The Thief Show: Start As Kaitou Kid!

Chapter 84 It's The Specialty Of The Phantom Thieves To Appear And Disappear! 【Seek Full Order】

The captain of the traffic police stared at the picture sent back by the tunnel surveillance camera.

On the screen, a black dot rapidly enlarged.

It was the Black Accord of the Phantom Thieves.

"Attention all members, pull the ground nails and seal the passage!"

The captain of the traffic police, holding a loudspeaker in his hand, gave orders.

The loud voice spread across the scene, and all the traffic policemen moved quickly.

Set up fences and spread the ground nails to cover the entire road.

Black Accord car rushed out!

The speed is very fast, and it is remotely controlled by Zhou Ke, a vehicle expert.

The traffic bureau set up a passage for passers-by, and Accord jumped up before rushing to the place where the ground nails were laid.

Like a carp jumping over the dragon gate, it perfectly crossed the nails and rushed into the passage. Like a black light, it shattered the protective fence!

Over 180 per hour!

The traffic police guarding the scene only felt a buzzing sound, as if a whistling wind had blown by.

It hurts to shave my face!

People from the Cao family: "Chasing him, we must force him to stop!"

Cao Qufei, watching the video from the scene, wearing earphones, gave orders to everyone in the Cao family.

"You can be sure, that is the car of the Phantom Thieves. As long as you catch up with them and force them to stop, each of you will have a bonus of 1.31 million!"

He was anxious and clenched his fists tightly!

We must catch Lin Chuan within 24 hours and recover the loss of 4.7 billion!

Otherwise, my position as bank chief will definitely be lost.

The guards at the gate, Cao's motorcade, are all high-end coupes, very fast.

Hit the gas pedal and shoot straight away!

Each of them, as if they had been injected with chicken blood, frantically chased the black Accord.

It can be seen from the aerial view of the drone.

On the straight-line section, the black Accord of the Phantom Thieves is extremely not dominant.

This road is unimpeded, with almost no obstacles, like a 100-meter sprint, and all the cars are going straight forward.

Boom boom boom boom!

The engine is noisy.

Cao's team, a car expert, drove a luxury coupe, accelerated fiercely, and rushed to the front of the Accord.

Soon, the second Cao's car cut to the left side of the Accord and kept closing the distance, intending to force the Phantom Thieves to stop.

The rear was also blocked by the Cao family's convoy, forming a three-sided encirclement. There was only the curb on the right side of the road, and no cars were thrown.

In the main live broadcast room, Lin Yi was still interviewing Director Zhou Yifei.

Lin Yi opened his eyes wide: "Director Zhou, according to the normal situation, it is illegal to force people to stop on the road like this."

Director Zhou nodded: "Anyone who deliberately and illegally intercepts a motor vehicle, affects the normal driving of the motor vehicle, or causes other harmful consequences, may be detained and fined for the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, or may be criminally liable for the crime of dangerous driving.

"Sometimes, when we are driving on the highway, it is inevitable that we will encounter scratches, and the other party will hit and run. Don't panic, and don't choose to chase the other party to force the stop."

"If you encounter such an incident, remember the license plate number of the other party and call the police immediately. This is your most correct choice."

"However, this time, if Lin Chuan stole 4.7 billion, it is indeed a major criminal case. Therefore, the police department can force him to stop on the road."

The water friends in the live broadcast room saw that the vehicles of the Phantom Thieves were caught in the middle, and the speed was getting slower and slower, and they felt nervous and panicked.

: It's over! Just now I thought that the Phantom Thieves could rush over in one go, but unfortunately the performance of the vehicle itself is much worse than that of Cao's team.

: If there are more curves, the Phantom Thieves can also rely on silky cornering skills to widen the distance. But on this unimpeded straight road, the performance of the car itself is completely compared.

: It's a pity that the Accord of the Phantom Thieves was beaten by a sedan!

: If Lin Shen is really caught, will those suffering people who finally got their money back be taken back by Cao's Bank?

