A dark shadow that was too fast slammed into them all the time, turning everyone in the barrier to the back of the person who was hit, and almost swooped over in one breath! If it weren't for the protection of the enchantment, the ghost knows what the situation is now!


"Fuck! What the hell?!"

"what happened?"


"So fast! I can't see clearly—"

For a time, the people who were struggling to get up stared at the surroundings vigilantly and defensively, but they didn't find anything strange, which made them very puzzled.

"what happened?"

Of course, in the next second, another shadow came over from behind them, knocking them out again!

This time, along with their chaos, cracks began to appear in the barrier, and more seawater penetrated into it, which scared everyone enough—

"Hey hey hey! The water is in the water! Quickly think of a way! Think of a way!"

Li Goudan'er screamed in shock at this kind of thing.

"Hurry up! Otherwise we're going to die!!"

"Su, Su Shao-"

Qing Hongyun and everyone in the source realm, who were also panicked, called for help to the young man with a terrified face, but saw that the young man stretched out his hand to press on the barrier and input power into it, but even so, the sea water was still there. All-pervasive, even close to their toes, which turned their terrified faces into real fear.

After all, what kind of ordinary existence can the sea water that can be adjacent to the water of the clean sea be?

Although there are many marine creatures here, they are solid local products, which are different from their foreign counterparts. Therefore, if others have resistance, they may not have—


When they shrank into a pile and were about to form a big ball, the boy who frowned slightly pondered.

"This sea water is a bit strange. Once the defense is "broken", it seems that they can no longer be repelled. It is a group with the water of the clean sea, but it is more difficult to deal with than the water of the clean sea-"

As soon as these words fell, when he popped out the silver thread and was about to force the sea of ​​​​out of the barrier, that strange black shadow, I don't know which corner came out, with a bang, again Bump into their enchantment.

This time, they were not so lucky, and they were directly doused by the sea water—


"Lying on the grass!! It really hurts!"

"Damn it!"

"Damn it! Where is this sea water? It's clearly corpse water!"

When he and the others made all kinds of screams, it was obviously painful to the extreme. Su Gu Bai hooked them and pulled them over, which prevented them from being corrupted into a pile of water. The place where it was poured was still spreading in all directions, and it was even more visible.

This made Shu Qianluo stunned, and the boy narrowed his eyes.

This sea water is really wrong.

Although, he did intend to take a step slower, but he took a look at the sea water one step ahead, and did not find any signs of corroding people. It can be seen that, except for him and Xiao Luoluo, the rest of the people were injured. Not to mention, it has spread so fast, twice as fast as the water of the clean sea.

"Damn it! It hurts me!"

Painful jumping feet and scolding mother Li Goudan'er angrily roared at everyone in the source realm.

"It's all your fault! What are you doing guarding that **** thing! Look at what kind of virtue we have now? We're all going to die! Take a good look! Can't get rid of it! Corrodes faster!"


The big zongzi that had been sprayed all over their faces gritted their teeth.

What's the matter with them?

Take a good look at what they are like now? Those who are tied can only move their eyeballs, and that's it, can't give what they want? !

However, the remaining two messengers were suffocated, and in the end they remained tight-lipped and did not speak. Such stubborn appearances made Li Goudan'er laugh angrily.

"You, you—"

Of course, before he could swear again, the damned black shadow came out and slammed into them again. This time, I don't know if the black shadow did it on purpose, or something slowed it down. Everyone saw it clearly, but it scared everyone to death!

"!!!! Woo Nima! What the **** is this?!"

Li Goudan, whose scalp was about to burst open, stared at the thing charging towards them in horror, his voice trembling.

"Su, Su Gu Bai, hurry up, hurry up—"

Quick what?

He didn't know what to do, he was really frightened by that thing.

Because, the one that rushed towards them was one they had never seen before. Not only was it too big, but it was completely indescribable. Say it looked like a fish. It was too long. Say it looked like a snake. It had scales, red, green and red. The green one, call it a cow, it has antlers on its head, call it a deer, it still has lizard eyes erect, especially when it comes rushing, its body is too long, and the flip cover is on the scales. The hair under it is weird and twisted, it really makes people don't know how to describe what it is—

But, it was such a thing. At this moment, it bumped into them, raised a group of hooves like Hunting Claws, and killed them, and it shocked everyone's soul.

If it was before, they still had cultivation base on them. When they encounter this kind of thing, there will be shocks and fears, but there is still a chance to fight back, but, right now——

No ah ah ah-

In an instant, regardless of whether the two sources agreed or not, they rushed forward, grabbed their hands, pinched their wrists, and they would be held tightly by them without touching the weapon. The weapon was thrown at the boy.

Not only them, but even the remaining few were searched. When they found the Tongjing Cauldron, they directly wrapped the zongzi's clothes and threw it to the young man, shouting in fear:

"Hurry up!"

Right now, whether this young man can use it or not, they don't have that kind of thought at all, they just wholeheartedly look forward to this ancestor's vigor and take them away from that **** thing!

However, 'subconsciously' stretched out his hand to take the teenagers who had been through the clean cauldron and asked aloud.

"how to use?"


Seeing that this young man actually connected with everyone in the source realm who had nothing to do with Jingding, he instinctively said when his eyeballs protruded:

"After injecting the power into the Tongjing Cauldron, and then injecting the mind into it, it will help you according to your thoughts-"

As soon as these words fell, the expressions of the two messengers were stagnant.


Did you say it?

However, at the moment when they wanted to bite off their tongues, Su Gu Bai injected power into the Tongjing Cauldron while controlling them with mental power.

However, when he injected his power into these Tongjing Cauldrons at the same instant, they flew out of the young man's hands in unison, and even drilled outside the enchantment, like a blossoming umbrella flower, The world is pasted into a circle, and the people in the world are completely protected.

Not only that, but it also slowed down the fast-spreading seawater on everyone's body, and also reduced their pain and serious injuries, which was really miraculous.

This one made everyone stunned.

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