Uh... Lin Chuan blushed, and smiled awkwardly: Boss Tang, there is no need to spend money, I will not live in this house. I plan to buy a car. I may have to stay in the capital for a while, so I plan to buy a car.

it is good. Tang Guohua nodded immediately and said, "That's no problem."

Then I'll go first! Tang Guohua smiled.

Tang Guowen stood aside, looking at Lin Chuan with envy and hatred on his face. After Tang Guohua and Tang Guowen left, Tang Guowen immediately came over and said: Brother, I said brother, you are so awesome Forced, in a word, tens of millions will be yours!

Hey, this is nothing. Lin Chuan smiled faintly.

Then how can it be counted? Tang Guowen widened his eyes and said: You kid's head is not covered, you have earned so much in the blink of an eye, tsk tsk...you are really amazing.

Don't praise me, boy. Lin Chuan smiled awkwardly: I am also lucky, lucky, how do I know about this!

Haha... Tang Guowen laughed out loud.

the next morning.

Lin Chuan woke up, opened his eyes, and found that it was already half past nine in the morning. Lin Chuan hurriedly got up and took a shower. After washing, he immediately changed his clothes. After putting on everything, Lin Chuan drove to the largest Tang Guowen and Tang Guohua are both from the capital, so the members of the Tang family all have a villa in the commercial circle of the capital, so Lin Chuan found the gate of the Tang family villa area very smoothly. , After entering the villa area, walk along the wide main road, and soon, the villas of Tang Guowen and Tang Guohua appeared in Lin Chuan's eyes.

The villa is a European-style building, which is very spectacular and luxurious. Moreover, it covers a very large area, and the overall appearance is very luxurious. There are many villas in the Tang family villa area, and each villa occupies a piece of land, and each villa is at least a few meters away from each other. The area of ​​the Tang family's villas is also about 3,000 mu of land. Each villa is independent, and it is still on a very prosperous road. Therefore, the area of ​​the Tang family's villas is absolutely huge. With such a huge manor, I am afraid that in this country, apart from the Tang Family Group, there is probably no one with the capital to own such a manor...

The Tang family's villa is surrounded by tall plane trees. This is the outskirts of the capital, and it is also a place where every inch of land is expensive. Therefore, the value of the Tang family's villa is definitely not cheap.

The Tang family villa is a three-story building, and the scale of this villa is also very grand.

Wow, it's really big. Tang Guowen couldn't help but exclaimed, and he said excitedly: Brother, I didn't expect the Tang family's villa to be so beautiful, it's even bigger than my villa!

That's right! Tang Guohua couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Although Tang Guowen's villa is not too small, it is 3.0, but compared with the Tang's villa, it is simply insignificant, and there is no way to compare it. . Moreover, both of them understand that although the Tang family's villa is very beautiful, not everyone can own it, and the location of the Tang family's villa is very important, so this villa The value is definitely not low. .

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