The Thief Show: Start As Kaitou Kid!

Chapter 78 The Magic Prepared By The Eagles Team! 【Subscribe】

"The selection is easy to explain, it's just a trick of the magician."

As Lin Chuan said, his assistant Zhou Ke took out a basket containing small balls.

It is different from the style performed in previous magic tricks, but after covering it with a layer of cloth, the usage is similar.

Cover the cloth, and Zhou Ke can reach out and touch the ball.

Five times in a row, the numbers of the small balls taken out were surprisingly consistent.

The audience understood immediately.

According to the same principle, no matter which audience member was selected at that time, the seat selected in the end must have been pre-set.

Lin Chuan: "So, the random selection is nothing more than a magician's method."

"The candidates have been selected in advance. If so, the number suits of the playing cards and the names on the playing cards have been made in advance. What's the problem?"

"As for the disappearing money, it's easier to explain why."

Lin Chuan conjured a fire paper coin and threw it into the sky.


The flames ignited and radiated bright light.

Then dissipated, leaving no trace of "Seven Eight Three".

The audience was astonished. They didn't know anything about magic, and they didn't even know what it was.

Lin Chuan explained: "The magic fire paper, when it burns, there is no smoke and no extinguishment.

After Mr. Eagle's on-site explanation, some viewers understood, and at the same time lamented the incredible IQ of Lin Chuan and Eagle.

Whether it is the designer or the cracker of this magic technique, the IQ is not generally high!

In the live broadcast room, barrages surged.

: That is to say, from the beginning to the end, the people in the stadium never left.

: This is the correct answer. After all, teleportation is something that only exists in anime.

: After Mr. Eagle's explanation, I finally understood the principle of this magic trick, but Lin Shen is really scary, he came up with such a complete set of plans within a day.

: When you said it, I realized that Lin Shen's wisdom is really incredible!

The auditorium and the inspection team were amazed.

The spider thief in the audience, in their hearts, also became curious about Lin Chuan's opponent.

As a strange thief, he has a keen mind and can discover information that many people have not noticed.

Lin Chuan, the strange thief, is very powerful, not just his means.

To be able to get information about the Cao family so quickly, he must have some kind of powerful intelligence network.

After revealing the secret of the magic, Lin Chuan is also going to do the second thing he promised before.

Bring a magic feast to the audience!

The spotlight came down and enveloped the three present, and the audience reveled in surprise.

Lin Chuan stepped back and said, "What is magic?"

"It's purposeful visual guidance, and now I need your attention!"

After saying this, the spotlights went out and the stage plunged into darkness.

The next moment, the stage lights were turned on again.

Lin Chuan closed his hands, put his left hand on top of his right hand, and slowly separated, a crystal clear bubble emerged from it.

At this time, Zhou Ke took out a specially made cigarette.

Lin Chuan took a deep breath and exhaled all the smoke into the air bubbles in his hands.


Bubbles fly into the sky, the trick of the magician is unimaginable.

I don't know what kind of special liquid was used, but the bubbles produced are surprisingly strong.

Bubbles rise to high altitude and become bigger and bigger.

Tonight, the full moon hung high in the center of the sky, and the bubble flew up until it burst at the highest altitude.

A large amount of smoke spread out, covering the moonlight. This beautiful picture made all the audience surprised and comfortable.

The performance officially begins.

Zhou Ke walked to the front of the stage, "Now, there is an envelope under all of your seats!"

"There is a piece of paper in the envelope, I want you to write down your own bank passbook."

Because it is magic, all the audience showed great enthusiasm.

They raised their bodies one after another, and sure enough, they found an envelope on the seat.

Inside the envelope was a cardboard, a pen, and a tiny flashlight.

Because it was a group magic trick, the audience cooperated very much and wrote their names and bankbooks on the hard paper cards one after another, and raised the cards in their hands.

Zhou Ke: "Please call out your names."

A large number of names were shouted from the enthusiastic audience like a tsunami.

"Li Mei?!"

Zhou Ke said the name, and a somewhat ordinary-looking woman in the auditorium stood up excitedly, covering her face.

The spotlight shone, and Li Mei's picture appeared on the big screen.

"I am here."

"Zhang Dagang?!"

"I'm here." A fat man with an unshaven beard stood up when he heard his name being called.

After Zhou Ke called the two, he continued to mobilize the enthusiasm of the audience, "I need more names!"

The audience shouted loudly, raising their voices several decibels again.

"Zhao Yingying!"

A dark-skinned woman with short hair smiled and stood up.

Zhou Ke said to the last girl: "I want you to stare at the bank account I wrote on paper."

"Then call out the numbers one to ten.


"Stop! Is 5 right?"

The girl was puzzled and tilted her head in doubt.



"Stop, is it 3?"

"Oh, yes." The girl didn't know what Zhou Ke was trying to trick.

"please continue!"

For the third time, the girl shouted the number 7, and Zhou Ke stopped.

"Zhao Yingying, there are 537 in your bank account?"

"I need to check my phone..." The girl glanced at her mobile bank account, after all, no one will remember how much their balance is

After reading it, she nodded in embarrassment, after all, her balance was too small!

"Yes, you are!"

The audience burst into applause like a tsunami.

Chris disdained: "This kind of thing, as long as it is investigated in advance, there is no difficulty, it's just a mystery.

Zhou Ke said to the girl, "Perhaps the amount is wrong."

Zhou Ke looked at the second obese man who stood up, "Zhang Dagang, what is your balance!"





"So you are 4450?"

"Yes, you guessed it."

Zhou Ke, "Actually, this number is just what you think, and it may be wrong."

After accurately naming the third person, Zhou Ke mobilized the audience, "Now, everyone stand up."

"Put your handwritten bank accounts in front of you."

"Focus and think about the balance in your mind."

A strange scene happened, the hard paper cards in everyone's hands, the numbers changed, turned out to be their bank deposit balances.

"how can that be?"

"How could they investigate my balance, did my information leak out?"

"Is this really a magic trick?"

"Why do the numbers on the paper change? It's so strange!"

The audience was puzzled, but Zhou Ke said at this time: "It's a very strange thing, the bank balance that all of you think is actually wrong!"

"You can sit down now."

Then, Lin Chuan walked up to Zhou Ke and whispered a few words.

Zhou Ke immediately said, "I almost forgot an important 0.5 thing. Thanks to Cao's Bank, the group has our performance tonight.

"Welcome with applause! President of Cao's Bank, come on stage!"

The white light beam shone on Cao Qufei, and he felt as if he was being watched by everyone and became the focus.

This made him very excited, and at the same time, in order to slap Lin Chuan in the face, he really wanted to participate in the ultimate magic trick brought by Mr. Eagle.

He came on stage smiling.

Li Xiaoman asked: "President Cao, have you written your own bank account?"

Cao Qufei chuckled: "Sorry, I share the same account with the company, and the digits on the card are not enough to write.

Hearing President Cao's words, the water friends in the live broadcast room shouted Versailles.

: This is so extraordinary!

: Damn, how rich they are, there are not enough grids on the cardboard!

: Cao's bank's liquidity account naturally has a lot of funds, but it's not his, it belongs to the bank's property.

Li Xiaoman smiled and said: "It's okay, we have prepared for you."

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