The Thief Show: Start As Kaitou Kid!

Chapter 67 New Notice Letter! Phantom Thieves Disguised Identity 【Subscription】

In the magical arena, only the rain of banknotes and the crazy figures of the audience are left.

Lin Chuan and two team members left, mixed into the crowd, and quickly got rid of the drone of the director team.

Professor Shi and other inspectors were very annoyed, there was a big problem with the rules of the program group!

Before the program group, the rules of the session were formulated completely according to the specifications of ordinary thieves.

But obviously, these are not suitable for Lin Chuan, the god-level phantom thief.

Not a second can be wasted against him!

You have to keep up with it all the time, maybe it's just a moment, if the opponent disappears from your eyes, you may never be able to catch up again.

Professor Shi and others contacted the program team and asked the program team to change some rules!

Like today, they knew that the perpetrator was Lin Chuan's team, but because the bank staff didn't have time to call the police, they could only watch Lin Chuan leave.

This feeling is very depressing.

The directors of the program group, after communicating with each other.

Improved, about the inspection team, part of the rules of the city thief.

Members of the inspection team can take the initiative to hunt down after confirming that the other party has committed the crime!

So far, all ten contestants have been arrested except Lin Chuan.

Although the special operations team and the detective team are extremely difficult to deal with Lin Chuan, they are like gods descending from the earth when dealing with other people, showing their prowess.

Sisters Chen Yao, Pu Guoopa, and the robber who washed his hands in the golden basin were all arrested by the inspection team.

Only one Lin Chuan is still at large, but as to how to hunt down Lin Chuan and when to catch Lin Chuan, everyone in the inspection team has no idea.

Soon, the program team received a new invitation letter from Lin Chuan.

——The first part of the notice letter——

Cao's Bank! Be prepared.

Stop pointless resistance, such as baby spray areas.

This time, the target amount will be 3 billion on the spot!

Kaitou Kid————(Top Hat Magic Smiley Face)

The new teaser letter was exposed by the program group.

The inspection team gathered together.

Professor Shi clicked his tongue: "3 billion! How dare he say it!"

Sun Zhongyu calmly analyzed: "The compensation for his two pieces of jewelry is already worth more than one billion yuan, so it is obviously appropriate to target 3 billion yuan.

Yang Chengye was very surprised: "This time, Lin Chuan's target is directly at Cao's Bank, this time they are under a lot of pressure.

The members of the inspection team didn't find out by themselves.

A large bank with a famous magic city and a collection of various security technologies, in their subconscious mind, it is difficult to support the invasion of strange thieves alone.

Gao Yingjie: "Industrial Bank is a small bank under the Cao family. This time, Lin Chuan still chooses the Cao family's bank. Does he have a grudge against the Cao family?"

Professor Shi shook his head: "I don't know about that, oh yes. Do you remember the last notice letter?"

"We only guessed the first two sentences, but not the last two.

Sun Zhongyu said in a low voice: "I guessed the time and place, but I didn't guess his modus operandi and target.'

"The tears of the goddess represent the diamond crown of tears, and the incarnation of Lancelot, the knight of the round table, means that he has to disguise himself as a girl.

"I have read the story of Lancelot, but I have overlooked that Lancelot once disguised himself as a girl because he performed a mission."

Professor Shi concluded: "That is to say, Lin Chuan's notice letter will specify the time, place, modus operandi, and target.

"As long as we decipher his notice letter, we can deal with it better."

"But this time, apart from the shocking amount of provocation against Cao, no other information was disclosed."

Sun Zhongyu: "This is just the first article, maybe there will be a second article in the future."

Professor Shi: "Hurry up and notify Cao's family of this notice letter, so that they can take precautions in advance. Also, what do you think about Lin Chuan's tactics?"

The discussion of the inspection team still adopts the whole process of live broadcast.

Grandpa Sun believes that Lin Chuan is a very proud magic artist.

