The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 3030: Si Mobai attacked Feng Tianlan at night 6

Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

In the darkness, there is no more of him, just like last night, everything is like a dream, but today ’s dream is much more real.

She knew it was all true, and he was gone, and he said that he would come late.

But she didn't want to, he didn't want him to come, his physical condition had already become like that, and seeing them again and again would only make him more uncomfortable and would only make time less.

Hearing her hurried shout, Liuli pushed the door in quickly. "Miss."

When she came in, she saw Feng Tianlan standing in front of the window, wearing only a thin blouse, long hair, scattered randomly, a thin figure, sadness, and pain in her heart.

Busy took the outer shirt, went behind Feng Tianlan, and put on her, "Miss, are you ... a nightmare?"

She heard the lady calling the name of the grandfather, but she didn't feel anything, for she was afraid that the grandfather hadn't come, and the young lady missed her heart, dreamed, and didn't see anyone when she woke up.

She didn't know how to comfort the lady anymore, but she just didn't know how to continue.

Feng Tianlan looked at the dark world outside the window, then looked at Liuli side by side, looking at her worried face, but did not know how to comfort, and said with a smirk, "Liuli, I'm fine, you don't need to worry."

"Slave knows that Miss is okay." Liu Li didn't dare to say more, for fear of saying too much, Miss felt that she was also sick, it was even worse.

Feng Tianlan didn't know how to tell her, only said, "Go down and rest, I'm tired."

Mo Bai was just like that. When he left, he won't be back tonight, but I do n’t know what it will be like tomorrow if he sees him tomorrow.

She would like to follow up and see, but she was afraid and could not, and her presence would only make him more uncomfortable.

"Slave just hit the floor, it's also convenient to take care of the lady." Liu Li was really worried.

In the dark night, being alone is the easiest way to touch emotions. When you think about it over and over again, she can't bear it. She is also worried that something really happened. It's better to stay close.

And if she does come, she can know that she really wants her to come, but she does n’t want her to come.

In this regard, can only helplessly long sigh.

Feng Tianlan knew that she was worried, and at this time no one beside her was attentive to her like Liuli, so she refused to let Liuli stay.

It was just that she was lying in bed, thinking about the painful departure of Si Mobai, but she couldn't sleep at all, for fear that he was in trouble, but could not keep up with it, and could only toss and torment.

The liu guarding beside her looked at her heart even more. The young lady was so busy during the day and could n’t sleep at night. How could she be physically and mentally?

Endured with that strong murderous spirit, Sima Bai quickly left Tianwailou. Just a short walk away, a small figure quickly followed him.


Maybe I couldn't keep up, the small figure finally couldn't help it, shouting milkily.

Hearing the familiar little milky tone, Si Mobai's body froze and stopped, then turned to look at the little man under the night, and those dangling eyes were even brighter than the stars.

"Abao." Si Mobai reluctantly, his voice hoarse and restrained.

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