"Would you like to eat? After all, we are 'ordinary people', and we will die if we starve!"


I felt very hungry for a long time, but Kasahiko and Onozawa, who had been patient all the time, couldn't care about anything else at the moment. They took out some biscuits and stuffed them into their mouths, and thanked Shu Qianluo as they ate.

"Thank you-"


Seeing that they seemed to be really hungry, Shu Qianluo slammed his mouth, took out several biscuits or bread, and handed them water, and said angrily:

"Eat slowly, no one will rob you, but then——"

She glanced at the bag behind the three and raised her eyebrows.

"There's no food in the bag?"

"Uh, no—"

The three shook their heads, a little helpless.

"We didn't think that crossing the Hongqiao would actually be used for walking. After all, we used those things, formations, etc., that flashed, so we thought that crossing the Hongqiao was the same, so we didn't need to bring food—"


Their explanation made Shu Qianluo nod.

To tell the truth, she also thought so before. If she didn't like to decorate the space with food, just in case she needed it, she would be hungry, but—

As she walked, she turned her head to look at Hongqiao and Jinghai, who still seemed to have no boundaries and no end, and then frowned.

"How long have we been gone? You know, the three of them have good hunger tolerance. Under normal circumstances, they won't be so hungry if they don't eat for three or four days—"

As soon as these words came out, not only the two messengers, but even the three members of the Yuanyang faction were stunned, as if they gradually began to realize that the time to cross the Hongqiao this time was indeed a bit long.


They frowned and looked at the three of Li Goudan'er.

"Are you sure you won't be so hungry if you don't eat for three or four days?"

"Of course!"

The three nodded, and after Li Goudan finished filling a bottle of water in one breath, he sighed comfortably and happily before speaking.

"The last time I was so hungry was because something went wrong and there was no food supply. I was almost hungry for six or seven days, and this time my hunger was similar to the last time, so even if there was no six or seven days. God, there are definitely four or five days!"

When the words fell, he frowned between several people and looked at Kasahiko and Onozawa.

"How do you feel?"


Kasahiko, who took a sip of water, nodded and asked Onozawa.

"If you feel it, it should look like four or five days?"


Onozawa nodded.

"Based on my perception of the normal passage of time, it should be five days."

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of the two messengers and the Yuanyang faction jumped.

Because, if their perceptions are correct, then there are some problems. After all, I haven't heard anyone say that it will take so long to cross the Hongqiao——

However, because they are immortals themselves, the concept of the passage of time, to tell the truth, is not as keen as ordinary people, because they will not feel hungry or tired, so they will subconsciously ignore time. 's passage.

In addition, Hongqiao itself has a certain degree of ductility, so they really didn't care much, but now that comparison is made, it seems that it is not quite right.

Compared to their bad feeling for a while, Shu Qianluo turned to look at his dog and asked.

"Xiao Bai, how long has it been since we set foot on the Hongqiao?"

The reason why she asked this is that the various electronic devices they carried had crashed for no reason, so the specific time could not be confirmed, and, for this, whether it was Old You and the others, or the two from the source realm , they say this is normal.

Because Hongqiao and Jinghai will block those things, they can't be used here, but she knows that her little white can do mental arithmetic, and she will not miss the slightest clues.

Of course, in fact, it is.

The boy who heard his little girl's question nodded his chin and pondered.

"If my calculations are correct, it's been five days, twenty-three hours, forty minutes and twenty seconds by now—"




Such an accurate number made everyone stunned and a little bit unbelievable.

After all, they have never seen anyone who can calculate things like minutes and seconds so carefully and accurately without any time to use it?

However, everyone who knew him a little bit also understood that he would not fool them about this kind of thing.

So, in other words-

It's been almost six days!

And, whether it's Li Goudan, Kasahiko, or even Onozawa's perception, it's basically at this point, so—

Did they walk on the Hongqiao for nearly six days?

This 'fact' made the expressions of the people in the source realm and Old Man You changed, they stopped in an instant, and stared at the surroundings vigilantly and defensively.

"what happened?"

"do not know--"

"I haven't said which time it took so long to walk the Hongqiao—"


The two messengers from the source realm discussed with Lao You and the others in a low voice. It can be seen that it is the first time they have met something like this, and they are somewhat clueless.

But, you can't stop here forever, right?

After all, Hongqiao has a certain ductility, but it does not have a transmission function. Therefore, it must be used, otherwise it will not be able to cross the Hongqiao——

After thinking for a while, in order to ensure safety, the two of them looked at Qing Hongyun and the others.

"It's not like this. After the three are broken, we will lead the way? As for the others, how about paying more attention to the surroundings?"


Everyone nodded to their proposal.

So, after changing their positions, everyone took heart and began to walk forward cautiously, completely losing the randomness and undefense of Hongqiao at the beginning.

It's just that maybe they were over-hearted and continued to walk for a long time. The Hongqiao is still the Hongqiao, and the clean sea is still the clean sea. Nothing has changed in the surrounding area, but they just can't get to the end.

It was as if they were trapped here, but the bridge under their feet continued to extend, which gradually filled everyone's heart with some low-level depression, and even the air seemed to be infected with uneasy restlessness. .

Even the second wave of people in the source realm who were gagged and dragged away as if they were pets, and whose expressions of anger never stopped along the way, gradually quieted down at this moment.

Because they also felt that things seemed a little weird.

As time passed by, Hongqiao, which was kept walking forward by everyone, kept disappearing behind him, and every part that disappeared would be covered by a thick mist, preventing them from returning and returning.

Gradually, the low condensed and suppressed emotions were backlogged into panic, which made Li Goudan'er let out a low curse.

"Slot! What the **** is going on? It's endless, isn't it?"

As soon as his curse fell, the Hongqiao that looked a little mottled and outdated, but was very strong, suddenly broke, causing him to fall into the Jinghai unprepared.

This shocked him and everyone else. If the big guys were fast enough to hold him, they would have fallen!

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