If the inspection team hides it and deliberately hides it from Lin Chuan when discussing the problem, then he will probably use methods such as hacking.

to monitor.

But if the inspection team is generous, they will release the content of the conversation in the form of a live broadcast.

Then Lin Chuan probably won't peek at the live broadcast.

Sun Zhongyu intertwined his fingers, and made a thoughtful expression: "Magic is a kind of blindness, it must be somewhere we didn't notice, and it deceives our vision.

Sun Zhongling has been studying magic with his magic teacher for the past few days, but he does know some little secrets about magic.

"In magic, sometimes, there is something more important than props!"

Xu Tianyan turned sideways curiously and asked, "What is it?"


When Sun Zhongling uttered a word, everyone fell into deep thought.


Old police officer Yang Chengye shook his head: "After our subsequent investigation, the selected person is a member of the Cao family. He is Cao Wende's nephew, so it is absolutely impossible for him to be a trustee!"

Li Si: "That's right! You also saw that at the time, the Phantom Thieves randomly selected a lucky audience by letting the audience pick plastic balls at random."

Gao Yingjie analyzed: "The possibility of trusting is indeed too small."

Yang Chengye: "I think the problem should be in the bank, he may not have been to the Industrial Bank.

Li Si: "My friends at the police station have confirmed that the stolen cash is indeed from the Industrial Bank. The money is the latest printed hundred-yuan bill.

"And before the incident, someone checked in the warehouse, and the money was still there.

Sun Zhongyu: "I have to admit that Shan has a very high IQ."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words. Sun Zhongyu, a genius who has always been proud, who can control 32 drones at once, even admitted Lin Chuan's extraordinaryness.

: Even Sun Zhongyu thinks that Lin Shen's IQ is extremely high. In this way, I can't understand some of Lin Shen's operations, which is very reasonable!

: No one can guess Lin Shen's method this time. I'm afraid this teleportation robbery bank will become another unsolved mystery in the history of magic!

: I really don’t know, how did Lin Shen do it?

: By the way, he was really crazy this time, and he directly stated the goal, which is not to scare the snake.

: Lin Shen is like this. In the notice letter, he writes his goal, place, time, and method, but you just can't help him?

: Lin Shenkuang has a strong ability as a support.

: The Cao family is miserable. They didn’t discuss it before. The corresponding family has to bear 80% of the compensation for the stolen bank.

: Originally, the ten companies would share equally, but this time it is possible to pay more than 2 billion by myself alone.

: You people, it's really ridiculous. Whether Lin Chuan can succeed is still the same thing. You say it, as if he has already succeeded.

: 3 billion, do you know how much that is? Even trucks don’t know how many they can pull.

: The previous Industrial Bank, as long as it can solve the difficulty of distance, the difficulty is not too high. This time, the Cao's Bank is a large bank with a reputation in Shanghai.

: Stealing a large bank of this level is difficult!

at the same time!

Yunding Building, Cao's headquarters.

Cao Wende found Cao Junlong.

Cao Wende: "Master Junlong, the program team has released the latest teaser letter of Lin Chuan, the phantom thief.

"This time the target is directed at our Cao family. Is it because I openly provoked him in the program group and provoked him, so he held a grudge?"

Cao Junlong smiled contemptuously: "He came after me."

"At you? Why?"

Cao Wende couldn't figure out how Master Junlong and Lin Chuan had never met before, and how did they become enemies?

Cao Junlong smiled indifferently, without explaining.

He is completely obsessed with Lin Chuan. He claims to be a genius, and he really wants to see how Lin Chuan deceived everyone from the video.

It's a pity that he watched it many times in a row, and it was flawless, and he couldn't see any flaws at all.

From the Industrial Bank, Cao Junlong got the Three of Diamonds card with Cao Chun's name written on it!

"I absolutely do not believe that Lin Chuan can defy common sense and send people 600 kilometers away in three seconds.

"It's impossible for Ah Chun to be bought."

"How did he do it, stole the money, and put this card in it."

