
Looking at the pile of treasures, I can only take a talisman, use a talisman Ryoichi, my mood at this time, sincere—

I don't know what kind of mental journey I have experienced, so Ryoichi took a deep breath and asked self-abuse.

"Then, take the liberty to ask, what level of student Shu's brain power has reached now?"

The fist can't match, the IQ can't match, the brain power can't be too far apart, right?

After all, he is also professionally trained, so it can't be too bad, right?

Of course.


The teenager pondered, blinked, and looked at his little girl.

"It should be, it's not difficult to control all these, right?"

! ! !

What the **** are you talking about? !

Ryoichi was shocked and his voice broke.

"I can't even fix one? She can fix all of them?!"


The smiling boy nodded and chuckled.

"My little Luoluo is very powerful~, Mr. Ryoichi, don't be deceived by her 'weak' appearance~, and~, her potential has just been developed, and there is no limit to it, so in the future, only Even better~"


I don't really want to talk anymore!

Ryoichi, who was completely beaten into the darkness of his life, looked sideways at Shu Qianluo, who was complacent, and really felt the pain in his eyes!

In this world, there is a kind of person who can't see how hard she works behind the scenes, but the skills and achievements she shows in front of others make everyone feel emotional and even envious! jealous! Super hate!

Even, there will be a sentence -

[People are smart, they can learn it as soon as they learn it, and no matter how they are like us, they can't learn how to--]

Right now, Ryoichi was in such a mood, so he held the talisman paper expressionlessly, not wanting to speak, not wanting to say a word, so he poured profound energy into the talisman paper and activated it by himself.

Then when the hand was released, the talisman paper disappeared in the air, and it flew quietly behind the three, sticking to their backs and hiding.

After doing all this, he watched the three discussing and researching for a while, and after splitting up again, he withdrew his gaze and looked calmly at Su Gu Bai and Shu Qianluo.

"Let's go-"

He said so, but his eyes did not leave the pile of treasures that were being put away by the young man, and even his fingers were still twitching tightly, apparently wanting to take them all for himself!

Of course, he didn't dare.

But it doesn't stop him from being thirsty, does it?

So, he coughed lightly and looked at Su Gu Bai with glittering eyes.

"That, classmate Su-"


As if he couldn't see the young man who wanted to see through his eyes, he slowly put away the things, looked at him with a smile, and blinked.

"Anything else, Mr. Ryoichi?"

"Well, it's like this—"

Ryoichi, who was walking deeper, opened his mouth tentatively.

"Those things were all researched by you yourself?"


The young man nodded.

"When I had nothing to do before, some of them were more practical, and some were just, um, not useful, right?"

"...Is it worth it?"

His words made Shu Qianluo's eyelids twitch, staring at him speechlessly, complaining.

"What misunderstanding do you have about yourself? You don't even know what you have rectified. Only the destructive power is amazing. How can there be something that is not useful?"

When the words fell, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she gave Liang a malicious glance before continuing to add.

"Ah, yes, compared to some people's weak ability, it is indeed 'fairly useful'. After all, people don't have that ability, so they can't use it at all! Apart from watching, what else can you do? "


No, classmate Shu, you look at me and then throw out these words, is it 'worry', I really mean it, can't hear it or can't see it, are you pointing at me? !

Ryoichi's face was twisted fiercely, and the blue veins on his head were throbbing. It's good now, it's cool to be slashed by one knife at a time, isn't it?

While the three of them went deeper and chatted (personally attacked Ryoichi), they went down to the negative floor of the old building and stood in front of a mottled and dilapidated elevator.

Ryoichi took out a certificate from his pocket, swayed it somewhere in the elevator, and then the elevator slowly opened from the inside, but instead of riding, a tunnel opened and extended deeper.

The three stepped in, the elevator door slowly closed, and the surrounding lights flashed one by one, lighting up their passage in the 'darkness'.

However, seeing that this was like a secret connection with a spy, Shu Qianluo touched his chin, and the old **** babbled.

"Xiao Bai, do you feel that we have often 'passed' places like this recently?"

Ryoichi heard this: "..."

So, what have you been up to lately? Need to 'pass by' a place often?

And, are you sure you're passing by? Rather than open and aboveboard private intrusion?


However, the young man who heard his little girl's words couldn't help but chuckle, and nodded his chin, pondering in a decent manner.

"Hmm~, don't tell me, we seem to have 'passed' a lot of places recently~, although the orientation is different and the layout is different, but basically it is this kind of dark and long, giving people a kind of like It's going to lead to a tunnel like hell~"

"Can you?"

Shu Qianluo nodded in agreement.

"Look at the hot springs, a road leads to abroad, and then look at the forest of disasters, although it is not a tunnel, it is equivalent to a tunnel, and if there is a place where the old man of the state lives, it is no different from this. ? Now, it's the same with the cleaning team, which makes it hard for me not to wonder if they took the same script and liked the 'tunnel' so much?"

"Um~, very likely~"

The smiling boy followed the words of his little girl very politely.

"I think, not only did they take the same script, but even those who liked to do something special in the past also took such a script~"

"That's right!"

The school flower-sama nodded in agreement, and complained suspiciously.

"Could it be that they thought it was very secretive and dignified? So do they all like it?"


Listening to these two scumbags complaining like no one else was there, Ryoichi, one of the projects that the cleaning team was very proud of, frowned, but suddenly he caught some very sharp words, which made him stop coldly, Turning his head, he stared at him in astonishment.

"Country, country, government?!"

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

Shu Qianluo, who didn't think there was anything wrong with his words, looked at him strangely.

"Why are you making such a fuss? Before, when we met those brothers, didn't we know we had been to Xuanmen? So, what are you making a fuss about at this time?"

"! Can this be the same?"

Liang Yi glared in exasperation.

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