"So, even if one wave of people is caught, it won't affect another wave, or even—"

"When the specified time is reached, one of the people did not go back to report, and the rest of the people would know that something must have happened to them, and they would be more vigilant, and even report the matter, and then listen to the master. order-"


Shu Qianluo frowned.

"It's quite a chicken thief, and it really shows the three caves of the cunning rabbit incisively and vividly! No wonder it's so hard to catch."

"Well, it's really troublesome, or else—"

I don't know what he thought of, making Ryoichi's face very sullen, but he didn't continue, but changed his words——

"Whether it's our interrogation or the answers of the two saint proctors, it's all the same, so we can be sure that the wave of people we caught has really no useful information, but—"

Liang Yi's mouth twitched slightly and stretched out his hand to press his eyebrows, and while he continued to overhear the conversation between the two, he looked at Su Gu Bai helplessly and speechlessly.

"The one called Uncle Subaru of Du Moqin and She Yuman, that man, said that he has been with that master for the longest time, and he is also a person who is quite trusted by master, so, If you ask him, you can learn a lot of things that they don't know, but—"

His expression was suffocated, very heartbroken.

"Right now, his rank is the highest among the people in that wave and among us, so, relatively, most methods of interrogation are useless to him—"

Well, not most of it, basically all of it.

Facing the young man's smiling face and Shu Qianluo's slightly disdainful eyes, Liang Yi choked, coughed lightly, turned his eyes, and stared at the two shadows, continuing to explain while staring.

"You have dealt with him face-to-face, and you know how tough his mouth is—"

Before the words were finished, Ryoichi's words stopped abruptly.

Because, he thought of a steel-like reality——

That man who was hard to pry open in front of them, in front of Su Gu Bai, seemed, completely, to have no stance at all?

... This clear and distinct perception hit Ryoichi, he reached out his hand and rubbed his face, and turned back to look at the schadenfreude who was gloating at the misfortune, and the boy whose smile deepened, feeling very aggrieved.

"Help me?"


In just a few days, the number of times he low-profile begged for help in front of these two cubs is simply more than he has done for several years!

Really - day!

Ryoichi, who has been repeatedly beaten to the point of being completely incapacitated by his ability, even fell into despair. At this moment, he can't even raise his emotions of resistance. Who let him, he is really weak!

Weak is useless, and when useless, you need people to do things. This is almost an 'iron rule', so what can you do if you don't bow your head?

Is he upside down?

Ryoichi, who wanted to lick his face again, really hated the master in the mouth of this wave of people!

If you give him a chance to catch that bastard, it would be strange to see him not tear it apart! !

Captain Liang, who couldn't stop being ruthless in his heart, was about to say something soft, and when he begged these two little ancestors who didn't open their mouths——


A very slight sound came from a distance from the side, which made him look stunned, and immediately shut his mouth, looked in that direction, and squinted.

There are still people?

damn it!

How many outsiders have sneaked into the National Defense Academy?

what's going on?

Seriously treat this place as a no-man's land!

Ryoichi, who had a ferocious light in his eyes, was like a beast with sharp claws, waiting for an opportunity to dormant, and he was also ready to flash out in an instant, killing him in one move!


The middle-aged man and the younger man, who also heard the faint sound, quickly took up defensive and offensive postures, looked in that direction, and then saw a half-dark-gray cat with its tail cocked from there. come over.

However, the moment he saw the cat, Ryoichi frowned and became suspicious.


However, the two men breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the gray cat.

"It is you--"

? ?

Do these two guys know this cat?


Shouldn't it be-

Ryoichi, who had just thought of it, saw that the cat flickered and turned into a human, only wearing a black robe and a mask, just like the previous Uncle Subaru.

It can be seen that this is also only a half-demon or a full-demon!

This knowledge can also be said to be the first time in such a long time that Ryoichi saw a creature like a demon. His expression was somber, and he subconsciously clenched his fists and tensed the corners of his mouth.

what is going on?

Why are there some wild cultivators in the outer door, and even mysterious cultivators who have been lurking for a long time, and their intentions are even more unpredictable, and there are still demons?

Besides, looking at their familiar gestures, it's definitely not something they've known each other for a day or two—

Ryoichi always felt that something was getting more and more wrong, and it was getting more and more weird, and his heart was gradually covered with darkness. He felt that he really needed to check what was going on—

In other words, ask Your Excellency, did something happen to the Xuanmen that made things like demons run to the outer door?

"Any news?"

The cat demon, who didn't know whether it was a full demon or a half demon, was not too mature, but he asked the two Xuanxiu in a cold voice. However, his words caused the two Xuanxiu to shake their heads and sigh. breathed.

"No news, didn't you say it's here? Why have we all searched here, inside and out, and why haven't we found it yet? In other words—"

The middle-aged man paused, suspicious.

"Isn't the news wrong?"

"Will not."

The cat demon shook his head.

"The news is very reliable, and their smell is also broken here, so it must still be around here, or—"

It looked up at the old abandoned building.

"Is this a trick? That's why I can't find anything?"

The cat demon's words shocked Liang Yi, and even more shocked his heart!

what happened?

Even if the news is reliable, why is the smell of that wave of people still here?

But it is clear that when he asked people to bring back the wave of people, he did not take this road. So, what happened?


The first time Sixteen sent those Saint Proctor teachers back to the cleaning team, is this the way they took? So, being targeted?

Otherwise, how to explain it?

Subconsciously, he took out his cell phone and was about to ask Ryoichi Ryoichi of Ryo Sixteen when he suddenly found out—

He was in the shielding barrier at this time. Naturally, there was no mobile phone signal or something, so he couldn't ask Liang Shishi to confirm it again. Only, trying to see what other amazing words they can say.

Even more, I hope that the reliable information in these three mouths is really only because they are not careful and unguarded, they are caught by them, and they will catch up. Besides, he really doesn't want to have any more. Other guesses.

Because, that kind of guess, no matter what kind, is too heart-wrenching!

"Will it be so?"

I didn't know, and I didn't notice that there were three other people here. At this time, they were all staring at the old building they were in, trying to find out if there was anything unusual.

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