"Hello? Is this Mr. Lin Chuan?" A deep voice came from the opposite side.

Lin Chuan knew it was Boss Wan from the voice, and said to the other end of the phone.

"I am, what does Boss Wan want to ask me this time?"

Boss Wan's excited voice came from the phone, "Mr. Lin, I know you are also a detective. I came here this time because my jewel named Melancholy's birthday was stolen. I want you to help me find it back." .”

There was no sound from the other side, Lin Chuan took out the gemstone from his clothes when he heard Boss Wan's words, and smiled meaningfully.

Then he said: "Okay, let me negotiate the price in a place."

Boss Wan thought he would not agree, so he responded quickly when he heard this sentence.

"Okay, okay, where is the location you said, I will go there later."

Lin Chuan looked around, said the name of a coffee shop "350", and then hung up the phone.

Wang Qiang beside him was very confused about who was calling, but before he had time to ask Lin Chuan, Lin Chuan spoke first.

"Go back, I have something to do in the afternoon, and I'll go find you when I'm done."

Wang Qiang saw that Lin Chuan didn't want to tell him, so he didn't continue to ask, and went back with the others.

"Okay, then we will go back first, and you should pay attention to safety."


After sending Wang Qiang and the others to a taxi, he went to the place agreed with Boss Wan.

Lin Chuan arrived at the coffee shop very quickly, looked at his watch, and found that the time agreed with Boss Wan was still very early, Lin Chuan didn't want to continue to toss, so he stayed in the coffee shop and fell asleep while waiting.

When Boss Wan arrived, he found Lin Chuan was asleep, so he didn't bother him, but quietly ordered a cup of coffee and sat on the sofa, waiting for Lin Chuan to wake up.

Lin Chuan was carefree in his sleep. He felt uncomfortable and turned over. He glanced at the person opposite. Then he woke up and realized that he had overslept. He sat up straight and wiped the drool on his mouth. .

Boss Wan looked at Lin Chuan kindly. Lin Chuan felt that he was extremely ashamed at this moment, and then he took the lead in breaking the deadlock.

"Boss Wan, I'm really sorry. I thought you wouldn't come so early. I lost my composure just now. Please don't mind Boss Wan." Although he said so, he was still extremely embarrassed in his heart.

Fortunately, Boss Wan didn't care, "It's all right, I can see that Mr. Lin has been working hard recently, and it's my honor to take the time to meet me."

After the two exchanged pleasantries, they talked about business.

"Boss Wan, I know the purpose of your visit this time, but what is your current budget?" Lin Chuan cut to the chase, catching Boss Wan by surprise.

Boss Wan laughed twice and said: "I didn't expect Mr. Lin to be so direct, so I won't go around the corner. This gem is very important to me, and money is not a problem. Please help me find it."

Then stood up and bowed to Lin Chuan.

"Boss Wan doesn't need it, we can just talk about things, since this is the case, my reward here is five million US dollars, I don't know what Boss Wan wants.

Boss Wan was a little shocked by Lin Chuan's words, and felt that he was a bit arrogant.

"Well, five million is a bit inappropriate. After all, I'm not a big shot. I'm a bit embarrassed by this amount." After speaking, he laughed dryly.

Lin Chuan also laughed twice in cooperation with Boss Wan, and then said.

"Boss Wan, as far as I know, the gem you are looking for has been lost for a long time, and it is not known where it has been lost until now. Five million is really high, but it is more than enough for your gem."

Boss Wan hesitated a bit, but still disagreed, feeling that the price was a bit high.

"Of course I know, but I still think the price is a bit too high, can it be lowered?"

Boss Wan doesn't want to give up on him either, after all he is also a well-known detective in the circle, but he is not sure if Lin Chuan can find the gem that even Wang Xie can't find, but in the current situation, he can only be a dead horse. medical.

When Lin Chuan heard Boss Wan's words, he knew that he wanted to bargain.

"Then I would like to ask Boss Wan what the price is in his mind?"

Seeing that Lin Chuan let go, Boss Wan felt hopeful and said.

"Three million dollars."

This bargaining Lin Chuan also felt that there was a bargaining momentum of a vegetable market aunt, and said without giving in.

"You, haha, three million is not even enough for our labor costs. If Boss Wan only gives this price, then there is no need for us to continue the negotiation.

When Boss Wan heard Lin Chuan's words, he understood Lin Chuan's meaning, three million is impossible...

"Mr. Lin, please wait. We can still discuss this matter. There is no need to define it so quickly."

"Boss Wan is right."

After that, the two of them never talked in the coffee shop except for the sound of music.

Lin Chuan lost a lot of dollars just after buying the special medicine, so he naturally didn't want to let go of this opportunity to make money. He looked out the window, and then said to Boss Wan.

"Boss Wan, are you tired after talking all afternoon? Why don't we go eat first, as you know, my stomach is starting to growl, and we can continue talking after eating?"

Boss Wan found out that Lin Chuan was stepping down the steps for him, and he had no reason not to go down the steps.

"Okay, let's go eat first."

Then Lin Chuan took Boss Wan to the restaurant for dinner. After ordering, the two sat on stools, and the scene was extremely quiet.

Lin Chuan was the first to speak, that he was really out of money.

"Boss Wan, I know that the price of five million dollars is really high, why don't we all take a step back and get four million dollars."

Lin Chuan watched Boss Wan's reaction, not knowing how to answer.

Boss Wan thought about it, and felt that the price was not bad, and now that the gem was lost, it was getting longer and longer, so naturally it couldn't be delayed.

"Yes, thank you Mr. Lin for your understanding, I also know that your job is not easy, so naturally I won't let you do it for nothing.

At this time, the food was served, and the atmosphere between the two of them was eased, and the meal was very harmonious. 2.8 Boss Wan was picked up by the driver after the two had finished eating.

"Mr. Lin, I will go back today, and please help me find the gem as soon as possible.

"Okay, you can rest assured."

Boss Wan then asked the driver to drive away.

After seeing off Boss Wan, Lin Chuan walked happily on the road, and was naturally very happy when talking about business.

Lin Chuan ran into Wang Xie on the road, and Wang Xie lost his temper when he saw him.

"Yo, Lin Chuan, what a life, is he still alive?"

Lin Chuan naturally heard that Wang Xie was mocking him, so he smiled and didn't respond.

This made Wang Xie even angrier, and then Lin Chuan moved closer to his ear.

Said, "Wang Xie, you lost, I have already found Boss Wan's lost melancholy gem."

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