Dad, you are finally back. When Tang Guohua returned home, just as he entered the door, a man rushed towards Tang Guohua.

You boy, why are you so reckless. Tang Guohua frowned, and said: Your problem is really getting worse.

Oh, Dad, am I not too worried about you? Tang Guowen smiled.

All right, stop talking nonsense, hurry up, and help Dad make a birthday cake. Tang Guohua laughed.

Okay, I'll go right away! Tang Guowen nodded.

Tang Guowen immediately ran to the refrigerator, opened the refrigerator, and hurriedly began to search for the materials and production methods of the birthday cake. This guy didn't know where he learned it from, but he found all kinds of birthday cakes in the refrigerator. Material, Tang Guowen is very familiar with the production process of cake 067, he quickly produced two exquisite and beautiful cakes, Tang Guowen smiled and said: Dad, this is a birthday present.

Oh! Tang Guohua took it and said: You are smart!

That's not true! Tang Guowen said with a smile: I can't be worse than Lin Chuan!

That's enough, don't be smug! Tang Guohua smiled and said: You also hurry up and prepare a gift, and then we will attend together!

okay. Tang Guowen nodded and said: I will prepare now!

Soon, Tang Guowen went to prepare gifts. Tang Guohua glanced at Tang Guowen, and he suddenly said: Don't forget to bring some birthday presents for Yumeng, you boy, you want to take advantage of Yumeng's birthday. Opportunity to pursue Yumeng, don't mess it up!

Got it! Tang Guowen nodded and said: I'll go right away!

After speaking, Tang Guowen immediately turned around and walked towards Tang Yumeng's room. Tang Guowen knocked on Tang Yumeng's door.

Who?! Tang Yumeng shouted hastily.

it's me. Tang Guowen replied.

Oh, brother, why did you come in? Tang Yumeng asked suspiciously.

I come in to get something. Tang Guowen smiled and said: This time, I have prepared a special gift for you, I hope you like it!

A special gift? Tang Yumeng asked in surprise: What kind of gift is it?!

What exactly is the gift, you (bdbb) will know when the time comes, I promise, it will definitely be a surprise. Tang Guowen laughed.

Forget it, I don't care about it. Tang Yumeng snorted coldly and said.

You girl...... Tang Guowen heard that Tang Yumeng's tone was not right, he hurriedly said: "Okay, you can open the door quickly!"

Tang Yumeng opened the door, Tang Guowen immediately smiled and said: Here, your birthday cake, congratulations on your happy birthday, my baby sister!

Thank you, brother! Tang Yumeng smiled.

You girl, you know how to say polite words! Tang Guowen glanced at Tang Yumeng helplessly, and said, "Okay, hurry in and try it out, I promise it will be a pleasant surprise."

Tang Yumeng nodded, she walked in immediately, then closed the door, and began to experiment with Tang Guowen's craftsmanship. Tang Yumeng immediately tasted Tang Guowen's craftsmanship. The birthday cake made by Tang Guowen was really delicious. It looks like a fool, but the craftsmanship is very good. Although Tang Guowen is a rich second generation, Tang Guowen's cooking skills are also very good. He is not just an ordinary rich second generation. Tang Guowen is also good at this point, and his cooking skills are also very good.

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