The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 3011: Feng Tianlan's Family of Three Reunion 2

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 My face is slimy, and Simei frowns directly. I like it a little. Milk baby  真  记  and  Shout daddy daddy

Although I do n’t remember  milk baby   dislike 

Let ’s leave it to Abao ’s face and kiss me even if it ’s slimy.

The enthusiasm of Feng Molan, Abao, and Simo, like this. Go back to your home, and then you will be like this ...

A Bao, but her eyes narrowed and made her feel uncomfortable.

"A Bao" Feng Yilan held back and shouted, and hoped that Bao Bao would be enough for her.

A Baozheng enthusiastically                                     her mother 娘

"A Bao" Yun Yi quickly walked forward to Abao Shen "Let  hug Daddy just returned to  tired and  like   "

Feng Yilan, Yun Yi, standing on the side of Si Mo's side, this kind of language is like a  Cai      像  像  outside   by Let her 抿 Lip Straight A Bao and Simo

Simeo was full of doubts Yunyi  knowing the relationship between  milk baby and wang  and  what is the relationship between  and 

A Bao, Yun Yi, and Feng Feng Lan, both of whom are tightly attached to the neck of the si Mo    爹 爹    爹 爹 

"I'm too fond of   " Yun Yi  最         Not to mention A Bao  nose tears  蹭       like 

Abao blinked her eyes, and Simeo "Do you like it?"

Si Mo                 gaze straight   A Bao  face  less          Look down

"I like " Si Mo  Feng  lan  cold and icy  answer  A Bao  words 

Listening to the answer, Abao is even more happy. Sima  neck tightly. "Know your father likes Abao"

Feng Yanlan's eyes are gentle, greedy, sloppy, and like. Historical times, happiness, light, like, true, true, true, so-called.

"A Baozhang" Yun Yi frowned frowning  

A Bao lifted  Yunyi  opened her eyes like grapes  pure and real  "Aunt Yun  Daddy  likes  and mother like  "

Listen to the words of A Bao, Yun Yi's eyebrows—wrinkle deep, “”, take your father back to rest, do n’t let you get tired ”

"Mother-in-law" Si Mozhen A Baozhang asked with a slight sigh, "Sister-in-law."

Q. I ask you the same, but I do n’t see her.

A Baozheng said to his wife, "Father, ..."

"A Baozhang"

Feng Yilan and Yun Yi yelled at the same time.

Feng Yanlan is afraid that Simeo knows her, she does not affect her

Yunyi was afraid that she would just come back and cultivate her feelings with her, and that the old feelings of Phoenix and Lanlan would be revived. She

A Bao listens to her, just like her child, like a child, A Bao, his father, love, and believes that she will accept her soon. Word of mouth

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