If she has no problem with her mind, then the international preliminary competition has just ended a few days ago, right?

So, when did these two brats get the chance to provoke that old boy from the Huo family? !

And, assuming that her brain is still ok, that old boy stays out of his office all day long, and even video conferences are on.

That's it, why did this one get provoked?

His brows throbbed, and his head was buzzing, and he cursed at them angrily—

"Damn it! What did you do!"

One word after another, it really expresses Hongluan's mood vividly and vividly at this time.

It can be seen that the panic of not seeing these two cubs, of course, once she sees these two cubs, she will be able to live several decades less!

It's really dying!

However, the two cubs she cursed were more innocent than the other. Whether it was the big round almond eyes or the long and narrow fox eyes, they were all bright and clear.

Such a small look, stunned Hongluan's sense of guilt, made her heartbroken and aggrieved, and even more irritated, she scratched her messy hair, angered and helpless.

"Tell me, what did you do to provoke that old boy?"


With her, the whole old street is covered, let alone the Xia Kingdom, even if it is the entire world, it will be no problem.

Of course, in those circles, there are always people whose domain and authority cannot be touched.

If, once it is touched, there is only one end, it is death, there is no exception.

And the old boy from the Huo family is one of them.

You know, when he came to power, the first knife he hung was to break his mother's family clean, leaving them no life at all.

For this reason, just because of this matter, everyone knows that the Huo family is a well-deserved ruthless character who is like an invisible person.

The main thing is-

Not only does he dare to do it, but he can eradicate the tumor at one time, and even his scheming and strategies are just like those calculated by sophisticated instruments. It really counts as no omissions. That's all, if he is eyeing him, what else do you want to do? Escape?


Hongluan paused.

Xiaobai is different.

But, because of this difference, the way those people treat him will only be more ruthless and cruel, and there will never be a soft-hearted talk!

However, looking at Hong Luan who was unconsciously showing worry in his eyes, Su Gu Bai chuckled lightly, took a sip of tea, looked at her with his chin up, and blinked.

"I didn't do anything to provoke him~, just because there was a murder case before the game, and that case was a bit more bizarre, the Hanlin Academy reported it, and his subordinates came to deal with it, and then he knew about it~ "

... and that's it?

If I remember correctly, you're going to dig up people's ancestral graves, okay?

That's it?

Just yet?

Li Chen, whose eyelids twitched fiercely, looked at his nose and heart, and pretended not to hear.

As for Shu Qianluo, he didn't dismantle him at this moment, but nodded in a sly manner.

"Yeah, it's just that—"

Of course.


Hongluan sneered and stabbed back unceremoniously.

"I believe in your evil!"

Only these two are so out of the sky, and they have the ability to do things, she won't believe what they say!

Not to mention—

Bizarre murder?

What kind of bizarre murder case requires the old boy from the Huo family to dispatch his men to deal with it? Hearing it, you'll know the matter, absolutely—, it's not as light as they say, okay?

"Which subordinate?"

There are many trump cards in the hands of the old boy of the Huo family, some of which she has heard and seen.

Then, if you know which subordinate he dispatched, you can almost guess the cause and effect of the incident.

Hongluan, who had just thought of this, heard the boy opposite him throwing out with a smile—

"Mr. Ryoichi~"

"Cough cough cough!!"

This time, even Hongluan, who had been prepared for a long time, did not drink coffee while waiting for an answer, but she still couldn't avoid the fate of being choked by saliva, and her face and neck flushed red.

Looking at Li Chen, he looked up at the sky, but he still stretched out his hand to let her go.

Of course, it’s okay if it didn’t go well, as soon as it went well, Hong Luan gave him a ruthless beating, and said angrily—

"Why didn't you tell me about this!"

damn it!


The head of the cleaning team!

That is to say—

The bizarre murder in that stinky girl's mouth is related to Nima's mouth Xuanxiu?

That's it, that's all? !

Crazy isn't it!


Li Chen, who was inexplicably affected, was speechless, unable to withstand the murderous gaze of his daughter-in-law, and sighed in a heartbroken manner.

"No, you're reasonable, every time I call you, you either know a word or a sentence, or else you'll let me go, you never said you've finished listening to me, that's all. , even if I wanted to tell you, I didn't have a chance, did I? And—"

He stared at Hong Luan, whose expression was choking, and complained quietly.

"You don't let me send you random messages, saying it's embarrassing, not to mention, this is unusual, if you accidentally drop your phone in some corner, and then be seen by others, no Is it over? Then, can I blame me?"


Hongluan opened her mouth, but found that she couldn't refute, but it didn't prevent her from beating people unreasonably.

So, after she unceremoniously gave Li Chen a fist, and was about to beat up the guest who vomited blood, she calmed down and looked at the two cubs.

Of course, Hongluan felt that her anger was really rising and burning out of her own control when they were watching a good show like no other, as well as their innocent little expressions.

But, I'll investigate it now, it's no use at all, I can only—


She took a deep breath.

"What did they do to you?"

"No, it's just—"

Glancing at the red luan whose face was a little greenish, Shu Qianluo shook his head rhetorically.

"Liang saw our participating students this time, and the quality in all aspects is very good, so he invited us to visit the National Defense Academy, and Xiaobai has not seen you for a long time, so I came to see the situation. Look, nothing else."


If it weren't for me, I'd be one of the parties, and I'd almost believe it!

Coincidentally, Mr. Ryoichi, who happened to hear the news, rushed over quickly, and his face shook violently. If it wasn't for his reason, he would have to put the shoes on his feet that he hadn't replaced for several days. She took off her shoes and socks and hit that stinky **** the face!

To tell the truth, he has lived for nearly 30 years, and he has never seen such a shameless little girl like her!

"Yo~, say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive~, Mr. Ryoichi is ok~"

Yu Guang swept to Ryoichi who was suffocating at the door, and Su Gu Bai waved to him with a low laugh.

However, the school flower-sama, who was carrying the blame on his back, did not feel the slightest sense of panic after being caught, and even turned his head to look at Liang very confidently and asked.

"Is it like this?"

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