"Could it be the same as his previous method, the video is fake?"

Chris is also on the side. He has not been able to crack Lin Chuan's heaven-defying means until now.

He heard Cao Junlong's guess, so he said: "The video cannot be fake, the staff at the bank broadcast it live.

Cao Wende: "Yes, Ah Chun is clear about the memory of entering the Industrial Bank vault, the video really cannot be fake."

Cao Junlong looked at Chris with a cold look.

I hired you at a high price, but you are useless.

On his side, he told Cao Wende: "You should go and find Bai Xiaosheng, the magic capital, and ask him to recommend the best talents to us."

"money is not a problem."

He could feel that although Lin Chuan wrote the teaser letter was Cao's Bank.

3 billion is nothing to him.

However, he regarded this as a challenge from Lin Chuan, which aroused his fighting spirit and activated the fierce competitive spirit in his heart.

Gotta win this one!

Cao Wende came to the Century Bar in person, this time the person who received him has been promoted a lot, but they haven't reached the level where they can meet Fang Yuan in person.

"Three days ago, our Cao family came to your place, and we need a group of talents."

"How are you preparing now?"

At this time, Chuan and Fang Yuan were together.

Lin Chuan asked Fang Yuan: "How many people have you prepared here?"

Fang Yuan: "About fifty or so, including individuals and small groups, but in terms of skills, they are not enough to catch you."

Of course you can't catch yourself!

In this world, no one can catch me, Lin Chuan thought.

"Let him go back, make an appointment with him, and then I will go to the doctor with Zhou Ke and Li Xiaoman, pretending to be identities.

Fang Yuan was able to step up to the high position in the magic city step by step, how could he be an idler.

Almost instantly, he understood Lin Chuan's plan.

"Okay, I'm going to find new identities for you."

Fang Yuan has great powers, so he disguised the new identities for the three of them, it was absolutely seamless, no one could find out any mistakes.

Lin Chuan, Zhou Ke, and Li Xiaoman all put on human skin masks to disguise their new identities.

Zhou Ke changed from a red-haired handsome guy to a bald rough guy,

Li Xiaoman also changed from a beautiful woman with fluttering long hair and exquisite facial features to a short-haired tomboy with small freckles.

Lin Chuan is dressed as a middle-aged man in his forties. He has the ability to change his voice, and his voice can simulate the voice of any person he has heard.

Fang Yuan was amazed by Lin Chuan's supernatural ability. He admitted that if he hadn't seen the process of Lin Chuan putting on the human skin mask.

Even he couldn't tell that the middle-aged man in front of him was Lin Chuan pretending to be.

It is hard to imagine a camouflage without any flaws. This is a skill mastered by people in reality.

Fang Yuan said with a smile: "The disguise technique described in Jin Gu's novels is actually true. Wuxia novels do not deceive me, haha."

the next morning.

Cao Wende agreed that the person recommended by Fang Yuan would come to find him on the 40th floor of Yunding Building.

It just so happened that today, Cao Wende's wife accompanied him to the company. Because she was free, she planned to select the manpower recommended by the Century Bar to stay with Cao's family and deal with him.

The talent of Lin Chuan.

Genting Tower,Day meeting room.

Cao Wende and his wife chose to interview everyone here.

The talents who come to interview have different skills, including magicians, famous thieves, martial arts coaches who are especially good at fighting, and extreme athletes who are good at parkour.

Lin Chuan brought Zhou Ke and Li Xiaoman to form a small team.

He has enough confidence to let Cao Wende choose himself.

Although the Cao family's reputation is not very good, the people who come here are all for money and fame.

Although the Cao family's reputation is slightly worse among the top ten financial groups, there are still a large number of people who flock to the Cao family.

Lin Chuan and the others waited quietly in the corridor. Among those who came to interview, Lin Chuan's post-play identity was considered the oldest.

Cao Wende's selection criteria were very high, and there were very few people who came here who could pass the test and were selected by him.

