
Feeling that things were going too smoothly, the secretary-general, who had a wrong intuition, took the document with a heartbeat, opened it and glanced at it, and the beginning was—

[About the cause and effect of the Saint Superintendent's departure from the school after participating in the International Preliminary Competition——]

[First, there are 68 students participating in the competition of the Sheng Xuejian, 44 in each of the civil and military groups. According to close observation, 20 of them have no problem, and the remaining 48 have slightly abnormal behaviors. Therefore, the investigation was conducted. The cause of the incident was the murder of a student and a teacher of the Saint Superintendent. 】

[Secondly, on the eve of the International Preliminary Competition, the students of the Superintendent of Sheng stayed in the square next to the Kaiyang Hotel. At midnight, screams were heard. It was the time of the tragedy. Moreover, because the case was too strange, the Hanlin Academy Applying for the intervention of the cleaning team——]

[After the cleaning team intervened, it was discovered that the suspect responsible for this tragedy was a student named Qiao Nan from Hanlin University, but he was shocked and horrified by all this, and said that he was completely unable to control himself. This tragic incident was later confirmed by various investigations——]

[Someone controlled Qiao Nan by means of mental suggestion and hypnosis, made him appear in the resting place of the Holy Proctor, and killed him, and the culprit is still at large-]

[Afterwards, after various investigations, it was found that the students who participated in the international first building had very abnormal behavior. Except for their similar faces, all their behaviors were very different from the previous ones. Therefore, we will pay close attention to them——]

[Thirdly, after attention and investigation, it was found that forty-eight students were transferred by him——]

Seeing this, the Secretary-General's eyebrows jumped, and he looked at Dang in astonishment.

"All the forty-eight students have been transferred?"


Liang nodded, his face serious and condensed.

"I don't know what the black hand behind the photo was trying to do to use such a big hand. However, after our investigation and verification, we found that the forty-eight students are indeed not the original classmates. All of them were captured, and the original classmates were also found and sent back, but—"

He frowned and sighed with a headache.

"Those students are very similar to that Qiao classmate, but they are much luckier than Qiao classmate, because Qiao classmate watched him commit a tragedy, while those classmates didn't know anything about the recent events. Know-"

"So, I asked the cleaning team to tell them about the general situation. They all decided to leave the Holy Proctor. They were really scared. That's why they seem to have changed in the eyes of others. , in fact, they haven't changed, they've just been reassigned before—"


I feel like a fool-

The secretary-general listened to Ryoichi's explanation while looking at the document in his hand, then closed the document expressionlessly, and sat there for a while without responding.

Really, he doesn't even know how to react?

you say--

He wanted to ask first, what the **** is the man behind the scenes trying to do? Will it make such a fantastic show?

Forty-eight students have all been transferred?

This kind of thing, but how can anyone who is a little savvy not discover it?

Are the teachers blind?

Can't you see that the temperament of the students from my own teaching has changed?

Uh, well, the face has not changed, the temperament has changed, usually it will only make people suspect that something changed or suffered a blow or the like, so it can be said-

Of course, what about family and friends?

How can you not recognize the difference between the former and the latter?

How weird is this to think?


The secretary-general stretched out his hand and pinched his brows. The cleaning team was dealing with some weird things. So, is it understandable that this is so weird? shit!

Take him for a fool!

The secretary-general, whose face was darkened, stared sullenly at this man who never told the truth. When he saw that he was all sorts of sincere bastards, he would laugh angrily.

"So, what do you mean, right now, the reason why those students who have left the school from the Holy Proctor and become like people who don't know them is because they were replaced by others and are now back to self-inflicted?"

"You can say that--"

Captain Liang, who was glared angrily, nodded his head naively.

"Not only that, because the mastermind behind the scenes was afraid that the forty-eight people had accidentally revealed something, and people were aware that they had been alerted, so firstly, the relatives and friends of those who were replaced were hinted in their hearts—"

"Until we captured them all and replaced the original students, we couldn't find a way to relieve them of the psychological suggestion for a while, so it was delayed until now, and it also alarmed you—"



The Secretary-General's eyebrows twitched fiercely and he smiled.

"Really? But the version I heard was completely different from what you said—"


Ryoichi looked at him curiously.

"So, what's the Secretary-General's version? Why don't you tell me? So that I know what's going on? And—"

He staggered away from the secretary general and looked at the young girl beside him with suspicion.

"I invited these two students to visit the cleaning team, but the secretary-general brought them here. Do you think something is wrong?"

"Oh, there's nothing wrong, it's just that in the news I received, the two students were mentioned, saying that there was some deal between the three of you, and the purpose was to secretly get the students of the Holy Proctor. Gone."


As soon as the Secretary-General's words fell, the school flower-sama looked at him in astonishment, and pointed back at himself and the smiling boy beside him. His voice was very strange.

"We, conspiring with Ryoichi? Killing those students? Isn't it? You believe this too? Are you sure your brain hasn't been caught by a donkey—"


Seeing that this girl was about to speak out, Liang Yi's brows twitched, and he quickly coughed to remind him.

"That student Shu, um, let's be a little more friendly, after all, this, um, is the Secretary-General, not someone else, so? Calm down?"

Saying so, he hurriedly winked at the young man who had nothing to do with it, and motioned for him to stop this violent girl from his family!

Otherwise, the Secretary-General will not be able to come down to the stage, and they will all be unlucky when they come back!

The unlucky kind of mold! !


Perhaps it was because Liang Yi was too pitiful, the young man couldn't help but stretched out his hand and rubbed his little girl's head, and laughed softly.

"Luoluo~, the Secretary-General doesn't know much about us, so it's reasonable to be so suspicious, but—"

He raised his eyebrows, looked at the secretary general, and smiled elegantly.

"Although I don't know where the Secretary-General heard the version news from, but I think this version news is a bit subtle, after all—"

The young man nodded while pondering.

"The person who sent you the message didn't tell you that not only the students of the Holy Learning had problems, but even the teachers who led them to the competition also had problems~"


These words made the Secretary General's expression change slightly.

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