The Thief Show: Start As Kaitou Kid!

Chapter 99 The Strange Thief Appears!

The appearance of Wan Juoming called everyone's attention back.

They are all looking forward to it.

Not expecting to see Pandora Hearts.

Instead, I look forward to Lin Chuan's debut.

What kind of posture will Lin Chuan appear in this place where there is no shelter and no foothold?

Will he be caught by the inspection team?

After all, on this open and open sea, it seems to be empty.

However, a lot of manpower was arranged in the open and in the dark.

Hovering in the sky are not only real-time broadcast monitors, but also many small helicopters.

There are many patrol submarines hidden even in the sea.

It seems that the inspection team is fully prepared this time, and will catch him in one fell swoop.

: This is really dreamy, they walked on the glass road as if they were walking directly on the water without looking carefully.

: The inspection team really spent a lot of money this time. I watched it, and everything in the sky, the earth, and the sea has been monitored live.

: Really awesome, this time, Lin Shen may not be able to succeed without magic.

: After talking for so long, will God Lin appear...

: It won't be until night.

: I think it is possible, after all, Lin Shen has always acted at night.

On the surface of the sea, Wan Jueming was holding the box, and behind him was pushed a wheelchair towards the center of the sea by a bodyguard in black.

A few bodyguards around him also wore sunglasses with serious faces.

As a few of them slowly walked into the "transparent eggshell", the enthusiasm that people had just kindled gradually cooled down again.

because everyone remembers,

Kaitou Kid, also known as "the magician under the moonlight".

How could it be possible to act early in the morning.

At this time, there was wind blowing.

Today is cloudy and the temperature is very cool.

The clouds in the sky piled up little by little.

"I don't think the Phantom Thief will show up today..." someone muttered dissatisfied.

"Look! What is that!" someone shouted again.

The audience at the scene looked towards where his finger was pointing.

Suddenly, it was boiling!

"My God! It's Lin Shen! It's Lin Shen flying in the sky"!"

"My god, it's magic! Is this something carbon-based creatures can do?!"

"I'm not mistaken, am I dreaming! Lin Shen is flying in the sky?!"


"Absolutely!! Absolutely!!"

The barrage is also boiling and scrolling rapidly.

: Oh my gosh, why am I not there.

: God Lin really is a god, how did he fly in the sky!

: The last time the forest god fought against the spiders, there were some devices between the buildings, but this time it's different! It's empty all around!

: How could there be any device in this big sky and sea!

: Forest God! Forest God! Eternal God!

"Who said I won't come today?" Lin Chuan's magnetic voice with a slight smile sounded on the sea surface of the Bund.

There was another scream.

His voice did not know where the loudspeaker was used, so that the hundreds of people present could hear it clearly.

But not too loud to cause blur.

The sound that entered everyone's ears was very clear.

There is also a sense of charm that is exclusive to Lin Chuan.

Everyone looked up at what they thought was the voice Genichi

Right above the "transparent eggshell", below the clouds.

There stood, or rather floated, a man in a tuxedo and a mask on his face.

It is Lin Chuan!

Today he stood firmly under the clouds, as if there was a glass wall under his feet.

And this time, he's not wearing his usual hang glider!

Before everyone got excited again, he put a finger on his lips: "I, Kaitou Kid, don't keep my word.

"Ah!!!!" The crowd burst into screams.

Full of admiration and surprises for Lin Chuan!

Everyone in the inspection team was also stunned, they never expected that Lin Chuan would appear like this!

"Is this guy really human?" Sun Zhongling asked in a daze.

"This guy!" Sun Zhongyu gritted his teeth, "This guy is provoking!"

On the contrary, Yang Chengye was the calmest, he stopped Sun Zhongyu from rushing towards the screen; "Wait a minute, don't get excited.

He frowned and looked at several surveillance videos, squinted his eyes, and found something that was not quite right.

"Wait, it's not Lin Chuan in the sky."

"It's not him?" Sun Zhongyu adjusted quickly, moved closer to Yang Chengye and began to check carefully.

"Indeed, he didn't wear a hang glider or cape today."

Yang Chengye pointed to Lin Chuan on the screen and said, "It's not, look carefully at his body outline."

Now the heads of the three people were all in front of the monitoring screen.

Only now did Sun Zhongling and Sun Zhongyu realize that Lin Chuan's body in this picture was actually slightly transparent.

They quickly mobilized the drone for shooting, and took a 360 shot of him.

The result was still the same: no wire rope was found, and no matter from which angle it looked, the body of ".々Lin Chuan" was slightly transparent.

"Good guy, this is a projection!" Sun Zhong was inspired.

"How could he think of the projection." Sun Zhongyu was also convinced, "he deceived me too."

"It's the clouds." Yang Chengye affirmed, "Today is cloudy, and he used the clouds to use the sky as a curtain and projected it."

"Good guy, where is the real Lin Chuan?" Sun Zhongyu straightened his face.

"It should be at a certain high place. This is his usual method." Yang Chengye mobilized other surveillance cameras to search while talking.

On a tall building not far from the Bund, a white figure appeared, the cloak flapping behind him.

But everyone's eyes were still focused on the figure in the sky.

"Then are you ready to watch my magic show!" Lin Chuan's voice sounded under this small sky.

As soon as the words fell, the white figure suddenly turned around and disappeared into the clouds!

: Holy crap, is Lin Shen directly (from Li Nuo) connected to Dengyun Feisheng?

: Is it true that Lin Shen is not a human being but a god?

: You don't talk about strange powers! This must have a scientific principle.

: I went to Linshen to surprise us too much! I love Linshen forever!

: Lin Shen Lin Shen! Eternal God!

"Ha, it's really interesting." Lin Chuan stood on a tall building, looked at the excited crowd under his feet and smiled.

In fact, there is nothing magical about it. He had already learned about today's weather through Dr. Ren Yuan.

It was a cloudy day with thick clouds.

It is most suitable to use the clouds as a natural curtain for a projection.

Artificially created a small mirage.

The performance of this audience also shows this point-the performance is very successful.

But there was one thing that still made him feel a little regretful.

This popularity value still hasn't risen.

Could it be that this performance is not exciting enough?

But it doesn't matter, the wonderful things are yet to come!.

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