The price offered by the Cao family was extremely high, which made those who were not selected leave with their heads down and disappointed.

Finally, it was Chuan's team's turn.

The three entered the conference room together.

Cao Wende looked at the information on the introduction, without raising his head: "This time, what we need is someone who can deal with Lin Chuan."

"Why do you think you can do it?"

The implication is that you have any confident skills that can be used to deal with the strange thief Lin Chuan.

"And this hypnotist, I can't think of it, what role can you play?"

Lin Chuan chuckled in his heart, just because you want to deal with me?

I'm right in front of you, you don't even know, what can you use to deal with me?

He folded his arms and said with a smile: "Swallow, she actually despises you so much, show him a little bit."

Lin Chuan's confident statement aroused Cao Wende's interest.

"Hmph! Then I'll see what you guys are capable of. I'll give you a minute at most.

"Half a minute is enough."

Li Xiaoman is only shy when she is being herself, but once Lin Chuan assigns her some roles, she always performs beautifully.

This time, Lin Chuan set her role as a highly skilled hypnotist with a black belly.

While in the corridor, Li Xiaoman told Lin Chuan through observation.

In the conference room, Cao Wende's real wife also came.

Lin Chuan told Li Xiaoman that when he went in later, he had to find a way to let the other party choose him, even if it was threatening or taking advantage of it.

In short, even if he does whatever it takes, he will be left behind by Cao Wende.

Li Xiaoman looked at Cao Wende and his wife, and the person she first chose to hypnotize was Cao Wende's wife.

"Hypnosis is very easy. Anyone who looks into my eyes will be hypnotized by me."

Cao Wende's wife obviously didn't believe it.

The corners of his mouth were raised, and his smile was playful with sarcasm.

She looked into Li Xiaoman's eyes, and there was nothing unusual at first.

Li Xiaoman's voice was full of bewilderment, like a curse issued by a forest witch.

"Go to sleep."

Sure enough, Cao Wende's wife suddenly became sleepy and fell down, but was supported by Cao Wende in time.


Li Xiaoman snapped his fingers.

Cao Wende's wife woke up immediately with a smile on her face, apparently in a state of hypnosis, but she didn't know it.

Li Xiaoman walked up to the opponent and took out a banknote from his pocket.

"Now, if you can get the bill, it's yours."

Cao Wende's wife stretched out her hand to reach the distance that could be reached by straightening her arms, but she couldn't reach it no matter what.

Every time you make a shot, it deviates far away.

Cao Wende was a little surprised, this hypnotist seemed to have some skills.

"If you can say your name, it's yours."

"Woo hoo."

The other party opened his mouth, his mouth was slurred, and he couldn't say a complete sentence, let alone a word that humans could understand.

She was extremely curious, and turned to look at Cao Wende. Cao Wende was the same as her at this time, with a very surprised expression.

The two looked at each other, Cao Wende shrugged helplessly and smiled, he had to admit that the hypnotist was really capable.

"But what does this ability have to do with arresting Lin Chuan?"

Li Xiaoman said to Cao Wende's wife: "Wait here, I want to take a peek now, what is going on in your husband's head?"

As a woman, after getting the strange experience of hypnosis.

Of course, I also hope that my husband can also experience the magic in person.

It's a pity that she couldn't utter a complete sentence, so she could only nod quickly.

"Let me describe slowly, don't tell me."

"You're thinking, the Phantom Hotel on the Bund of Shanghai, with a big white bed and rose petals."

Cao Wende looked at Li Xiaoman, shocked in his heart, the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

He seriously warned Li Xiaoman: "Enough! Stop talking nonsense."

Cao Wende's wife is fine except that her mouth cannot speak and her body cannot move.

She obviously heard some special meaning from Li Xiaoman's description.

It's a hotel again, and it's a big bed with rose petals. It's obvious that this old boy is cheating!

She looked at Cao Wende angrily.

