could not touch the man in front of her.

"Xi Jin, haven't you liked me?" Luo Yunzhu asked still.

"No." Xi Jin didn't hesitate, she answered very simply, it seemed to avoid suspicion, and it seemed that her likes made her disgusted.

Listening to his crisp and clear answer, Luo Yunzhu laughed and laughed at himself. Yeah, how could he like her. His favorite is Shen Qingdai. Even if she died and was born again, there was also Tianlan.

In Xi Jin's heart, no one can compare to the existence of Tianlan.

And Azuo is not his favorite.

Now, as he said, since they are not like women, who is to marry?

"I'm a burden beside you, right?" Luo Yunzhu asked, narrowing his eyes.

Xi Jin still answered coldly, "Yes."

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