: I'm afraid so.

: Lin Shen has tried his best, the other party is one of the top ten financial groups after all!

: Yes, even if Lin Shen is really caught, I hope no one will blame him, at least he dares to stand up and do these things. He dared to stand up and point out the various evil deeds of Cao's Bank.

The four vehicles decelerate synchronously.

Finally, the black Accord was completely forced to stop on the side of the road.

Cao Qufei, who watched the live broadcast, jumped up and down with excitement, and smiled at the camera of the drone:

"Hahaha, what kind of bullshit Phantom Thieves, after all the tricks are exhausted, this is the end result?"

"Facing the power of our consortium, what are you!"

"It's just a little treachery, it's not a big deal at all.

"There are also those who lost money by buying futures. Buying futures is inherently risky. If you lose money, you will complain. Why don't you say it if you make money?"

The audience in the live broadcast room were extremely disgusted with the Cao family. Seeing Cao Qufei clamoring, some viewers directly complained.

: The problem was originally your bank's fault, so why should you let the customer bear it?

: They were all played around by God Lin, who revealed the three secret keys himself, and now relying on the power behind him to win back a city, he can make a fuss? How shameless!

: The ugly faces of capitalists are really disgusting!

Spray to spray, the audience in the live broadcast room are feeling lost at this moment.

How could Lin Chuan escape after being forced to stop? This time, being caught seemed to be a certainty.

The members of the Cao family got out of the car and came to the side of the Accord car.

bang bang bang!

Knock on the window.

"Come out quickly!"

"This hunt is over, let's catch it with nothing."

"Stop wasting time, there's no point in doing this!"

No matter what the Cao family said, the people inside just didn't move.

Finally, one of them discovered the clue.

bang bang bang!

He knocked on the car window vigorously, and even joined forces with the people around him to shake the car from side to side, but the people inside didn't respond at all.

"What's going on, how come the Phantom Thieves look like dead bodies?"

"What a dead body! It's just a dummy inside!"

The members of Cao's family used the backlight of their mobile phones to illuminate the interior of the Accord.

The SkyEye UAV adjusts the focal length to clearly capture the picture inside the car.

A scene that shocked all the audience and made their scalps tingle appeared in the picture sent back by the drone!

Inside the car, there are still figures of the Phantom Thieves.

It is basically three ways, and the dummy similar to the image of the Phantom Thieves is placed inside!

They certainly don't have feelings, and they certainly don't respond.

Another dummy?!

Lied by Lin Chuan again!!080

Cao's family dispatched four helicopters, a whole fleet of high-end coupe cars, and hundreds of vehicles. They also contacted the traffic police brigade to set up a low-level containment.

But even so, he was still escaped by the Phantom Thieves.

Cao Qufei's face turned pale with shock, his body softened, and he sat on the ground directly, his face was burning with pain, and he lied in his heart.

"How did this happen? Did they really run away?"

"How is this possible!"

Seeing the escape of the Phantom Thieves, the inspection team and the audience in the live broadcast room were all excited.

: I lost it! Phantom Thieves! It's really haunting!

: How did they escape? The underground tunnel surveillance clearly locked the Accord all the time. When did they jump out of the warehouse?

: Extremely weird! The methods of the Phantom Thieves are really unimaginable!

: But fortunately they escaped, this time the Cao family will be severely beaten!

: A minute ago, President Cao was still so high-spirited, but now, hehe.

In Yunding Building, Cao Junlong threw the goblet angrily onto the big screen in front of him.


The goblet was shattered, and the big screen was smashed to create a crack that spread around.

The light on the screen flickered and made a buzzing sound.

Cao Junlong's gloomy face was flickering bright and dark, with irrepressible anger. One of the top ten consortiums, the supreme Cao family, was tricked by Lin Chuan again!

He called for his assistants and roared, "The detective team of Mordor City, where are the top two?"

"No matter how much you pay, bring them here!"

The assistant lowered his head tremblingly: "Yes!".

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