The Thief Show: Start As Kaitou Kid!

Chapter 101 I, Lin Chuan, Will Never Break My Promise [New Book Asks For Everything]

Wan Jueming felt a numbness in his ears, and when he raised his eyes, he saw a flash of white clothes.

He coughed from the smoke bomb.

When the disgust dissipated, he finally saw the tall man in front of him.

" are the phantom thief Lin Chuan?"

The eyes under Lin Chuan's mask blinked at Wan Jueming, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Wan!"

"I'm bothering you today."

Lin Chuan dragged the box containing "Pandora's Heart" with one hand, and threw him up and down, and adjusted his white manners with the other hand.

"But I think I may have to bother you again tomorrow."~"

"Anything you want." Wan Jueming felt that the person in front of him was quite interesting.

But in the next second, he found that the bodyguard he was carrying was lying crookedly on the ground.

With a thump in his heart, Wan Jueming carefully asked Lin Chuan in front of him: "This is my bodyguard..."

Lin Chuan smiled apologetically at Wan Jueming: "Don't worry, Mr. Wan, they just fainted."

"Ah, that's good." Wan Jueming breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then I will fulfill my promise next." Lin Chuan raised the box in his hand with a smile.

"I will show you this 'Pandora's Heart in advance!'"

After speaking, Lin Chuan asked Wan Jueming softly, "Will Mr. Wan mind?"

"Of course not." Wan Jueming smiled and waved his hand.

Of course he wouldn't mind, not to mention that he wanted to get rid of this evil stone earlier.

I don't care about his current state—he broke his leg in a car accident and is still sitting in a wheelchair...

And his bodyguards were brought down in an instant.

He's like... a piece of fish to be slaughtered.

Lin Chuan blinked at Wan Jueming again, facing such a talkative person who wouldn't show ill will towards him.

He will not deliberately play tricks on others.

Except for the monitoring team, after all, for the sake of effect, we don't want to play with their popularity.

After Lin Chuan received Wan Jueming's reply, he walked slowly to the place where the mask was stored, holding his son in his arms.

"My dear audience friends." Lin Chuan raised the box again and said loudly.

His magnetic voice clearly entered everyone's ears——

"Next, I will show you the true face of this legendary gem 'Pandora's Heart'!"

As soon as Lin Chuan finished speaking, he opened the treasure box.

At this time, in the sky, a hole was inexplicably broken in the clouds.

The sun shone down and shone into the treasure box that was fully opened at this time!


Everyone stopped their movements and stared at this scene dumbfounded!

Including the members of the inspection team in the monitoring room and the security personnel who are surrounding the "eggshell"!

What a brilliant light that is!

Not to mention the colorful lights flashing inside the eggshell.

Looking from the outside to the inside, the entire eggshell instantly becomes shimmering and colorful.

It's as if they locked the rainbow inside.

Even Lin Chuan was stunned by the light, and then he carefully took out the gem.

Lift it up so that the camera can capture the legendary stone in his hand.

The stone was a rabbit's head that seemed roughly carved into an angular shape.

All the facets a gemstone should have.

But it was actually formed naturally, it was written in the information given by Fang Yuan.

Its first owner, when he found it, simply polished it and removed surface impurities.

But that's not what makes it special.

Nature is so miraculous that it forms all kinds of strange shapes.

What's even more peculiar about it is that.

It's half transparent white and the other half transparent black!

And they all reflect colorful light!

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Lin Chuan carefully put the gem into the protective cover.

Immediately, he snapped his fingers again.

At this time, everyone started to move as if they had just woken up from a dream.

After a brief pause, the barrage exploded with more surprises!

: Oh my gosh!!! What an amazing gem this is!! It's so beautiful!

: I heard that the shape of the rabbit's head is not artificially carved, it is formed naturally!

: It turns out that "Pandora's Heart" looks like this! No wonder Lin Shen announced that he would pick it!

: "Pandora's Heart" is so beautiful, I will steal it too!

: This stone! This gem should not be called "Pandora's Heart!"

: Nima, the brother who changed the subject arrived late.

: Brother, what do you think it is called?

: Of course it is Party A's Happy Stone.

: Nima, brother, you are right, colorful white and colorful black.

: Reconsideration, I will never say that Party A is outrageous. It turns out that there are really colorful blacks and colorful whites.

No matter how lively the barrage is in the live broadcast room.

The only thought of the members of the inspection team is to catch Lin Chuan!

At that time, in order to prevent Lin Chuan from hiding, they deliberately created a large space for Wan Jueming.

...asking for flowers...

So it will take some time to get to the eggshell now.

But according to their speed, they should be able to arrive before Lin Chuan took out the gem.

But for some unknown reason, all of them were stunned for a while!

Maybe it's because "Pandora's Heart" is too unique and dazzling?

Yang Chengye gritted his teeth and thought so.

After all, even an experienced old policeman like him lost his mind at that time, just like everyone else.

"Everyone on alert, grab Lin Chuan!"

"This time there are no sheltered buildings around, it is bound to trap him in the message!"

And inside the eggshell—

"Mr. Wan, see you tomorrow." Lin Chuan flicked the brim of his hat smartly.

"Uh, with all due respect, it seems that we won't say goodbye so early..." Wan Juoming pointed around, "You are already surrounded."

"Don't worry, Mr. Wan." While speaking, Lin Chuan started running, "I'm Kaitou Kidd!"

"What..." Wan Jueming is still a guest of the inspection team, and he still tentatively wanted to stop Lin Chuan.

After all, not too much water....

Unexpectedly, when Lin Chuan passed by him, he threw a small white pompom at him.

"Hey, what is this?" Wan Jueming squeezed, and a puff of familiar white smoke came out in the next second, "Isn't it coming again?"

"Stop him!" It's the inspection team and security personnel, they are already chasing the eggshell!

Lin Chuan also just broke through the eggshell gate!

The patrol boat next to it also came over——

"See you tomorrow! Friends!" Lin Chuan's voice seemed to whisper in everyone's ears, not loud but clear.

The thick white smoke just came out from the egg shell and enveloped everyone——

A white shadow suddenly flashed past!

Lin Chuan's figure just appeared in mid-air!

He floated steadily in mid-air, waving to everyone, waving his cloak!

Under the bright daylight, disappear!

"Damn it!" Yang Chengye smashed the console in the surveillance room, "Let him run away."

And standing next to him were Sun Zhongling and Sun Zhongxuan who were stunned and surprised.

Next to a building somewhere, there was still the man in black.

He witnessed all this in the live broadcast room.

"Large hypnosis and projection show. It really deserves to be Kaitou Kid, Lin Chuan and.".

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