The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 3019: Si Mo Bai Ye Chuang Feng Tian Lan

Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

It was only when the figure approached that a faint scent of Bailan, the cloud wrapped around the tip of her nose, made her stiffen a bit, and hesitated when she was about to shoot.

When I came back and wanted to take another shot, I missed the best time. The tall figure leaned down and threw her on the bed. She pressed her wrists with her hands and her body was heavily pressed on her. Body.


His head, buried in her neck, was gasping for the pain of heart and soul, and the husky voice sounded very uncomfortable.

Feng Tianlan stiffened, listening to this long-lost voice and shout, could not return to God for a long time.

There was a bit of pain on the skin on the neck, with a numb feeling, and it spread to the limbs in an instant, and he was on her. His taste was more intense and filled with her internal organs, and filled her. heart.

"Ink white?"

For a long time, Feng Tianlan shouted slowly, his voice was a bit lingering and a little choked.

Was she overly sad, hallucinating, or she fell asleep unconsciously, and fell into a dream, otherwise why Mo Bai appeared on her side, how could she be pressed on her, and how could she linger in a lingering manner? With her name.

Is this a dream or is it real?

Feng Tianlan raised her hand and wanted to hug the person who was crushed on her body, but she didn't dare to fall for a long time, for fear of alarming him, for fear it would be a dream, and she would never see him again.

She missed him very much.

Now, she needs him very much, even if it is just a hug in her dream, she is very content, but she wants to be longer, just to stay longer, even if she smells him, it is enough to make her happy. .

"Mother-in-law." Si Mobai nibbled at her white and tender neck socket slightly, moving up a little, breathing harder and shouting even more.

He missed her and missed his bones.

He kissed softly and shouted affectionately over and over again, hoping to get her response.

"Mobai?" Feng Tianlan was still a little bit dazed. She couldn't tell whether it was reality or dream. She raised her hand that she wanted to hug, but it still didn't fall. She was afraid it was a dream.


Si Mobai seemed dissatisfied with her unresponsive response, bowed her head and kissed her lips, and pressed her hand against his waist with one hand, he gasped heavily, and kissed her forcefully.

Yes, even if it hurts, the heart is like a knife cut, and the soul will be torn. Even if the demon is bewitching him to kill her, but he just wants to kiss her and want her. Only in this way can it seem to remember her And never forget again.

For his strength and dominance, Feng Tianlan couldn't resist at all, not to mention she missed him, she loved him, and couldn't refuse.

Si Mobai seemed to be anxious. The violence shattered the clothes of the two and treated them frankly. There was no more tenderness than kissing, and he broke into the depths directly ...

"Ah ~"

Feng Tianlan just whispered softly, and her lips were blocked, her charming shouts disappeared into her throat, but with his movements, the body naturally responded to him.

She was still jealous of his body and his demon at the beginning, but he was so powerful, he sent her to the cloud again and again, letting her forget everything, just wanting to be one with him, never again separate.

In the darkness, the two of them who have been separated for a long time are loving and loving, the soft and heavy voice, and in the darkness, it is even more fascinating ...

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