Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Out of the backyard, I saw Xi Jin standing in the courtyard of the main courtyard, still wearing a black robe, wearing a hat, hiding his face under the hat, but the light, watching Luo Yunzhu secretly.

Luo Yunzhu saw him, froze slightly, did not expect to see him so early, then nodded, "I'm gone."

"Luo Yunzhu." Xi Jin shouted subconsciously when she turned to leave.

Luo Yunzhu stiffened, then slowly turned around and looked up at him, "Is there anything else for Prince Xi?"

Listening to her so strange shout, Xi Jin froze. He hasn't heard anyone call him Prince Xi for a long time, and she always called him Xi Jin, no matter how close to Prince Xi, not like this Rusty.

Luo Yunzhu smiled bitterly and self-deprecatingly, "Or Prince Xi to check, have I taken anything that I should not take?"

Everything she can take away, nothing that can't be taken, except her heart.

However, the heart left here will be retrieved little by little.

"There is no such idea," Xi Jin explained with anxiety, and then said, "Let's go after breakfast."

Although he asked her to leave, he didn't think she was going so fast. What he thought was that Feng Tianlan would come and she would go again.

"No, there are many people selling breakfast on the street." Luo Yunzhu deliberately stayed away, and brought some coldness in his speech, not as deliberate as to please him.

Xi Jin saw that she was leaving again, and said a little eagerly, "In fact, you don't have to go so early. I haven't been in the house in recent days. You can stay and go again at that time."

It would be safer to stay here, better than walking alone.

"Is Prince Xi anxious?" Luo Yunzhu looked up at Xi Jin and asked with a smile.

Afraid of her misunderstanding, Xi Jin hurriedly said, "No, you are a friend of Tianlan. It doesn't matter if you stay, and it will be safer. Then I will explain to Tianlan."

"No need, I have found a good place to live." Luo Yunzhu refused coldly, without looking at Xi Jin again, resolutely turned to leave.

The retention and reluctance she thought of now were her self-righteousness. He never cared about her, how could she be retained.

Really, don't hand yourself a knife again and again, hold his hand again, and hit yourself with a knife, love too lowly, love too lowly, and no longer be yourself.

Why should she?

She should love herself well.

Xi Jin watched Luo Yunzhu turn around and left, but reached out to hold her subconsciously, but he was lost, and he didn't catch up, watching her figure disappeared in front of him.

It was best for her to leave, and since he didn't like her, why give her hope and let her spend too much time on him.

From the beginning, he was wrong from the beginning, and he shouldn't have left her around.

Xi Jin looked at the empty courtyard, but felt that his heart was also empty. He lifted his feet to hide in the dark, and chased after him. When he saw Luo Yunzhu's figure hiding in the sea, he followed.

Luo Yunzhu did not find Xi Jin, went out of the street, randomly found a noodle stall, called bowl noodles, and then sat down quietly to eat noodles, and left after eating noodles, as if nothing was wrong.

Xi Jin followed in secret for a long time, but did not see her find a place, but strolled around the Imperial City, sometimes looking at a place in a daze, and then go, from morning to evening.

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