The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 870: You hurt, it hurts more for your husband

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Feng Tianlan stared at him strangely, "and said, don't say anything."

That scene was just ashamed of her.

Sima Baichong smiled fondly and choked soup to her, "I will not tease you, drink soup first."

After drinking a cup of soup, Feng Tianlan had a feeling of fullness and felt the veins that he was almost repairing. He couldn't help sighing, "This vine is simply amazing, it has a healing effect."

It is too dangerous to grow in the heart and need her blood to survive.

"Nevertheless, you also need to cherish your body. You don't hurt, it hurts your husband, you hurt, it hurts even more." Si Mobai took the embroidery and gently wiped the soup from the corner of her mouth.

Feng Tianlan nodded obediently, looking at Si Mobai, "Mo Bai, have you seen that person?"

She faintly saw a figure trying to kill her, but because the injury was too severe, her consciousness was blurred, and she could only look at it, but didn't see anything.

"I only saw a red figure flashing for my husband. I didn't see anything. I was worried about your body and didn't chase. This person is very fast. I'm afraid that my spiritual power is above my husband." Speaking of this one As a matter of fact, Sima Bai frowned deeply.

In Xuantian Continent, as far as we know, there are only a few people above his spiritual power, but they do not match the figure seen.

"That's weird. If it is above you, it is at least the divine spirit. If you want to kill me, come straight out. I have no resistance and kill me directly. Why should you control Chen Xinlu from bursting?" Feng Tian Lan Jiang said something about Chen Xinlu that day.

Moreover, Chen Xinlu didn't know that she would explode. Someone manipulated her and made her explode.

"And even if you show up, with her spiritual power, you don't need to be afraid. Why did you suddenly close it and leave like this?" Feng Tianlan was full of doubts about it, because it really didn't make sense.

Sima Bai calmly said, and said coldly, "She has her taboo, and for her husband, the figure is not the same person who controls Chen Xinlu."

"Two people?" Feng Tianlan shook his lips, "Isn't Chen Yunlu who Shen Yunya was looking for?"

"I've checked for my husband. The woman who admired you went to Chen Xinlu and wanted to take her away, but she didn't leave. Before that, some people from Shen Yunya went to her and said nothing. , That vendor is also good to her, as an ancestor. "

After listening to Sima Bai's words, Feng Tianlan noticed only a few words, twirled the corner of his mouth, and asked Sima Bai, "Why do you emphasize the woman who loves me?"

"I don't remember the name." Simobai was serious, not jealous.

Feng Tianlan looked at him like this, with a slight smile on his lips, and raised his hand at the tip of his nose. "Ah, it's sour. You can eat cabbage at noon."

"Don't shift the subject." Si Mobai watched her like this, reaching out and pinching her nose.

Feng Tianlan nodded her head smartly, "Let's forget about this one before, Chen Xinlu is dead, and the truth can't be found. As to whether it is Shen Yunya or not, it doesn't matter if I hate it with her.

"As for that figure, I saw vaguely that there were petals on her wrist, but it was too blurry, and I didn't know what it was, but I remembered what Tu Xiang said, and the woman with peony flowers on her wrist."

So she wondered if it would be that woman again.

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