Li Xiaoman didn't care about the embarrassment of the other party, and continued to describe: "You are there, and you called some kind of special business? Some kind of old business?"

...asking for flowers...

Cao Wende growled: "I didn't!! You get out, security!"

Li Xiaoman sneered: "Are you sure you want me to leave, if I leave like this, your wife will remember everything about the future.

Cao Wende broke out in a cold sweat. Although he was not afraid of his wife, it would be troublesome to be known about cheating!

"Are you threatening me?"

"Otherwise." Li Xiaoman responded lazily.

Lin Chuan also doesn't know whether Li Xiaoman can play the role, or if he is clearly acting in his true colors.

Couldn't she set up a disguised identity this time to dig out some of her hidden attributes.

Cao Wende gritted his teeth: "Don't force me!"

Li Xiaoman continued: "You are thinking of a woman's name, let me think about it, counting in twenty-six English letters."

"A, B, C, D, E, F..."

When talking about F, Cao Wende's eyelids and the corners of his mouth twitched obviously.

"Carpenter F? Feng?"

"A woman named Feng?"

Li Xiaoman seemed surprised to find out that she turned sideways and asked Cao Wende's wife: "You know someone named Feng, she is your friend, right?"

Cao Wende's wife nodded and shook her head.

Friendship is correct, but not just friendship.

"Is she your subordinate?"

The other party nodded, Cao Wende was in extreme embarrassment, he could feel that he was on the verge of social death.

He knows his wife's character, if there is a disturbance in the company, it will bring negative news to the company.

This kind of influence is enough to destroy his future.

Li Xiaoman: "You are actually together with your wife's subordinates. In the hotel, you even enjoy a bathtub with rose petals. How romantic!"

Cao Wende's wife had gone mad, if she hadn't been hypnotized, she would definitely rush over and wrestle with Cao Wende.

"What exactly do you want?"

"She looks a little sad, do you want to resolve this in a peaceful way, such as letting her forget what just happened.

"Of course I hope!" Cao Wende rubbed his fists.

Li Xiaoman smiled: "Don't be so nervous, we just feel that the price offered by the Cao family is good, so come and try, if you can be selected, as the main force to deal with Lin Chuan

I think my eldest will be happy too. "

"Okay, you are left behind, let me get rid of this mess quickly."

"Okay, but when you see the woman surnamed Feng again, or think of her, you will think of the scarab pushing the dung ball.

Cao Wende actually fell into a kind of hypnosis when he was talking to Li Xiaoman.

But it's not in the same category as his wife.

Li Xiaoman looked at the snarling mad woman, "Sleep."

The other party immediately quieted down,

"When I snap my fingers again, you'll forget what just happened!"



A crisp finger snap sounded, and Cao Wende's wife rang again, and stopped attacking, as expected, she forgot everything just now.

"Unfortunately, some people cannot be deceived."

Cao Wende's wife scorned: "So I can't be hypnotized? I think your skills are not good enough."

Really forgot everything before!

Cao Wende hurriedly pulled his wife, for fear of offending her again.

"I will seriously consider you, please wait for my call, the next group."

Leaving the meeting room, Zhou Ke was completely shocked, "Sister Xiaoman, how did you know that Cao Wende was having an affair with his wife's subordinate through mind reading?"

Li Xiaoman chuckled: "The boss told me."

Zhou Ke was even more shocked this time!

He can disguise himself and perform magic tricks, but this is not enough, the boss is still a master of mind reading?

Zhou Ke admires Lin Chuan so much:

"Boss, don't you have too many skills? It feels like you're cheating on me!"

Lin Chuan smiled in his heart, he was the chosen one with a system, and he was much more fierce than cheating.

But as for the matter of Cao Wende, it was different from what Zhou Ke had guessed.

Lin Chuan explained with a smile: "You think too much, these are all the information provided by Fang Yuan."

"Ah! That's how it is!"

Sure enough, Lin Chuan received a message from Cao Wende.

