The third generation of Dark Lord came from Hogwarts

Chapter 15 Are you playing tricks on me? I’ll kill you with my sword!

The freshmen of Slytherin looked at Argus with doubtful eyes.

Argus sneered in his heart.

You can't help it now?

Don't worry, you will be unable to help yourself in the future!

Putting aside the grudge between the saint and Dumbledore, Argus himself did not have such a bad impression of Dumbledore.

In any case, this old man has devoted his life to maintaining peace in the wizarding world.

Even if he is too arbitrary sometimes and wants everyone to follow his ideas.

But the starting point is good.

Unlike some hypocrites, they say they will sacrifice everything, but when it is their turn, they run faster than anyone else.

Dumbledore's selflessness lies in that he will not only sacrifice others, but also his own life.

It's a pity that his ideas may not be correct.

Imposing one's own ideas on others is itself a wrong behavior.

"Mr. Grindelwald, if you don't want to stand there like a troll, you'd better follow me as soon as possible."

Snape's impatient voice sounded.

Argus's mouth curled up: "Dean, please lead the way."


Snape snorted coldly and led Argus to the principal's office on the eighth floor.

Along the way, Argus did not say anything rashly.

Snape is not as easy to fool as Harry.

A person who can be a double agent can't be provoked by a few words!

If you don't pay attention, it may arouse his vigilance.

Fortunately, Snape is not a talkative person. The two of them came to the eighth floor in silence and climbed the griffin-shaped spiral staircase.

"Sizzle honey candy!"

The stone beast opened the door and the two walked into the principal's office.

What came into view were the picture frames of the principals of all generations and countless books.

The mixed-feather chicken called the phoenix stood on the sycamore wood and combed its feathers with its beak.

Dumbledore was a little dazed when he saw Argus, but then he recovered and spoke to Snape.

"Excuse me, Severus."

"Hehe, I hope a certain headmaster can eat less sweets, so that his poor potion professor can work less hard."

When Snape came in, he saw the candies on the table and couldn't help but be sarcastic.

"Be considerate, this is the only hobby of a centenarian."

Dumbledore replied with a smile and invited Argus.

"Mr. Grindelwald, would you like some lemon sherbet? Or a pile of cockroaches?"

"No need, Mr. Headmaster."

"Perhaps, you can consider Professor Snape's advice. Eating too much sugar at night is really bad for your teeth."

"Especially for a centenarian."

Argus, who has the seventh level of brain occlumency, did not show much fear of Dumbledore.

If it was Voldemort standing opposite, he might have to consider how to escape.

Dumbledore can speak boldly.

It is much better to deal with a well-behaved old man than a madman.

Even if this old man is terrifyingly powerful!

"Severus, if you have nothing to do, go to the Slytherin common room first."

"According to Slytherin tradition, the election for the headmaster is about to begin."

I knew that old Deng had bad intentions!

Agus sneered in his heart.

He deliberately called me to the headmaster's office at this time, just to make me lose the qualification to compete for the headmaster!

If I cannot become the headmaster, it means that my reputation in Slytherin will be greatly reduced.

By supporting this headmaster, I can also train someone to compete with me.

You are worthy of it, Dumbledore!

Just a little move, and there are several layers of calculations!

Snape turned around and left without any hesitation.

"Mr. Grindelwald, please sit down." Dumbledore said slowly.

"What would you like to drink? How about English black tea?"

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Headmaster." Agus smiled.

"I really envy you for being able to enjoy life anytime and anywhere, unlike my father."

"He should be about the same age as you, and he stays alone in a high tower."

"No one talks to him, he eats simple meals every day, and can only stay in the room quietly, staring at the letter in his hand in a daze."

"I once asked him why he never saw a reply, he didn't say anything, just looked into the distance in silence."

"If he could be like you, it would be great to enjoy life more."

"Don't you think so? Mr. Principal!"

Damn, you are playing these little tricks with me?

I'll kill you with my knife!

When Argus spoke, his eyes were fixed on Dumbledore.

Dumbledore looked calm on the surface, but his slightly trembling palms still exposed his inner thoughts.

"I really don't know what my father was thinking. He knew there would be no reply, but he still sent out one letter after another."

"Come to think of it, who would love an old man like him?"

Argus's words of false emotion made Dumbledore completely lose his composure.

He didn't even notice that the hot tea in his hand was spilled on his hand!

Looking at Dumbledore's gradually reddening eyes, Argus bit his back teeth tightly.

He was afraid that he would laugh out loud if he wasn't careful!

It was you who set the goal with my father, and even the slogan was yours.

But then?

You just walked away, leaving me to fight alone!

That would be fine, but for some love, you would rather violate the blood pact and fight him!

Step on his corpse to become the greatest white wizard of this century!

My father is imprisoned in Nurmengard, but you are comfortable.

Eating honey candy and singing songs every day!

Is there still the law?

Is there still law!

Dumbledore didn't know how to speak for a while, perhaps, it would be more appropriate to say that he didn't dare to speak.

Argus didn't urge him, and quietly appreciated the changes in his expression.

From reminiscence, to nostalgia, to regret, and remorse.

After nearly ten minutes, Dumbledore woke up from his emotions, and his eyes looked at Argus more and more complicated.

"When you get older, you will always think of some past events."

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"It's okay, Mr. Principal, only those who have some unforgettable things will have past events to recall."

Argus' words stabbed Dumbledore in the heart, and each one was more ruthless than the last!

"You haven't told me yet, what did you call me for?"

Dumbledore forgot what he wanted to talk about after being blamed by Argus.

He was stunned for a while!

At this moment, there was a sudden movement outside the gate.

Professor Snape, who had just left, returned again.

"What's wrong, Severus?"

"You should ask our beloved Mr. Grindelwald."

"Mr. Malfoy and others said that except Mr. Grindelwald, the first-year Slytherin students will not obey anyone."

Dumbledore finally remembered the purpose of calling Argus over.

But he didn't expect that Argus's reputation in Slytherin would be so high.

His forehead, which was already full of wrinkles, was tightly wrinkled...

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