Although the attitude of these people from the source realm was indeed very unfriendly, and even arrogant, which made people very unpleasant, but, because of this, they couldn't have a suffocating breath towards them, right?

As for the unfinished words of the peak master, why can't Zuo Zhanghe come out?

But how can he explain it?

Say, because of some experiences in his childhood, Ah Er committed his life and was haunted by the evil spirit?

Or, he thinks that the girl is right, if the later people from the source realm really know everything about the Yuanyang faction, but they can't help them, so Ah Er is staring at them?

What's more, if you are complaining, if the source realm takes good care of the demons and does not let them come out to harm, the Yuanyang faction will not suffer such a big disaster? Not to let A Zhao——

Closing his eyes, Zuo Zhanghe didn't answer.

However, the peak master who saw him like this, felt that he might have said the wrong thing, so he shut his mouth and looked above Yangfeng.

Although they all knew that there was an entrance to Hongqiao in Yangfeng, in fact, apart from Ah Er, San, and Si, the rest of the elders and several peak masters had never met, even Ah Da.

Regarding this point, the other peak masters are also unhappy, but, in the end, it is all because they can't do the three of them, so it's nothing. Looking back now, I actually think that at that time, it was quite happy and happy?

After all, there are so many elders and peak masters in the Yuanyang faction, but at the moment, there are only six of them left. This feeling is really, very uncomfortable—

With a sigh, the two peak masters turned around and began to greet the disciples to build the Yuanyang Sect, and strive to restore the Yuanyang Sect to its previous appearance in the shortest possible time. comforted.

And, at this time.

The three of Qing Yunhong who appeared above the Fractured Yangfeng took everyone to the sect master's yard, which was relatively intact, and was the place where Shu Qianluo rested before.

It made her blink, touch her chin and mutter.

"Is there any other entrance here? I didn't even find it—"

You must know that before, she took advantage of the time to find treasures and turned over Yangfeng, so she really didn't find any other strange places, but now it seems that she still has a leak.

However, her muttering made Qing Hongyun smile.

"There is no other entrance, just a formation, we need to be transferred to the entrance of Hongqiao through that formation—"

"Oh, like this?"

Shu Qianluo, who understood what was going on, nodded and slapped his mouth.

"It's a bit of a hassle-"

"It's a little bit, but it's also for safety, after all—"

Qing Hongyun paused, as if he wanted to say something, and finally just threw out a sentence.

"After a while, you'll see what's going on—"

This can be said to be appetizing, let several people look at each other, and then follow Qing Hongyun to the forest behind the head yard, walk into the cave of one person, and stand in it.

When everyone stepped into the cave, the cave was dark, and then the formation of the cave was lit up, and the entrance of the cave was also sealed by boulders, which made Li Goudan's eyes widen in surprise.

"Fuck! It's like magic!"

"Well, it can also be said that, after all, our practice is indeed similar to magic to a certain extent, but because of different regions, different races, and different methods, there are different names, but the essence is It doesn't make any difference-"

For Li Goudan'er's shock, Qing Hongyun explained with a smile.

"If you have the opportunity, you can take a look at the other side of the field. There, it may give you a sense of belonging-"

These words not only made Li Goudan'er a few people stunned, but even Shu Qianluo glared.

"So, apart from the cultivation base, the Xuanmen and the outer door are basically the same?"


He nodded.

"There is a Huihai between us and them. Due to the special area of ​​Huihai, in general, the races on both sides are completely separated, unless the Huihai sinks and the seabed is exposed to open the way. Only then can people on both sides have the opportunity to learn from each other.”


It was probably the first time he heard such a thing, and Shu Qianluo scratched his head.

"Huihai? Under unusual circumstances? Unable to sail?"

"Well, no."

Taking over the words of Qing Hongyun, Prose Gan explained——

"You can imagine Huihai as a sea of ​​super-concentrated sulfuric acid, so it's easier to understand—"

"!! Sulfur, sulfuric acid sea?!"

Li Goudan glared.

"Is it so scary?"


Prose dry nodded.

"So, no one can easily cross the Huihai Sea, not even a profound cultivator or a magician with a high level of cultivation, because not only is the water in Huihai very corrosive to everything, even the air in it cannot Let the creatures survive, except for the gulls, so even if there is a chance to capture the gulls, they will be killed by their equally corrosive feathers-"

"Oh ho!"

These words shocked Li Goudan'er and the others, and they were speechless.

"Honey, it's so awesome!"


He nodded.

"It is precisely because of this that the worlds of the two sides will be completely separated, and there will be less unnecessary trouble-"

What this unnecessary trouble refers to, I believe no one here does not understand.

Just like the two countries, if there is a relationship and there is an intersection, there will always be big and small contradictions inside, right?

It's best to solve it easily, but if it can't be solved easily, the incidents and consequences involved are really troublesome. Therefore, the people from the source actually like the existence of Huihai. Well, of course, there are also regrets. .

After all, magic, they also really want to see with their own eyes what kind of existence it is. Although they have always heard that it is the same as Xuanxiu and Xianxiu, they need to work hard to cultivate and upgrade, but how is it upgraded? So clear.

However, for this, Li Goudan'er, who was also curious at this moment, looked at the prose and asked.

"So, how often does Huihai sink?"





"Thousands, thousand years?!"

Everyone was astonished.

"Who the **** can live a thousand years?"

What about a chance?

Where is the chance here?

It's clear that there is no chance at all! ?

"Yes, I have--"

Astonished by their unbelievable blunders, Qing Hongyun glanced at them and pointed to a few people in the source realm.

"In the source realm, it's not that there are no one who can survive for thousands of years. Looking back, if you have a chance to meet, you may be able to see it with your own eyes-"




Thousands, thousand years of people?

So, is he still human?

Are you sure it's not a monster?

A few people were frightened by the supply of his own brain, he swallowed and shook his head.

"Forget it, forget it—"

Thousand-year-old monsters, ghosts don't necessarily know their temperament, so, if one is killed by them, it is the one who wants to cry without any place to cry!

However, seeing their cowardly expressions, Shu Qianluo sneered.

"Get out!"

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