God knows how excited they were when they received this news, and they almost beat them with hatred from the seniors and juniors!

When the truck took them around the bustling downtown area of ​​the imperial city and came to the gate of the National Defense Academy, which belongs to the independent domain, everyone was shocked by the majestic and solemn gate.

It's more like there is a kind of enthusiasm that everyone is working hard to fight for tomorrow when they return to the war!

That feeling is not the passion that the students of every academy are in a hurry to arouse—

It's that they are obviously very calm, and their pace is not slow, but, oddly, when they walk, when they talk, and in their eyes, the kind of emotion that is unconsciously revealed, integrated into the bones -

Then they are linked together to create a national defense academy with unparalleled perseverance and domineering!

Even more, it gives people a feeling that this academy is alive, watching everything with those eyes, including the sky and the earth, light and darkness in the entire Xia Kingdom.

That kind of shocking shock made the worthy pride of the Hanlin Academy all speechless. They just stared at the academy and the students inside with their eyes.

Seeing the students who suddenly became quiet, Li Chen glanced at them, then looked at Shu Qianluo and Su Gu Bai, frowning slightly.

"You guys are very good here."

There is something so unsettling about this statement.

However, it attracted the attention of the students, looked at the two, and then nodded in agreement.

"Mr. Li's eyes are very poisonous. They really fit well here, as if they were born to live here."

"Yes, look at the students in the academy, and then look back at the two of them, I always feel that the gap between us and them seems to have opened up at once, and a clear and distinct gap has appeared. Obviously, before that , The intuitive feeling that the two of them brought us is huge, but, for some reason, there is no sense of distance, but, at this moment, there is—"

"Yes, I feel the same way, and, I don't know why, I also feel that the students in the National Defense Academy have an indescribable feeling, and that feeling makes me feel that Su and Shu also have the same feeling. , but, heck, I don't know how to express it."

There has never been a moment like this before, the vocabulary is so poor that I don't know what appropriate words to find to describe the National Defense Academy and them, for a while, there is a sense of embarrassment - guilt.

This emotion is inexplicable, but it is **** appropriate to their mood at this time.

As for Shu Qianluo and Su Gu Bai, who were regarded by them as the object of discussion, one of them had a cold expression like frost and snow, and the other had a smile that was as warm as spring and autumn.

However, the school flower-sama glanced at the old man who provoked this talk, and babbled.

"Mr. Li, have you forgotten that who helped you before to give you such a chance to come here? How can you come back here, you have 'betrayed' me and Xiaobai?"

"...I don't have it!"

Li Chen, who resolutely refused to admit it, darkened his face and raised his chin at the students before looking at her and grinding his teeth.

"I'm just saying that something about you doesn't fit well with these students, but it fits well with the National Defense Academy and even the students in it. In other words, it's a good place for you to go to school or do something else in the future. It's nothing but a hint!"


Shu Qianluo pouted and looked at him.

"But Teacher Li clearly knows what Xiaobai and I plan to do in the future, right?"

These words made these students suspicious.

What are you going to do?

These two don't even plan to enter the National Defense Academy?

Is it possible that you really want to go to the Great Perfection in the Hanlin Academy?

However, Shu Qianluo's words made Li Chen look at her strangely and frown.

"I know your future plans, but—"

He paused for a while, and suddenly had a not-so-good premonition in his heart, making him look at the two in front of him.

"You always have to come back. At that time, no matter what age, you will have enough qualifications and capital to enter here, right?"

That's what he said, but Shu Qianluo didn't answer, which made Li Chen's very bad premonition gradually intensified, and even his voice unconsciously took on a serious meaning.

"Don't tell me, you don't plan to come back in the future?"


Don't plan to come back?

On the side, the students listening to their conversation were stunned.

Where are these two great gods going? Not ready to come back?

Listen, why is it so wrong?

As for Li Chen, he almost guessed the truth, so Shu Qianluo shrugged.

"Uncle Li should know that once Xiaobai and I started to play, it would be very wild. The last few months, I don't know when the next time will be, so—"

She looked at the old man who was still suspiciously frowning.

"After visiting the National Defense Academy this time, Xiaobai and I are ready to pass the Dzogchen exam."

! ! !

isn't it? !

Now, let alone those students, even Li Chen himself was stunned.

"Exam, did you take the Dzogchen exam? You, are you serious?"

Isn't this stinky girl crazy?

Do you want to take the Dzogchen exam?

Do you know what the Great Perfection of the Hanlin Academy is? How many are there? What does it represent?

He can say that up to now, those who have obtained the Dzogchen graduation certificate of the Hanlin University can be counted with both hands, and, as long as the students who have obtained Dzogchen, their achievements are all world-class!

Moreover, they got the age group of Dzogchen, and the younger one is twenty years old recently. Right now, this girl hasn't had her seventeenth birthday yet, right? Just want to get Dzogchen?

It's not that he looks down on her, but, it's really—

What's up with that-

"Seriously, of course."

Looking at the old man who subconsciously revealed a mishearing and a skeptical expression, the blue veins popped out of the head of the school flower-sama, and he also glared at him.

"Why can't I get the Great Consummation? I'm a scholar! The kind of scholar who has a high gold content!"

"But you don't know medicine, you don't know how to make medicine, and you don't know how to know the grass, the flowers and the medicines. Just this, you can't get the Great Perfection--"

I don't know who was there, muttering in a very low voice, unhappy, the whole truck is very quiet at this moment, amplifying the small muttering sound infinitely, and also let the school flower adults listen to it.

This made her face black and glared angrily.

"Shut up! I can learn!"


The younger brother, who was quickly locked by her, touched his nose, and continued to mumble with a little fear of death.

"Can you really learn it? It seems that classmate Shu has been caught all the time from the moment he entered the Hanlin Academy, but he also studied there for several years. , they were all blacklisted by the professors of the university and said—"

"! Qiao Nan! Do you want to be beaten?!"

Shu Qianluo, whose short board was repeatedly torn apart, used his left hand to pull out the silver stick, and wanted to pull it towards Qiao.

And, at this moment-


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