The only way to save the world is to go to hell.

Who am I?

Where am I?

What happened?

Fudge was panicking now.

I just approved some documents, how come I was suddenly accused of such a big crime!

Can anyone tell me what happened?

Umbridge, one of the best lackeys in the Ministry of Magic, stood up and hurriedly handed a series of newspapers that had just been published to Fudge.

Fudge took a look and his eyes went dark.

Scrimgeour, can you do something?

Can you catch this little ancestor just because you want to?

Not to mention that the Saints' power in Britain has already spread, the group of pure bloods led by Malfoy behind him is not something the Ministry of Magic can handle!

What's more, he was trying to protect ordinary wizards!

The saliva of British wizards can kill people!

Fudge held the table and steadied himself.

"Everyone, please calm down. This... is just a misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding? What kind of misunderstanding can bring an eleven-year-old child to the Ministry of Magic!"

These people didn't want Fudge to get away with it, so they made things clear.

"If there weren't a lot of wizards watching at the time, would the British Ministry of Magic still have planned to put him in Azkaban!"

"No, no!"

"I think Scrimgeour just asked him to come over to ask questions. Once the matter is clear, he will definitely send Mr. Grindelwald back safely!"

Fudge was so confused that he hurried to explain.

"Interrogation? Is it necessary to bring Aurors to escort the interrogation? Is it necessary to threaten other people's lives? Do you think we are blind!"

"Today, if the British Ministry of Magic does not give us a reasonable explanation, we will go to the International Confederation of Wizards and the Wizengamot!"

"That's right, we don't believe that the British Ministry of Magic can cover the sky with one hand!"

Fudge took a handkerchief and kept wiping the sweat on his forehead.

"Everyone, please believe us, believe in the British Ministry of Magic, we will definitely give Mr. Grindelwald justice!"

Turning around and scolding Umbridge.

"Why don't you send someone to Scrimgeour to bring Mr. Grindelwald out? Why are you just standing there?"

Umbridge felt wronged: "Minister, it's not that I don't want to send someone, but the Ministry of Magic is now surrounded by British wizards. Everyone is maintaining order and can't find anyone!"

"Fool, you are not a human! I ask you if you are a human!"

Umbridge, who had just woken up from a dream, hurried out. Before she walked out of the door, she saw several figures coming.

"Why are you here?"

Arthur Weasley frowned and looked at Lucius next to him.

Lucius snorted disdainfully: "Do I need to report to you when I come here?"

"I have business today and I don't have time to argue with you!" Arthur glanced at Lucius and walked straight to Fudge.

"You talk like no one is here for business!"

Lucius didn't bother too much and walked into the office with a group of pure bloods.

"Mr. Malfoy? And... Mr. Parkinson and Mr. Greengrass?"

"Mr. Nott, you are here too?"

"This is..."

As soon as he saw these people coming, Fudge immediately had an ominous premonition.

Turning his head to see Arthur and Mrs. Molly, he became more certain of his feelings.

"Nothing, we just came to ask how Mr. Grindelwald is doing."

Lucius did not speak as aggressively as the previous group of wizards, but he had already made his attitude clear by standing here.

Anyone can see that it is impossible for them to just ask questions when they bring several patriarchs of pure-blood families here!

The meaning is very clear, I will give you face now, let's discuss it properly.

If you don't know what's good for you, don't blame me for being rude.

Lucius and others are obviously much more important than the previous group of wizards.

No matter how famous the previous wizards were, they only represented themselves at most, and it was impossible for them to have an impact on Fudge's status.

Lucius and his men are different!

Any one of them is a big figure in the British wizarding world!

If they join forces to mess with Fudge, they can really pull him down from the position of Minister of Magic!

"Of course it's okay! Mr. Grindelwald was just invited to the Ministry of Magic to ask a few questions!"

"I just wanted to send someone to ask if it was over, but I didn't expect you, Mr. Malfoy, to come first."

Fudge didn't have the same response as before, and every move he made showed extreme enthusiasm.

"That's the best!" Mrs. Molly snorted.

She was originally an Auror, and she couldn't stand Scrimgeour's unscrupulous means to achieve his goals.


Even if the other party is the pioneer in capturing dark wizards!

"Minister Fudge, if you don't mind, can you arrange for us to meet Mr. Grindelwald first."

"At least, we have to make sure he is safe."

Lucius is also on Scrimgeour's hunting list, and he knows this hateful Auror Director very well.

It has been a while since Argus was captured, and he must see it with his own eyes to feel at ease.


Fudge hesitated.

Scrimgeour has been staring at Argus for a long time, and now that he has finally caught him, who knows what means he will use.

If someone sees it, the Ministry of Magic will have a mouthful to explain!

"Mr. Malfoy, you also know that the Ministry of Magic cannot enter and leave at will..."

"How about this, I will send Umbridge over now, and let her give Scrimgeour a message..."

"Minister Fudge, I'll go!"

Arthur took the initiative to speak, wanting to take over this task.

But Fudge didn't dare!

He sent his confidant to ensure that there would be a buffer if Argus was punished.

If you go there, what the hell is the buffer!

You must pick up your wand and fight Scrimgeour!

Although Weasley and Malfoy are both members of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, they are far apart in status and power.

What's more, Arthur is still working under him, and Fudge's attitude towards him is far worse than Lucius's.

"Arthur Weasley, I said, let Umbridge go!"

Arthur was about to say something, but Lucius spoke first.

He was able to bring the Malfoy family to its current status, so his mind is naturally extraordinary.

He saw Fudge's intention at a glance.

"Minister Fudge, I think it's better to let Mr. Weasley go."

"It's not that I don't trust Ms. Umbridge."

"You know Mr. Scrimgeour better than I do. If something unexpected happens, I'm afraid Ms. Umbridge won't be able to stop him."

Fudge didn't give in on this issue.

"Mr. Malfoy, please believe me, believe the British Ministry of Magic."

Just then, an angry female voice came.

"Believe in the Ministry of Magic? If you believe in it, you will be locked up in the trial room as a dark wizard!"

Professor McGonagall was like an angry lioness, questioning before she even entered the door.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and saw Dumbledore slowly walking towards Fudge's office.

The four deans of Hogwarts gathered!

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