The Thief Show: Start As Kaitou Kid!

Chapter 63 Randomly Pick A Lucky Bank And Grab It All On The Spot! 【Subscribe】

In the magic world, when the two parties do not know each other, they point out the secrets of each other's magic.

It is an extremely impolite and provocative behavior.

"Let me introduce myself, I'm Chris the magician, and I'm now an inspector of the Urban Thief program."

The Examiner, his own enemy on the show.

Chris is from Cao's family and recommended to join the inspection team.

He is the first magician of the inspection team!

Some magicians at the scene were familiar with him and shouted his name loudly, while some magicians glared at him.

This person is well-known internationally, but this reputation is a bit mixed.

In the live broadcast room, some water friends conducted popular science on this person.

: Chris, the main magic show he is good at is escape. His performances have always been very dangerous, such as escaping from fire, escaping from car explosions, escaping from waterboarding, etc.

: This is a magic master who has been famous internationally for a long time. His performance is exquisite and there are no flaws.

: However, in the past few years, he no longer performs magic shows, but chooses to reveal the secrets of magic on the Internet.

: There is a particularly interesting thing, he used to sell only 5 million CDs of magic shows, but sold 18 million CDs of revealing magic!

: In order to deal with Lin Chuan's magic ability, the program team gave the inspection team a "June 17" to strengthen him.

Lin Chuan is tall and slender, about the same size as the magic master Chris from the country in front of him.

The two stood facing each other, their eyes intertwined, as if an electric current was stirring.

Their eyes were full of hostility, and the scene was full of gunpowder.

Dr. Ren Yuan and Fang Yuan successively told Lin Chuan some information about Chris.

Only then did Lin Chuan know that this was a magician who made money by revealing the secrets of his peers.

In the magician's precepts, there is a requirement that magicians are not allowed to disclose the secrets of magic.

While revealing secrets is not illegal, it is extremely immoral.

A magician earns his living by performing magic tricks. If you reveal the secrets of magic tricks, who will watch his hard-working performances?

Although there is no legal provision, it is the default professional ethics in the circle not to reveal the secrets of magic, especially the magic of others.

Chris disregarded the entire industry for his own profit, making Lin Chuan feel ashamed.

"Your clumsy magic can only fool laymen, in my eyes." Chris pointed to his dark blue pupils.

"It's as if you're naked, and you don't have any secrets."

"I'll keep an eye on you and reveal all your magical secrets on a DVD I'll be releasing next month."

: Oh! This crooked guy looks very confident!

: Of course, although Lin Chuan's magic skills are not low, in front of this kind of master who has been famous for many years, he is just a younger brother.

: Really, to be honest. There are many magicians in China who seem to be powerful, but in the international arena, they are not popular at all. As for the shocking escape magic abroad, the domestic magic is basically still in the stage of juggling.

: I'm really looking forward to him revealing all the secrets of Lin Chuan's magic.

: Just wait and see, I don't believe Lin Shen will lose.

The final piece of the puzzle that Lin Chuan needed in his plan after acquiring a god-level magic prop production team.

has been perfectly completed.

He was preparing to perform a large-scale magic trick that shocked the world in front of everyone.

Taking advantage of Chris' provocation, Lin Chuan said with a smile: "The meaning of magic is not to prove how smart the magician is?"

"It's about bringing surprise and joy to the audience."

"An unexpected experience that cannot be explained is just part of the content of the surprise."

"Your act of revealing the secrets of magic is just destroying the value created in a low-cost way. You are nothing but a thief who steals fun and imagination!"

Chris has been excluded from the mainstream magic circle because of his disregard for his peers.

Now Lin Chuan pointed out how despicable his behavior is by exposing magic for profit.

Instantly annoyed.

"You don't know how to innovate yourself, so what does that have to do with me?"

Regarding the debate between Lin Chuan and Chris, some netizens in the magic industry expressed their views.

: He really does not hurt his back while standing and talking, but not all magicians can be innovative. For those magicians who rely on performing magic tricks in bars and night shows to survive, many magic tricks have similarities. Once the secret is revealed, it will lead to many Magic can't be performed.

: Indeed, our sense of expectation for magic does not lie in the sense of mystery and freshness. Uncovering the magic is like watching a movie and being spoiled in advance.

: Once the principle is revealed, no matter how shocking the magic looks, the ending can only be a failure. Because the greatest value of magic, the mystery has been destroyed.

: A lot of large-scale magic tricks cost a lot of money in the design and manufacture of props. If they can only be performed once, it is very likely that the cost will not be recovered and the magician’s enthusiasm for innovation will be destroyed.

: I didn’t know it before, but exposing magic has so many disadvantages!

: I think magic should be regarded as a commercial secret, and peers should be prohibited from disclosing it.

Lin Chuan: "Expose my magic, yes."

"It just so happens that I'm planning to perform a large-scale magic trick in Shanghai in the next few days."

"The theme of the magic is to randomly pick a bank in the magic city, teleport to it, and carry out theft."

