"Hey, seniors, why aren't you laughing?"

"Don't you like laughing?"

Hermione pretended to be very puzzled.

Since Argus came in, these people have been trying to analyze it in a smart way.

The results of the analysis all concluded that it would be good for Argus to reach the third grade!

Fourth grade?

Don't even think about it!

This made Hermione, who was a little fan of Argus, extremely dissatisfied!

Now, Argus gave them a loud slap in the face with his actual actions!

How confident he was before, how slapped in the face he is now!

Qiu Zhang next to him covered his mouth and laughed secretly.

At the Gryffindor long table not far away, the Weasley twins, who were also slapped in the face, looked confused.

"Who wins this bet?"

Harry scratched his head and looked at the Weasley twins.

Their mouths were so wide open that they could almost fit an ostrich egg.

They thought Argus would be very strong, but they didn't expect Argus to be so strong!

A freshman dragged down the fifth graders who were about to take O.W.L.s!

Is this something a human could do?

Ron seized the opportunity and snatched his Scabbers back.

"Give it to you!"


The professor's seat in the dining hall.

Professor Flitwick danced with excitement.

"Genius! I can't imagine that a freshman can reach this position! I am looking forward to his performance in the Charms class!"

"I just don't know how good this child's Transfiguration is. I hope it will be as outstanding as his Charms talent."

"Don't worry, Minerva. Although I don't have much contact with him, I can see that he is a very smart child."

Professor Flitwick tried to smooth out the wrinkled corners of his clothes caused by intense exercise, and continued.

"Such a child will definitely see the importance of Transfiguration at a glance!"

"I hope so!"

Professor McGonagall's mood was very complicated.

As a teacher, a student with extraordinary talent is as attractive to her as Quidditch!

She looks forward to Argus's talent.

But she was also worried that Argus's talent was only in spells, and he knew nothing about Transfiguration.

Expectation and worry, two emotions intertwined in Professor McGonagall's heart.

She kept glancing at Argus's back.


At the Slytherin long table.

"Okay, everyone, listen to me first."

Seeing that everyone had almost finished eating, Argus stood up.

"I will go with a few seniors to help the freshmen find the location of each classroom."

"To prevent the freshmen from losing points because they can't find the classroom location."

"I hope everyone can set aside time in advance."

"Okay, Chief!"

"Get ready first. Those who don't bring textbooks should go to the dormitory to get their books first. In ten minutes, we will go to the first classroom."

Argus waved his hand, signaling everyone to go their own way.

When he led the Slytherins to the Transfiguration classroom, many Gryffindors had already taken their seats.

A group of people were laughing and joking, and no one paid attention to the tabby cat on the podium.

"Argus, Goyle, Crabbe and I will go to the back of the classroom to catch up on some sleep."

"Remember to call me when the get out of class is over!"

Draco yawned and came to Argus.

There were many Slytherin freshmen like him.

After they returned to the dormitory last night, many people were still excited and chatted for several hours.

The price of doing this is that they had no energy to attend class the next day.

After Draco finished speaking, Argus clearly felt that the cat on the podium glared at him.

Argus remembered then.

It seems that Professor McGonagall's Animagus is a tabby cat!

Old cat girl!

It's a pity that I came here too late, otherwise...

Shaking my head, I forced myself to clear the messy thoughts in my head.

Argus came to the podium and saluted the cat.

Draco pulled Draco and sat quietly in the first row.

Draco wondered why Argus saluted a cat, and he watched it over and over again but couldn't see the clue.

"Argus, that cat..."

"That's Professor McGonagall! There are only seven Animagus registered by the British Ministry of Magic, and Professor McGonagall is one of them." Argus spoke softly, reminding Draco at the same time.

"Look around her eyes, don't the stripes look like Professor McGonagall's glasses?"

"It really is!"

Draco was so scared that his legs went limp.

If Argus hadn't been blocking him, he would have almost stroked it.

Luckily he didn't!

If he had really done it, God knows how many points Professor McGonagall would have deducted from Slytherin!


Just then, a head full of red hair poked in, and after glancing around, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He walked in through the door panting.

"Oh, we're finally here!"

"If Professor McGonagall was here, her face would have been scary!"

Ron and Harry were relieved, and when they were about to find a seat, the tabby cat on the podium jumped up and jumped off the desk.

The moment he fell, he transformed into a woman in a dark green robe with a serious expression.

"This trick is really amazing!"

Ron's eyes almost popped out and he took two steps back in awe.

Professor McGonagall said expressionlessly: "Thank you for your evaluation, Mr. Weasley."

"Maybe I should turn Mr. Potter and you into a pocket watch, so that at least one of you can keep time."

"We are lost!" Harry explained.

"Then turn it into a map?" Professor McGonagall glanced around the classroom: "You don't need a map to find your seats in the classroom, right?"

Before the two of them had time to sit down, Professor McGonagall's cold voice came from behind.

"Mr. Weasley, Mr. Potter, because of your lateness, I have to deduct five points from each of you."

"I hope you can learn from this."

"And Mr. Grindelwald!"

When mentioning Argus, Professor McGonagall's voice became much gentler.

"You are the first and only student among the freshmen this year who recognized my identity."

"It can be seen that you know a lot about Transfiguration and observe carefully."

"Thank you for your compliment, Professor McGonagall." Argus replied with a smile.

"Because of your careful observation, Slytherin will get five points."

Professor McGonagall nodded in approval and came to the podium with her robes dragging.

"Transfiguration is the most complicated and dangerous magic you will learn in Hogwarts."

"If anyone makes trouble in my class, I will ask him to leave and never let him come in again."

"I have warned you!"

"Now, take out your wands and textbooks, I will show you what real Transfiguration is."

Professor McGonagall waved her wand, and the podium behind her turned into a humming piglet!

Countless little wizards were amazed.

Yags's focus was different from others.

Looking at the little white pig in front of him, he fell into deep thought unconsciously...

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