At this moment, Lin Chuan made another subordinate immediately shout: Lin Chuan is here.

Sure enough, when the subordinate finished shouting at them, the two people were attracted by the voice, and they looked at each other, but they were still people who had worked in the armed police, and they must have known this set of tricks, so naturally they wouldn't be so gullible.

The subordinate ran away after shouting. Seeing that the two retired armed policemen hadn't caught up yet, he couldn't help being a little confused. If it was at this time, those people should have caught up long ago, but now they are nowhere to be seen.

And Lin Chuan, who was still lying on the strong wall, also thought of this scene. After all, they are not ordinary people, they are all professionally trained retired armed policemen, so naturally they will not be so easy to fool.

But looking at the calm look on the faces of the retired armed police, they still believed in the shouting just now, but they were still hesitating.

The voice of "Lin Chuan is here" just now lingers in my mind. Their task is to take care of the jewelry, but when 13 Lin Chuan comes, they will definitely not let it go.

They just wanted to check to see if they were still there after cleaning up, but they were afraid that they would think that they had taken the jewelry, so they still didn't go in in the end.

Just when the two were debating whether to go after the so-called "Lin Chuan", another voice came from over there.

Seeing that the retired armed police hadn't arrived yet, Lin Chuan's subordinates thought of another plan. They thought they were on their way, but they looked back and found that the two were still standing motionless at their posts, so they pretended to chase The man shouted: "Lin Chuan, don't run."

At this time, the two retired armed policemen heard the voice again, they looked at each other again, and ran away without hesitation.

At this time, the subordinates saw the two men chasing up, and they also ran forward.

When the two retired armed police saw a person who looked like Lin Chuan, they were naturally sure that it was Lin Chuan, and they chased after him.

At this moment, another subordinate of Lin Chuan had already changed into the clothes of the retired armed policeman, and said to the two retired armed policemen who were still chasing "Lin Chuan".

"Stop chasing him, he's there, Lin Chuan who just said he wanted to see the boss is a fake!" Just like that, the two were led over again, and when they saw each other wearing police uniforms, they naturally believed it, but they still wrong.

The two retired armed policemen ran to the place pointed by their subordinates again, and ran in front of the subordinates in police uniforms, who were stunned. At this time, the subordinates also panicked, thinking that they were almost recognized

At this time, the subordinates did not forget to add a sentence.

"Yes, that's over there, hurry up, why are you standing still." The subordinate pretended to be calm and shouted at them.

Because the brim of his hat was pressed down very low, the two retired armed policemen didn't find anything wrong with him, they just felt that he was a little strange, but after the subordinate shouted, they gave them a shock, and then ran towards the place pointed by the subordinate Go, after the two real retired armed policemen left, the subordinates also gave a sigh of relief.

Said into the headset.

"I finished it here, and I was so surprised that I was almost recognized."

After finishing speaking, he still pretended to look at the suspicious people around for Lin Chuan.

And Lin Chuan naturally knew that they had led the retired armed police away. At the moment they were led away, Lin Chuan immediately jumped down and quickly entered the room that was guarded before.

But once you come in, there are still different organs, so Lin Chuan has to be more careful, maybe stepping on something will cause trouble for himself.

Lin Chuan has done many similar things, and has accumulated experience long ago, and this room has long been encrypted by Leon and an alarm has been set.

And Lin Chuan naturally discovered that every behavior in the room means that this room is dangerous, and Lin Chuan dared not act rashly.

Putting on the boots and gloves, he walked carefully in the room, and then quickly found the thing that turned off the alarm.

Fortunately, Leon didn't expect Lin Chuan to come back to steal his jewelry at first, and the alarm was installed temporarily, so the difficulty was not too big for Lin Chuan.

It still takes time, but the room thing without the siren is a lot easier.

Lin Chuan squatted there and carefully inspected the structure of the siren, and after a while he started to move his hands.

He took out all kinds of things from his clothes. At this moment, Lin Chuan was like a treasure chest, he had everything you wanted.

Lin Chuan started disassembling the siren when he was ready.

The structure of the siren is very complicated, as if it is specially designed to prevent disassembly, the wires inside are all entangled, making it difficult to see where it is connected.

Lin Chuan frowned, and started cutting without doing anything else.

After a while, the entire alarm was disassembled, cut and carefully installed back. It can be said that Lin Chuan is a considerate little padded jacket, but I don’t know if Leon will be very happy seeing this scene.

After Lin Chuan dismantled the siren, he walked forward unscrupulously. Lin Chuan searched everywhere, but found no clues about the jewelry. It's all well kept, not a speck of dust, and compared to the previous 3 rooms, it's heaven.

Lin Chuan looked around but couldn't find it.

Then he noticed an inconspicuous place, Lin Chuan walked over, slowly moved the front box away, and found that there was a 963 safe inside, Lin Chuan locked his eyes on the safe This time he was sure that the jewelry "nice to meet you" was in it.

Just when Lin Chuan was about to take out tools to open the safe, there were voices from outside, those strange voices just now. At this moment, Lin Chuan immediately packed up his tools and prepared to take the safe home and then Unlock the password.

But for some reason, Lin Chuan just wanted to pick up the safe, but it was like a layer of glue stuck to the bottom of the safe, and he couldn't pull it out at all.

Lin Chuan had stolen so many safes, it was really rare to apply glue on the bottom of the safe, which made Lin Chuan laugh out loud.

Apparently Lin Chuan didn't think that someone would glue the safe to the ground, and he didn't prepare such a thing at all.

Lin Chuan had no choice but to go into the bathroom to wash off the dust on his hands, and picked up the soap. At this time, Lin Chuan thought of a way, rubbed a lot of soapy water, and then took out a knife and bit by bit the safe and the ground. The glue breaks down.

Presumably, others who watched this scene would also find it a little unbelievable, but this should be the simplest safe that Lin Chuan took away, not one of them.

It took Lin Chuan some effort to finally separate the safe from the ground, and then he walked out with the safe and cracked it slowly. .

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