The Thief Show: Start As Kaitou Kid!

Chapter 117 Mixing Into The Enemy Camp

The fence is extremely far away from the inspectors, in order to increase the difficulty for the strange thief to complete the task, but it is unexpected that the strange thief can enter so easily.

Everyone was clueless, Lin Chuan was more difficult to deal with than they imagined.

The inspectors were almost in disarray, and Lin Chuan's arrival gave everyone present a big surprise, and most of them fell into self-doubt for a while.

Because it appeared too quickly, everyone in the live broadcast room had already begun to doubt their own eyes, and even some people edited the video but couldn't find any problems.

A member of the inspection team did not believe in evil, and stretched out his hand to touch the infrared light lightly. The electric current made a whistling sound at the fingertips, and burned the gloves. There's a crackling sound in the air

The infrared rays didn't fail. At this moment, bursts of alarm sounds were being issued, which kept echoing in everyone's minds.

But the most urgent task at hand was to catch Lin Chuan by "367". Everyone was talking about it, but before they recovered, the leading inspectors recovered in time. shouted immediately

"Don't be in a daze! Catch him! Don't let him escape. The inspection team will follow me!" Almost at the same time, everyone came to their senses.

The leader took a few steps forward quickly, turned on the switch in the hidden compartment and pressed the gate hard.

The infrared laser is turned off. At the same time, the reinforced fence was also opened.

After the infrared rays and the fence disappeared, the entire space became wider, and everyone swarmed up.

The inspection team wanted to catch Lin Chuan immediately, but the program team didn't want to give up this great opportunity to make money.

Lin Chuan was also a little shocked when he saw the people swarming in. It was unexpected that he was so valuable.

Lin Chuan smacked his lips, jumped off the roof when the crowd was crowded, and successfully avoided the live broadcast machine and everyone's eyes.

In order not to let others suspect, he rushed into the crowd immediately after jumping off, all kinds of people crowded together,

It has to be said that they also worked hard. Lin Chuan saw that one of them had been squeezed out three times and was still trying to join.

Lin Chuan clicked his tongue twice, squeezed into the crowd with all his strength, and was almost hit by the live broadcast machine of the program group when he passed through the crowd.

In order to be as unobtrusive as possible, Lin Chuan replaced the white cloak and white top hat long ago. Without his iconic attire, no one can recognize who the strange thief is in this vast crowd.

The inspection team and the program team were separated. In order not to be suspected, Lin Chuan put on the same shirt as the inspection team prepared in advance. In this way, he mixed into the team of the inspection team.

However, the crowd is still too crowded, and it is inevitable that if you mix in with the inspection team in time, you will be led astray by the flow of people.

If he can't pass the fence smoothly, he will have to spend a lot of effort to adjust the route, which he doesn't want to face.

Lin Chuan frowned, looking at the crowd, even if he got into the inspection team, it was still difficult to get in like this.

He turned his head and suddenly had an idea. He walked through the crowd and pressed against the wall so that outsiders would see him as just a poor man pushed into a corner.

But in fact, Lin Chuan didn't feel crowded after sticking to the wall. After all, no one wants to rub against the wall when there is nothing to do.

This is also convenient for Lin Chuan, he took this opportunity to quickly walk to the "Melancholic Birthday" inspection team who were looking for traces of the strange thief, and no one noticed that there was such an unexpected guest in the crowd.

Lin Chuan took this opportunity to escape from the wall and ran towards the fence. The previous inspectors only saw that "Melancholy Birthday" was still in place, but they never thought that the gemstone would be stolen after turning around.

take away.

The inspectors searched for traces of "Lin Chuan", but no one noticed that the gemstones were simply taken away by passers-by.

At this time, everyone's attention was focused on "Lin".

"Lin Chuan" was standing in the corner at this time, the light source did not shine on the corner, and under the blessing of the top hat, no one could see his true face clearly.

"I've caught you! Phantom thief. Take off your top hat! Raise your hands and squat down!" The leader of the inspection team raised his gun and pointed at "Lin Chuan", sweat dripping from their foreheads.

Could it be that the strange thief was caught so easily? The program crew took a breath. It's unbelievable.

Aim the recording equipment at the "forest" in the shadows, so that the people in the live broadcast room can see clearly the success of this operation.

Everyone was waiting for this historic moment, and the original noisy footsteps had disappeared.

Instead, it was crowded with more people. Everyone wants to come to the first-person perspective to watch the strange thief be condemned and arrested.

People from the program group tried to squeeze forward with huge equipment. This also facilitates the implementation of Lin Chuan's plan.

Lin Chuan immediately left the crowd after getting "Melancholy Birthday", everyone was running forward, Chuan Bian seemed to be squeezed out of the crowd as if possessed by a film king...everything was natural and unobtrusive. Just what he wanted.

After Lin Chuan left the crowd, he waved his hand, the white cloak was draped over his shoulders, and his top hat was also lightly buttoned on his head.

"Melancholy Birthday" has fallen into his hands. The plan was perfectly executed.

mission completed.

At this time, everyone was waiting for "Lin Chuan" to raise his head, ready to arrest him. But right now. There was a burst of laughter behind him.

"Hey! You are not really so stupid, are you? Can't you tell the truth from the fake?" Lin Chuan laughed mockingly.

The members of the inspection team looked back, only to see the strange thief they were going to arrest appearing behind him, wearing white clothes, uttering wild words and laughing wildly.

Everyone was surprised, and looked back at "Lin" under the shadow again. Someone bravely went to pull the white robe under the shadow.

With the pull of strength, "Lin Chuan" who had been leaning against the wall was lying on the ground at this time, his eyes were blank, and foam was scattered all over the ground.

The cloak was pulled off with an arm, and the person who reached out was startled, flung off the cloak and stepped back.

The inspection team knew what was going on when they saw the foam scattered all over the floor and the wild laughter behind them.

The inspector turned to look at Lin Chuan, Lin Chuan looked at the scattered foam and felt a little bit sorry for his masterpiece.

But when I thought about the "melancholy birthday" in my pocket, my mood suddenly improved a lot.

"No way, 3.4 is really not found?" Lin Chuan raised his eyebrows, as if surprised and mocking, and the people in the inspection team saw that the place where the gemstones were originally placed had become empty. My heart suddenly tightened.

There is nothing wrong with the infrared laser and the fence itself, and the rapid appearance is not real. The members of the inspection team seemed to have been hit in the head.

They didn't move when they didn't notice that the dummy fell, and they didn't respond even when they were in front of the monster.

They perfectly fell into Lin Chuan's trap and implemented his plan reasonably. Really too stupid.

How could the inspection team not react at this time. The program crew had already switched the equipment from the dummy to Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan conjured up a rose and bit it on his lips. He bent down and bowed to the camera. "To all the beautiful ladies."

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