"I will send the invitation letter to your hand, waiting for you to come anytime."

Lin Chuan's words ignited the enthusiasm of all fans!

Sure enough, he was going to do it for the bank robbery!

In the past few days, as the largest and most eye-catching event in the capital city, and even in the entire Dragon Kingdom.

The confrontation between Lin Chuan and the banking system has attracted the attention of tens of millions of netizens.

Although he knew that Lin Chuan was a good person, he stole the pigeon blood gemstone and the Nile tear diamond crown twice in a row at the heavily guarded exhibition.

But this time, after all, the difficulty of his goal has risen too much.

Some netizens thought that Lin Chuan had given up, but they didn't expect him to break such a shocking news tonight.

He already has a goal, and he wants to steal in front of tens of thousands of live viewers and tens of millions of live viewers in a public venue.

: It seems that Lin Shen already has a target bank.

: Which one is it, so lucky?

: Lin Shen is too exaggerated this time. Netizens have already analyzed the difficulty of robbing a bank before. Why is he still stealing in front of the audience and performing a magic show?

: Genius and madman are often separated by only one thought.

: I'm so curious, no matter whether it will be possible or not, my sense of anticipation has already been filled by Lin Shen's few words.

: It will definitely be successful, just like every time before, when we didn't believe in Lin Shen, he slapped the show crew and doubters in the face again and again.

: Lin Shen has always kept his promise. The only thing I am curious about this time is, which bank will Lin Shen choose to steal?

The top ten consortiums, the relevant persons in charge of the program, and the supervisors of some large banks in Shanghai.

For Lin Chuan's words, there is a feeling of facing a big enemy.

This kid has an evil nature, maybe he has some unexpected means.

For this reason, all the banks under the name of the top ten consortiums in Shanghai have once again strengthened their defenses...

At the same time, at the gate of the bank, an additional bone-scanning instrument was set up.

Afraid that Lin Chuan would sneak into the bank in disguise.

Leave the square and go back to the base.

Lin Chuan contacted the new team members, the magic props manufacturing team.

A total of twelve people, wearing the same uniform, came to report to Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan explained to the manufacturing team the device he wanted!

"This is a giant magic device, divided into upper and lower floors.

"At that time, it will be placed in the Modu Stadium."

"The upper level is the performance platform, and the lower level is the core, when the time comes I will put the stolen money into it.

"The lower floor should be designed to look like the industrial bank's vault, and Wang Renyuan has found the industrial bank's vault design.

"There must be a metal door like a portal between the upper and lower floors! There is a passageway under the portal, connecting the upper and lower floors.

"Between the upper and lower floors, a kind of ventilation duct should be installed, which can suck up all the small objects on the lower floor and blow them to all parts of the venue.

After Lin Chuan explained, the manufacturing team first designed several models.

After several revisions, the model given by the manufacturing team can already satisfy Lin Chuan.

"How long will it take to make it and put it into use?"

"Two days are enough."

As expected of a production team with god-level abilities, this production speed can make all the engineering teams of the devil feel terrified.

Everything is ready, Lin Chuan rented the Shanghai Magic City Stadium as the venue for his magic show.

Although the two jewelry compensations were set up by the consortium, they were not given.

But Lin Chuan was no longer the poor man before the show started. The rewards from the live broadcast room were divided equally between the program group and the amateur contestants.

The total amount of rewards in Lin Chuan's live broadcast room has already exceeded 30 million.

That is to say, now in his hands, there are more than 15 million deposits, which is enough for him to make high-precision magic devices for the manufacturing team.

And rent the Modu Stadium.

The next day, Lin Chuan mailed tens of thousands of invitations to the program team, asking them to distribute them for free to audiences who wanted to watch the magic show three days later.

The Modu Stadium can accommodate tens of thousands of spectators.

A large number of citizens in Shanghai heard the news and went to receive the 5.8 invitation letter.

First come first served!

----Invitation card--

On June 25th, Modu Stadium!

Magic show!

Finale: Teleportation

Content: Randomly select a lucky bank, grab it all on the spot, and score the cash on the spot!

Kaitou Kid———(Top hat magician smiling face)

On the Internet, there is a lot of discussion about Lin Chuan's upcoming performance of teleportation and bank theft magic at the Shanghai Metropolitan Stadium.

: Lin Chuan gave the program group tens of thousands of tickets to attract the audience. He seems to be determined to steal the bank.

: There is also an official poster at the Modu Gymnasium!

: He really rented the Modu Stadium, did he really do it?

: Teleportation or something, it’s too ridiculous, wormhole? Einstein space-time bridge? Or Kakarot?

Cao Qufei, the president of Cao's largest bank in Shanghai, mocked Lin Chuan on Weibo.

: Teleportation, do you think you are Monkey King? It's ridiculous, I personally sit in Cao's Bank, the most secure place in the city, waiting for your arrival at any time.

The magician Chris of the inspection team commented on the notice letter.

: I have already received the invitation letter from the program group. I said that I will watch you all the time. As long as I am here, you have no chance. .

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