Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

The maid didn't know what Tang Xueying was asking, only said, "Zuo Mozun is all right, and the rest of the arrangements are also very good."

All things were arranged by Zuo Mozun. When she arrived, she didn't take over many things and didn't know many things.

In response to some of her misconduct, Tang Xueying just raised her eyes and looked at her, but did not talk too much, just murmured, "Go on."

Ah Zuo was at ease, and she was assured, not to mention that the matter had always been arranged by her own hands, and would certainly be as she wished.

Everyone retreated, and in the large room, there was no one else. Tang Xueying looked at herself in the mirror, just sitting still, watching the candlelight swaying, a little embarrassed.

She suddenly wondered, what was she doing in her life?

Is it to keep the bright smile in the darkness before death?

But now there are two sisters Yun, who is her real sister Yun?

Tang Xueying looked up out of the window, the sky was still blooming with fireworks, her eyes were hooked, and there were still a few hours to know everything.

If things really go as far as she thinks, that's fine, she can be relieved.


Tang Xueying looked down at the bright red lipstick on the dressing table and smiled bitterly. She can't hope now, let it be.


Imperial City.

The sky is still shrouded in the dark, and the fireworks are still blooming, banging, and disturbing people cannot sleep.

The inn.

Luo Yunzhu covered her ears and rolled around on the bed, but the sound of the fireworks blooming into her ears kept flowing into her ears, more like a giant drum, hammering her heart.

In particular, the sound of fireworks was mixed with the demon's conversation, which was harsh.

"Master Mohuang is going to marry Lin Mozun, and left Mozun and right Mozun are also married today, and they will be separated every other hour. It's a double happiness."

"Hahaha, the kings of the **** realm are here, and there are four gods in all directions, the demon, it is really the most lively day in the demon world for thousands of years.

"They got married on the same day. Who do you say, Lord Demon and Zuo Mozun, who gave birth to your son?"

"This can't be guessed, but I believe it will not be much worse. Both Lin Mozun and Zuo Mozun are quite good."

"Unexpectedly, a woman like Zuo Mozun also has a day to get married, and that right Mozun, alas, half-human and half-magic, only divorced his wife less than a month ago, and he married Zuo Mozun, which is really a lifetime The blessing of repair. "

"Yu Mozun's previous wife was just a weak human being.


Listening to those words in his ears, Luo Yun's annoyance was almost crazy, he hid himself in the quilt, and yelled like a vent.

Bang Bang!

I don't know when the only sounds of fireworks blooming in the ears, and the sound of footsteps of passersby.

This made Luo Yunzhu, who was irritable, slightly fluted, slowly poked his head out of the quilt, looked at the window, "He Xi?"

Did He Xi drive those who talked away?

But she didn't get an answer from He Xi. She looked at the figure reflected on the window paper, looked at it for a long time, her expression of doubt changed slightly, "You ..."

At this moment, it was not He Xi who stood outside the door, but ... Xi Jin?

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