Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Feng Tianlan cares about Brother Jin so much. He revealed his identity on the day of marriage, and he also wanted to prevent her from getting married with Brother Jin. How could he design such a thing at this time?

Therefore, Feng Tianlan's words are not very credible at all.

"I just don't want you to be his princess, but if you are a concubine, Luo Shiyun is pressed on it ..." With that, Feng Tianlan smiled proudly, "Shen Yunya, your days in Donggong Will it be better? "

Regarding tonight's affairs, Luo Shiyun is absolutely indifferent to Shen Yunya, and when she enters the East Palace, it is like a fire and fire.

This should be the reason why Xi Jin chose Luo Shiyun, because she never suppressed her hot temperament, not so many curvy roads, and now she is the side concubine, pressing Shen Yunya, and she will enter the palace from the back door tomorrow. , There will be a big show.

"There is a Luo Shiyun in the area, I don't put it in my eyes." Shen Yunya's teeth were wrong, her face was full of ruthlessness, even if she was a concubine, but she also had a way to make her only concubine in the East Palace.

Feng Tianlan smiled lightly, fighting with Luo Shiyun, even if she won in the end, but the process will always be bitten and bruised, not to mention that now the queen queen and queen have already stood by her, while Shen Yunya in the palace, It is isolated.

This is another bureau set by Xi Jin, which gave Shen Yunyala the hatred of the two most powerful and noble women in the harem, so still want to get a good foothold in the palace?

It's just dreaming!

Watching Feng Tianlan's carriage drift away, Yuan Fangfei snorted coldly, "I want you to fight with Luo Shiyun, and pass these words to Luo Shiyun, no one knows who fights."

"It's useless." Shen Yunya walked towards her carriage, "There is no possibility of reversing tonight."

Tell Luo Shiyun that these are deliberately designed by Feng Tianlan, who would believe it?

No one believes, because to outsiders, she and Feng Tianlan have no resentment, and there is no need to design such a thing.

And she can't say that Feng Tianlan is Shen Qingdai's thing, and everyone has taboo.

Today's events can also be a bargaining chip for her to threaten Feng Tianlan, and she dare not tell her identity. I believe she also does not want Brother Jin to know that this is calculated.

"Maybe she discovered our plan, so she reversed the design." Yuan Fangfei guessed, how she couldn't guess, it was such a secret design, why was it discovered.

Shen Yunya leaned back wearily, "This is the end of the matter, and it's no use thinking about it. She is no longer Shen Qingdai. Since it has begun, then we are welcome to start with someone around her."

In the end, it was unwilling to change from the prince to the prince and concubine. This is absolutely unbearable, and all this is the fault of Feng Tianlan and Luo Shiyun. She will return all the humiliation today.

Shen Yunya couldn't think of anything. What happened today wasn't Feng Tianlan's design at all, but her love for more than ten years, which was regarded as the life of Jin's brother.

Or, even if she has a little thought, she won't believe that her beloved brother Jin is such a person.


Back in Sifeng Pavilion, before Si Mobai returned, Feng Tianlan went to bath first, soaked in the hot spring, thinking about things, still couldn't understand the reason why Xi Jin did this.

After thinking about it, only to ask Sister Lin tomorrow if she would tell him the truth, and to go to Jialan Temple to see the so-called Chinese teacher.

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