The third generation of Dark Lord came from Hogwarts

Chapter 85 The Forgotten Ron! Dumbledore Arrives

"I wonder if the scene in the Mirror of Erised can also appear in a coma."

"Never mind, let's try it first."

Agus dragged his tired body and dispelled the fire shield.

He stretched out his hand to call Harry and placed him in front of the Mirror of Erised.

After a while, after making sure that Harry in the mirror had time to put the Philosopher's Stone into his pocket, he reached into his pocket.

At this moment, a flame lit up in the air.

Fawkes's cry illuminated the entire secret room.

A white figure suddenly appeared.

"Good evening, Agus."

"It seems I'm still a step late."

"Fortunately you are safe."

As Dumbledore spoke, his eyes looked at Agus's hand reaching into Harry's pocket.

Agus didn't feel embarrassed at all, and took the Philosopher's Stone out of Harry's pocket and put it in his arms.

"I'm fine, but Harry may need to go to Madam Pomfrey."

Dumbledore seemed to have tacitly agreed to handing the Philosopher's Stone to Agus, and didn't say anything about it.

Seeing Harry's face swollen like a pig's head, he couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

He took out his wand and pointed it at his face.

"Healed as before!"

Harry's face gradually recovered as the white light shone.

The moment he opened his eyes, he subconsciously reached out to hug his head.

Dumbledore's face was full of black lines.

"Professor Dumbledore?"

Harry dared to put down his arms only after he found that he was not thrown out like before.

He saw Dumbledore on the side at first glance.

"Professor, just now..."

"It's okay." Dumbledore interrupted Harry's inquiry and made a self-blaming look.

"In fact, if I hadn't left Hogwarts for London, what happened today wouldn't have happened..."

"It's not your fault, Professor Dumbledore! No one would have thought that Professor Quirrell would become Voldemort's minion!"

Seeing Harry constantly comforting Dumbledore, Argus couldn't help but curl his lips.

Silly child!

From the time you came here until now, there hasn't been anyone who informed Dumbledore.

If he really didn't know about Quirrell, how could he come back so soon!

"Harry, can you tell me what just happened?"

"Of course, Professor!" Harry briefly recounted everything that had just happened, and looked at Dumbledore with a puzzled look.

"Professor, I have a question for you!"

"What question?" Dumbledore looked kind, and reached out to stroke Harry's dirty wizard robe.

"Why did all the magic that Voldemort released on me rebound to him?"

"That's because your mother sacrificed herself for you. Such behavior will leave a mark."

Harry subconsciously touched his scar.

"No, no, no, this mark is integrated with your skin."

"What is that?"

"Love, Harry, it's love!" Dumbledore touched Harry's head.

"Back then, your mother used her life to build a shield on you, which prevented Voldemort's conspiracy from succeeding."

"Until today, this magic is still protecting your safety."

"This is also something Voldemort will never understand. He doesn't understand the greatness of love!"


Harry's eyes showed unprecedented sadness.

Argus smelled something unusual.

He was not a newbie in magic like Harry, who was easily fooled by Dumbledore.

Both Grindelwald and Voldemort were masters of dark magic.

If he remembered correctly, the magic used by Lily, which cost her blood and life, was a typical dark magic!

Even among curses, it was high-end.

But how could a witch born in Muggle family use such high-end dark magic?

Did she learn it from Sirius? Or the heritage of the Potter family?

While thinking, Dumbledore had already brainwashed Harry.

He looked at Argus.

I won't ask you to retrieve the Philosopher's Stone, and you don't want to ruin my plan!

The two foxes, one big and one small, understood each other.

"Harry, I'll send you and Argus to Madam Pomfrey for a thorough checkup."

Harry then remembered that Argus was there too.

Recalling that he had suspected Argus of having bad intentions, he thought of the scene where Argus had just fought desperately with Voldemort.

Argus was the first friend of the same age that he had met in the wizarding world!

He had helped him more than once!

As a result, he had always suspected him! He didn't even have a chance to explain!

Strong regret filled his brain, making him subconsciously ignore the fact that Argus had used him as a human shield.

He lowered his head and came to Argus.

"Argus, I'm sorry, I... I..."

"It's okay, it's all over!" Argus smiled and patted Harry's shoulder.

The next second, a system prompt came from his mind.

[Congratulations to the host for uncovering Voldemort's conspiracy and obtaining the achievement: Hope of the Wizarding World]

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Madam Pomfrey handed a bottle of potion to Argus and Harry with a bad look on her face.

Compared to Harry, Argus's injury was more serious.

Harry just fell hard, but most of the injuries were superficial.

Argus was hit by several real curses!

Even if Voldemort was extremely weak, the strength of the spell was not comparable to that of ordinary wizards.

He was holding on to his last breath before, and his battle with Voldemort had just ended, so his adrenaline surged, so he didn't feel anything.

Now that he relaxed, the fatigue and pain in his body surged up all of a sudden.

He and Harry were lying on a hospital bed.

He fell into a deep sleep.

When he woke up, it was already the afternoon of the next day, and the events of last night had spread throughout Hogwarts.

Unlike the original work, the protagonist of this incident changed from Harry to Argus.

Dumbledore also thought about giving this honor to Harry, but Harry had already fainted, and his guilt towards Argus made him want to blow Argus's credit to the sky!

Countless little wizards sent their most sincere gifts and blessings.

Daphne, Draco, Pansy and others stayed by Argus's bed and never left!

"Argus, you're awake!"

Seeing Argus open his eyes, a group of people immediately came over.

"Argus, how do you feel? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Argus got up with the help of the pillow.

It must be said that Madam Pomfrey's potion is indeed effective. After sleeping for a day and a night, the injury has basically healed.

"I'm glad you're okay."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and picked up a pile of gifts from the ground.

"These are all gifts from everyone. I hope you can get well soon."

"Thank you, and thank everyone for me."

After not drinking water for a long time, Argus's voice was a little hoarse.

Harry, who was standing aside, looked at Argus, who was full of gifts and blessings beside the bed, and then looked at himself, and suddenly wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Where is the red-haired Weasley? You have such a big thing, and he has no reaction at all?"

"Thinking that when he was in trouble, you stayed by the bed all the time!"

Draco really loves Harry. Looking at the lonely Harry, he couldn't help but stand up for him.

"By the way! Ron!"

Harry seemed to suddenly remember something and stood up.

Regardless of his own body, he ran out madly.

"I forgot, Ron fell from the trap door and broke his leg! He is still in the cave!"

"Go find the professor and save him!!"

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