Immediately, those Interpol officers rushed forward one after another.

Lin Chuan jumped up and jumped into the air.

Several Interpol personnel immediately flew into the air, trying to catch Lin Chuan.

If you want to catch me, you are still far away. Lin Chuan sneered, and he immediately stepped on the air and rushed down from the heads of several people.


Several Interpol people landed one after another.

Ouch, it hurts me to death!

An Interpol immediately clutched his chest.

So did the other two. Their bodies were more or less stained with some dirt and dust, and they looked very embarrassed.

You guys are simply trash. The Interpol scolded angrily.

Captain, we were wrong. Several people hurriedly admitted their mistakes and knelt on the ground.

well, get up. The man waved his hand.

Captain, this kid's speed is so fast, I guess it is at least seven or eight times the strength of the sound barrier, so many of us can't even touch the corner of this kid's clothes, it's a shame. One of the men said: Captain, how about we find another way?

No need to change. The captain shook his head and said, "I'll try it myself. If I can't do it, we'll retreat. Anyway, this kid will be caught by us sooner or later."

Several men nodded.

Lin Chuan stood firm. He looked at the people and said, "What? You want to compete with me?"

Yes! The captain immediately said: I want to compete with you to see who is more powerful!

Good! Lin Chuan nodded and said: "Then you all come."

Young man, don't underestimate us. Although your strength is much higher than ours, we are not vegetarians! The captain sneered.

I don't care who you are, but if you want to catch me today, I will definitely not catch me without a fight. I have enough confidence to escape your clutches. Lin Chuan laughed: If you can catch me, you should feel honored.

Hmph, arrogant kid! Everyone sneered.

Soon, they all took out their guns from their pockets.

Boy, look at the gun!

Several people raised their guns one after another.

Lin Chuan sneered: Guns are good things, but it's a pity you don't use them.

Really? One person sneered and said: Then try!

The voice fell, and the guy pulled the trigger.

A bullet was fired, and the guy aimed at Lin Chuan's head.

There was a weird smile on the corner of Lin Chuan's mouth, he dodged left and right, the bullet passed by and flew past Lin Chuan's ear. Lin Chuan's body disappeared in an instant, and his traces were completely gone.

How could it disappear? A group of Interpol were dumbfounded.

Lin Chuan's speed was so fast that the Interpol couldn't believe it. They didn't expect Lin Chuan's speed to be so fast.

We were fooled, this kid is not human at all, he is a ghost! An Interpol shouted.

As soon as these words came out, everyone woke up with a start. They all panicked.

Let's go! Several people shouted.

Several people quickly ran around.

Ha ha ha... Lin Chuan laughed, his voice came from all directions, making people sound creepy.

you don't run. One person immediately shouted: "There are so many of us, you can't escape, you'd better just obediently hold your hands and catch them."

Whoosh whoosh….

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