Tsk, no wonder Xiaobai would say that he is Huo Jinye's best player, just like this face-changing skill that completely changed his personality, there is no explanation for sitting on the trump card!

I don't know what kind of image he is in the eyes of these two little ancestors. Except in front of his own Lord, he is really rare and obedient, but Shu Qianluo's teeth hurt——

Ryoichi Piansheng also feels good about himself, and even his attitude is not picky.

However, this state continued until he entered the gate of the cleaning team——

That's right, it's the door of the cleaning team. I didn't know how many turns I took, how many roads I drilled, and a few elevators. Finally, it seemed like I had left the old building of the National Defense Academy, and there was a sky high and far away. Everywhere you look, you can almost see the boss's large waste recycling station, the site.

It really lives up to its name - the cleaning team.

With such materials and unique features, the expression of the school flower adults is really indescribable, but I see Ryoichi walking inside calmly as usual, as well as those elderly uncles and aunts, smiling and greeting Ryoichi.

"Yo? Ah Liang is here?"

"Hey! Haven't seen you for a long time, kid? Where have you gone wild recently? We all think it's you who ran away with another wild woman!"

"Isn't it? Usually, this kid always runs to us when he has nothing to do, but it's rare that he's been here lately, so it's unusual—"

"Yes, yes, but, who is Ah Liang following? Good eyes, but—, darling! He looks so handsome!"

"That's it! That girl is as beautiful as a painting, and that kid is many times more beautiful than that girl? It's really rare! I don't know which family's young lady was fooled by A Liang again. Is this garbage?"

"Hahaha——, look at what you said about A Liang, it's like a human trafficker!"

"Isn't it? There aren't many people who put him in our place?"


For a time, all the uncles and aunts who were sorting garbage there were arguing at Ryoichi's various jokes, and Ryoichi responded with a smile, completely unable to see that the shrewd and calculating before, and the saucy later. With a full of anger, Shu Qianluo reached out and touched his chin, muttering.

"I can't see it, Liang Yi's relationship is pretty good?"

"People who love to laugh~, the popularity will not be too bad~"

The smiling boy spoke with an elegant and warm voice, but Shu Qianluo glanced at him and stabbed the knife mercilessly.

"Are you sure you love to laugh, not pretend? If Ryoichi showed a different side in front of them, how dare they joke with him so brazenly? Are you afraid of dying?"

This sharp rant made Su Gu Bai laugh in a low voice, but he also nodded in agreement.


As for the front, I don't know whether I heard or didn't hear them making up the knife, Ryoichi led them into the elevator with the same expression, and pressed the number leading to a certain floor.

When the elevator stopped and the three of them walked out, they caught a glimpse of Shu Qianluo who was outside the window, squinted suddenly, and asked Su Gu Bai sideways:

"This isn't a garbage dump anymore, is it?"


The teenager nodded, and gave a virtual nod to the elevator they came out of.

"This, there are transfer formations laid out under the laps we were on and the roads we walked through, so it looks like we are still inside the National Defense Academy, but in fact, we have left there long ago. It's '108,000 miles', even if it was the previous garbage collection station, it's just another transmission point, and now-"

He pondered, and nodded his chin.

"If I'm not mistaken, we should be on the same boat at this time."

? ?


Intuitively, she and Xiaobai are far away from the National Defense Academy, but they only thought that they were in a border town close to the sea in the imperial capital. They didn't expect them to be a little astonished by the school flower on board.

"This, if this is the case, then the 'equipment' inside the cleaning team is far more powerful than what they reveal!"

You see, in such a short period of time, from the National Defense Academy, which is deviated from the center of the imperial capital and stationed near a certain camp, to the sea area near the outer edge of the imperial capital, this distance and this speed are not like Ryoichi and the others. as weak as it appears.


Su Gu Bai chuckled softly at the surprise of his little girl.

"It's natural, the cleaning team is directly under your Excellency, your Excellency has always come from the Huo family, the Huo family is tied to the Su family, and the Su family originates from the source realm, then relatively, if there is no strong trump card to maintain the support, what will the cleaning team do? Can you hide for many years without being known by the world?"

"Now, Mr. Ryoichi and the others are so weak. In fact, it's not that they are too weak at the root, but that Xiao Luoluo has seen stronger ones, so they have reduced their abilities and methods to a weak vision—"

These words made Liang glance at Su Gu Bai, and also made Shu Qianluo stunned for a while, and gradually came back to it, and heard Xiao Bai continue—

"That's why there is a sense that the cleaning team is very weak, but in fact, the cleaning team is not weak, on the contrary, it is strong. Otherwise, how can the loose cultivators from the outer door be archived so well? I don't see them. Doing chaos outside? Without strong means and ability to suppress it, it is impossible to do so comprehensively, in other words~”

The teenager stretched out his hand and rubbed his little girl's head, and gave her a high hat with a smile.

"It's that Xiao Luoluo is too strong~, so when you meet someone who is not strong enough, you will feel that the other party is weak~, this is completely a common problem for those who take office~"

Ryoichi: "..."

Although I don't want to admit it too much, this is a **** fact.

Shu Qianluo: "...I actually have the common problem of the superiors? It's incredible!"

She seemed surprised and sighed, and she was even more smug, so that Ryoichi, who happened to be looking for Ryoichi with a pile of documents, shook her face fiercely, and even looked at her again. Son, it's hard to say.

It seems, maybe, probably, maybe, whenever she sees this student Shu, she doesn't seem to know how the word modesty is written?

However, this is absolutely impossible to say!

"Hehe, hehe, you two are good-"

Dry, not wanting to see their Liang Shili at all, raised his paws to greet them, and winked at Liang Yi.

【Fuck boss! How did you always put these two together? Is it crazy? Still want to be thrown to feed the eagle by Your Excellency! ! 】

Of course, his eldest brother pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose as if he couldn't receive his signal at the moment, and spoke gently to Liang Shishi.

"Sixteen, go, call the big guys, I'll introduce you two nobles-"

! ! !

What? !



Just these two devils? No, the ancestor of the reincarnation of the Demon God? You always call them nobles?

He almost couldn't control his mouth, and Liang Shili, who burst out these words, widened his eyes in horror, very suspicious that his boss might have been possessed by something unclean, so he would say this kind of thing. talk--

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