The Cao Family Consortium made a decision to leave only Lin Chuan as a small team among the many recommended candidates.

Although there is Li Xiaoman's threat factor, Cao Wende can still be sure that this team does have extraordinary skills and is qualified for the task of hunting down Lin Chuan.

That night, Cao Wende made a connection and let Lin Chuan's team meet Cao Qufei, the president of the Cao Bank.

The meeting place was naturally chosen at a restaurant near Cao's Bank.

Lin Chuan and others were in the car and saw many people holding banners and standing at the gate of Cao's Bank, protesting and defending their rights.

"Damn Cao's Bank! Harming the rights and interests of customers, I want to defend my rights!"

"Your bank is too bad! Why did you take away my house? It was obviously you who tricked us!"

"I am so old, I have never seen a financial product that I bought and then owed to the bank, it is too outrageous!"

"I bought your product worth 300,000 yuan, but I owe you 1 million instead! Is there any law to do this, I'm going to sue you!"

A large number of people, crowded at the gate of Cao's Bank

Outside the line, angry rights defenders were issued.

Lin Chuan communicated with Dr. Ren Yuan in the headset: "What's going on, what exactly happened?"

Through the camera function of the contact lens, Wang Ren was far away at the base and saw the content on the screen.

He had a little understanding of some evil methods of Cao's Bank, so he explained it to Lin Chuan.

"It's like this. These people bought an oil futures product produced by Cao's Bank, because some time ago, the oil price fell into a negative number. As a result, they not only lost all their principal, but also owed more money later.

bank money.

"Actually, Cao's Bank has to bear the main responsibility in this transaction!"

"Whether it is product design or sales methods, they have huge problems."

"First of all, they package high-risk funds as wealth management products and recommend them to investment novices, without any sense of risk control or service."

"Second, because this futures is a foreign product. There is a time difference with Longguo, and the trading hours are not equal. This futures is locked at 22 o'clock every day, and the International Clearing House settles

The time point is 2:30 in the morning of the next day, which leads to a four and a half hour window period!

This time the oil price fell from 11 yuan to negative 37 yuan. Even though investors know it, they can only watch their money become negative. Cao's Bank must take the main responsibility for this.

Take responsibility!"

Lin Chuan probably understands what it means, if you use buying a property as an analogy.

There may be ups and downs when buying a property, which is normal, but no matter how good it is, there is at least one building left.

With Cao’s Bank, it’s yours to buy one building from him, but in the end you have to pay for three other buildings. This is so obvious when you hear it, it’s completely unreasonable!

Soon, Lin Chuan, who was in disguise, met Cao Qufei, the president of the Cao Bank.

This is a tall, thin middle-aged man with high cheekbones and the appearance of a cunning businessman.

This person was very arrogant when he hadn't performed the magic show before, and he made his voice on the Internet many times and danced himself.

After seeing that he succeeded in stealing a bank without anyone noticing, he panicked a little.

Cao Qufei and Cao Wende are good friends, and he trusts the person Cao Wende introduced.

"Three, hello."

"I'm the chief executive of Cao's Bank, I've worked hard for you this time, what do you call the three of you.

"Just call me Eagle." Lin Chuan introduced, let's go to the Modu Gymnasium. "

Cao Qufei was puzzled: "Aren't you going to assist me and strengthen the security forces of Cao's Bank? What are you doing there?"

Cao Wende was also puzzled.

This team, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?

Lin Chuan smiled lightly: "I want to crack the tactics of the Phantom Thieves in front of you."

When Cao Wende heard this statement, he was immediately surprised!

He raised his hand and stared blankly at Lin Chuan, he couldn't believe it:

"You really cracked Kaitou Kid's method?"

Cao Qufei was a little excited. He, who claims to be a smart person, has also watched the video of the strange thief and magic stealing the bank several times.

But he looked at it for a long time, but still had no clue.

Lin Chuan said proudly: "As a magician, how difficult is it to analyze a magic trick in reverse?".

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