The Thief Show: Start As Kaitou Kid!

Chapter 204 Thrill Seeking

Let's go to the beach. Lin Chuan said: Today is the weekend, and there are a lot of people on the beach.

By the sea? Good, good! Tang Haoran hastily nodded in agreement.

Lin Chuan smiled and said: That's fine, let's set off now.

it is good. Tang Haoran nodded hastily.

After Lin Chuan and Liu Ziyun said goodbye to Tang Haoran, they drove straight to the beach. The two drove to a very quiet place nearby. At this time, on the top of a high-end apartment building, there is a huge terrace, and there is a deck chair on the edge of the terrace. The sun here is very bright, lying here basking in the sun and blowing the sea breeze is very pleasant and refreshing. It's also an excellent place to go.

Hehe Tang Haoran squinted his eyes and said with a smile: The environment here is really good, we can enjoy it well, few people come to such a place.

Lin Chuan smiled and said: We are here to seek excitement, not to enjoy it.

That's right. Tang Haoran laughed.

Afterwards, the two sat on the terrace drinking tea and chatting.

Lin Chuan took a sip of beer and said with a smile: This place is really nice, with beautiful scenery, bright sunshine and fresh air. This is simply a paradise.

That's not it, this is a real estate gifted to me by a friend of mine. Tang Haoran laughed.

Friend? Lin Chuan asked curiously.

That's right! Tang Haoran nodded, and said: I met when I was studying abroad, and we hit it off right away, very speculative. So, he transferred the property to me, and he said that I would have time to bring my girlfriend on vacation, and there would be some entertainment.

Really? Lin Chuan asked curiously.

Of course, I can't lie to you. Tang Haoran laughed and said: This friend is really nice, I admire his taste very much.

of course. Lin Chuan nodded.

Afterwards, the two continued to chat, and the two chatted here for more than half an hour until it was dark. As the sky became darker, Tang Haoran and Lin Chuan reluctantly left here. The two drove away. Tang Haoran sent Lin Chuan home.

Lin Chuan, how about having dinner together tonight? Tang Haoran invited Lin Chuan with a smile.

no need. Lin Chuan shook his head and rejected Tang Haoran's kindness: My wife and I made an appointment to have dinner together tonight.

Wife? Tang Haoran was taken aback for a moment, and he asked suspiciously: Are you married? When did I not hear about it?

Nothing, just daily affairs! Smiled.

Then I really have to congratulate you! Tang Haoran smiled and said: I won't bother you and sister-in-law for dinner.

Um. Lin Chuan nodded.

Then I will visit you again another day, I hope you can cook some dishes for me, I really like your dishes. Tang Haoran said with a smile.


OK! Lin Chuan laughed and said: No problem.

After the two said their goodbyes, Lin Chuan drove away. After Lin Chuan drove away, he immediately went to a seafood market by the sea. The seafood in the seafood market was very good. Lin Chuan and Tang Yumeng had a big meal there. After the big meal, Lin Chuan immediately drove back to the city.

Back in the urban area, Lin Chuan drove to a coffee shop, and then entered the coffee shop.

At this time, Tang Yumeng was waiting for Lin Chuan in the coffee shop. Seeing Lin Chuan's arrival, Tang Yumeng showed a bright smile on her face.

Hey, you are here, I thought you forgot me. Tang Yumeng said soil. .

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