Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

The queen mother swallowed back what she wanted to say, "Since people have found it, then come in and talk. The truth of the matter will always be investigated, and you must not let people mess with this harem."

After a while, the guard brought in a maid, and "Chen saw that she was carrying a parcel, sneaky, and seemed to want to escape, so she arrested her and realized that she was a maid of the East Palace."

The palace maid looked up, and immediately shivered, crying and rushed to Shen Yunya, "Ms. Shen rescued the slaves, you said you would keep the slaves safe and sound."

Yuan Fangfei raised her hand and pushed down the imperial maid, "What nonsense, our family Yaer did nothing, you are framed, be careful of your own life."

The palace girl was pushed down and fell to the ground, scratching her head toward Xi Jin, "Prince, save lives, slaves don't want to die, Miss Shen saves lives."

Seeing her panic, the queen mother said quietly, "Speak well, otherwise go down and remove your nails and talk again."

"Mother-in-law, the court lady doesn't know this maid ..."

The queen mother gave a cold glance at Yuan Fangfei, sulking coldly, "Shut up, did the sad family let you speak?"

When I heard that my nails were to be pulled, the maid was shivering, holding her head straight, and told the truth without a whisper, "Ms. Shen gave the slave a thing, said it was good for her, and let the slave add the wine to the prince. In the middle, he also told the slaves to go to the front hall to say that the prince had fallen, and gave the slaves a pill for washing. The younger brother's younger brother likes cultivation, so the slaves agreed .... "

The palace lady said a lot of details, what she said was clever, and it was exactly what Shen Yunya did to climb up the Prince's bed.

"Please ask the queen queen for mercy, the slave-in-law is deceived, please do not hurt the slave-in-law's family, please don't let Mrs. Shen hurt the slave-in-law's family, please." not give a **** about.

Listening to her words, Yuan Fangfei shuddered and pointed at her. She wanted to speak, but did not dare. The queen mother would not let her speak at all.

Shen Yunya listened, because she had never done any of these, and she knew these rhetoric for the first time, but what the maiden said and every piece of evidence pointed to her.

"Brother Jin, believe me, I didn't do it." Shen Yun Ya looked at Xi Jin with a pleading look. She didn't even know how it could be done by her.

Xi Jin nodded at her tenderly and looked at the queen mother, "The grandmother, this maid is chewing the tongue arbitrarily. Pull it down and kill it. Don't mention it again."

"Jin Er, you ..."

"Erchen really likes Yaer, and really wants to marry her. Don't mention it again, everything is Erchen's greedy cup." Xi Jin took all the things, and it is obvious to maintain Shen Yunya.

Listening to Xi Jin's words, Shen Yunya was moved to tears. I never felt that I loved one person and I liked it for more than ten years. It was so worthy of it. It was worth doing everything for him only because of his trust. Everything.

The queen queen insisted that he didn't say much, "Although so, making mistakes is making mistakes. Today was the night of the cave with you and the concubine, but as a result, Shen Yunya was killed halfway. She wanted to marry her, but not the princess. , Only concubine. "

"The emperor's grandmother, for grandchildren's sincere love, is it the same as Yuner, let Yaer be the side concubine?" Xi Jin looked up at the queen and prayed.

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