Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Feng Tianlan came to Tianwailou early in order to see Abao, but the result was to alienate Abao, leaving her sadly away from Tianwailou.

She stood on the street of Huangcheng and watched people coming and going, but she was as if she had been abandoned. Will one day, everyone around her leave her?

Including Abao, and Mobai?

Does she really have nothing?

Feng Tianlan narrowed his eyes and sighed sadly, but when he raised his eyes, he saw a familiar figure at one glance, frowned slightly, and then followed closely.

Although the figure was fast, Feng Tianlan was already the **** king, with the power of the **** king, and faster, but for a while, he had passed the figure and stood in front of her indifferently, blocking the man's way.

Bi Ling was about to go to Xi Jin, but was stopped by someone. Looking at the familiar back, she was choking, "Feng Tianlan?"

Did she read it right? The person who stopped her in front of her was Feng Tianlan?

The momentum and coercion on her body is much stronger than a few years ago, she is afraid that she is not an opponent.

Feng Tianlan turned slowly, his eyes fell coldly on Bi Ling's body, and her lips chuckled coldly, "Bi Ling, long time no see."

It's Bi Ling!

The Bi Ling who was supposed to die turned up again, everything was true.

How can this **** man, the **** man who killed her parents, live and how can he live!

"It's been a long time." Looking at the burning hatred and murderous spirit in Feng Tianlan's eyes, Bi Ling stepped back in fear, and said, "I didn't do anything. Everything was done by Tang Xueying. It's just a pawn. "

Feng Tianlan's murderous spirit is too strong, and now she is not an opponent at all.

"Chess piece?" Feng Tianlan chuckled, approaching Bi Ling step by step, his eyes froze, "That's a **** man!"

This time, she will never let Bi Ling go!

Bi Ling turned and fled, but Feng Tianlan had already shot her. She rushed to her back to avoid it. Yu Wei still struck her with the powerful power of the King of God, but she didn't dare to take a step. Pause, hurriedly ran away.

She hastened to return to Tianwailou, back there, with Tang Xueying and Yunyi guarding her, she could save a life.

In the face of Feng Tianlan's attack, Bi Ling at this time let alone fight back, and she was struggling to evade. The only thing she could do was escape, and escape at the fastest speed.

As long as Feng Tianlan remembers everything about her now and the death of her parents, it is because of Bi Ling that she hates sky-high, and her shots are more and more fierce and her moves are fatal.


One stroke of the power of the **** king hit Bi Ling's back, only to hear her scream, and then fell down.

Bi Ling took a spit of blood, looked at Feng Tianlan, who was falling to the ground, and then looked at the Tianwai Building, not far away, gritted his teeth, and tried to climb in that direction, "Master Devil!"

Come out and save her, hurry up! She doesn't want to die yet!

Feng Tianlan fell and stepped on Bi Ling's back with a kick, and she stepped on it with a spit of blood.

"Feng Tianlan, this is the Demon Realm, the land of the Demon Emperor, you don't want to come here!" Bi Ling couldn't climb anymore, she could only speak to Feng Tianlan with her teeth, hoping that she would be afraid of Tang Xueying.

But now Feng Tianlan is not the former Feng Tianlan.

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