Although the live broadcast room is often crooked, occasionally the correct question can be found.

The program group looked at the rocket gifts and the constantly sprinting ratings, and the smile on their faces was hard to suppress.

"Speaking of which, this is not the first time this strange thief has committed a crime. Didn't the people in the inspection team say that they are very powerful? Why haven't the strange thief been arrested yet?"

"You can't say the same thing upstairs, although the people in the arrest team are powerful, it seems that it is difficult enough to compete with the strange thief.

"Right, right? It's been so long that a group of people can't catch the strange thief. I'm afraid it's too useless. 11

The strange thief comes and goes without a trace, how to catch them? Those who talk about the arrest team think about their own abilities before speaking.

"Don't make excuses, if you can't beat it, you can't beat it, if you can't catch it, you can't catch it, what's the point of making excuses, what's the use of just admitting the other party, isn't the inspection team too useless?

"I agree. If you say that the strange thief is great now, you can say that other people are great next time. This way, you will never be able to catch it, and the arrest team is too useless. There is no gain in wasting so much time."

"I was tricked by the strange thief today. When will I be able to complete the task? After all, the arrest team is full of talents. Why haven't the strange thief been arrested yet?"

"Isn't it because the inspection team is useless?"

"It's just too useless."

"Otherwise, how could the strange thief run away?"

I don't know when it started, the direction of the crooked building's live broadcast room gradually became wrong, and everyone began to blame the arrest team, thinking that the arrest team failed to do their duty.

You can be deceived by the strange thief casually, no matter how many times you capture the team, there will be no good fruit for the strange thief.

The people in the live broadcast room began to repeatedly accuse the arrest team.

"Too useless."

I don't know when this sentence has filled the comments of the entire live broadcast room, and the nonsense words of the few people who helped the arrest team to speak were also completely brushed down.

I don't know if I was brushed off or just followed the crowd and followed the crowd to speak.

All in all, a series of words have turned into accusations, and the personnel of the apprehension team did not pay attention to the fact that the machine of the program team is constantly condemning them morally.

Seeing this appearance, the director of the program group was sweating all over himself, thinking about how to answer the audience's questions, but when he saw that everyone was united, he began to criticize the apprehension group.

The director feels that he has found a new way to make money. As long as the people in the arrest team can't catch the strange thief, then their ratings can enjoy a straight rise.

At that time, they still won't be earning a lot of money, and the program team is very satisfied with the accusations on the screen. And has already begun to fantasize about what he looks like lying in the pile of money.

The people in the apprehension team didn't notice the situation on the program team's side, and they had no clue at this time. I don't know how to find Lin Chuan at all.

At this time, a staff member who had been following the arrest team missed his head and silently reached out to raise his own question.

"Can I express my opinion?" A black-haired man raised his black-rimmed glasses and asked.

The arrest team all looked at him, and then at Wang Xie, as if they were asking for his opinion.

Wang Xie nodded. At present, they don't have any ideas. It would be great if someone could give them some clues.

After getting the consent to speak, the man with glasses raised his glasses, held the folder in his arms and asked, "May I ask how long it took for the equipment to be prepared this time?"

"It's been a long time." A team member next to Wang Xie spoke, as if responding.

"Then I would like to ask that everything you have done in this long period of time was cracked by the strange thief in less than an hour. What is the significance of you as the inspection team.

Wang Xie understood that the person in front of him was here to make things difficult for him. As the chief detective, he was forced to join the inspection team to arrest the strange thief. so far none


But all of this was within Wang Xie's expectation. The people around him were a little angry when they heard what the man with glasses said, but then they lowered their heads again after thinking about it.

Indeed, they failed to fulfill the task of the inspection team. Just when everyone was depressed, the man with black-rimmed glasses said again.

"If you are in a slump now, you are truly unworthy to be a member of the inspection team."

Several people seemed to be woken up, Wang Xie looked up at the man with glasses. The other party didn't avoid his gaze, and he couldn't see the other party's expression clearly under the heavy glasses.

Wang Xie was not lured by the other party's provocation, he was right, and it would be even less worthy of being a member of the inspection team to give up on them.

Several members of the inspection team stood aside, falling into self-chaos, Wang Xie stretched out his hand and yanked them. Get them back out of their thoughts.

"Do you think what he just said makes sense?" Wang Xie asked back, and several people who had been dragged back to their senses nodded.

That's right, they kept fighting but never succeeded in arresting the other party, and the trap that was carefully managed was also broken in a short period of time. This is actually the reason for the inspection team.

It's not that Lin Chuan is too strong, but that the inspection team is too weak.

".々The strange thief can leave this place in an instant, either there is a secret passage, or it is really too fast for people to reach.

The man held the document and whispered something, and Wang Xie felt that it really made sense.

"You really have a back hand." The man said in a low voice, Wang Xie was taken aback and didn't speak.

If it is based on selfishness, Wang Xie hopes that it will be the latter, which can at least bring some confidence to everyone who has been hit hard, and at the same time, it will also give traces to follow in the follow-up raids.

The sudden disappearance of Lin Chuan put everyone in a predicament. There was no trace to follow, and the smoke in the air also disappeared.

Wang Xie used his past experience to investigate everything around him. Reach out and stick it to the wall with no issues.

Wang Xie turned to look at the man wearing black-rimmed glasses, but was surprised to find that the man had already disappeared, perhaps mixed into the team of the program group.

(Qian Wanghao) He didn't see the man with black-rimmed glasses, "Where is that person?" Wang Xie asked, and the others shook their heads to express that they didn't see it.

Wang Xie sighed, perhaps fate ended here. He put his hand against the wall, no problem.

Perhaps the problem did not lie in this place, Wang Xie went to the place where Lin Chuan was standing before, and took a closer look.

Accidentally found a thin layer of dust in the corner, no one in the secret room stayed in this place except Lin Chuan once stood there.

Wang Xie looked at it carefully, and found that the dust was not the same as the smoke left by the smoke.

He probably knew how Lin Chuan escaped from the scene, and having this ability shows that the strength between them is still comparable to Yu.

The people in the inspection team behind looked at Wang Xie, as if they didn't understand what he was doing. Wang Xie lit a cigarette, but said nothing.

He knew how Lin Chuan left, but he still had to go after him to catch him. .

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