A Biao, who suddenly had this idea, was silent for a moment, then shook his head, but with this shake, he almost shook out the soul that just came back, which made him stop quickly, his voice was a little sore and hoarse. :

"Thank you Fourth Master for your love, but I really like my current job, so please forgive me for not being able to agree."

"Oh, that's fine."

The school flower-sama, who seemed to say something casually, shrugged and looked at him.

"So, are you willing to answer my Xiaobai's previous question?"

"...I didn't find out how long Che Ge has been with the Secretary-General, but I occasionally heard from some colleagues that he was the longest and most conscientious bodyguard with the Secretary-General. And, for many things, the Secretary-General sent him out to do it alone—"

Ah Biao, who resolutely put aside his stance and principles, as if he didn't remember what he said before, and didn't want to offend his colleagues for no reason, let the school flower smirk at him.

"So, how is your relationship with him?"

"...It's okay. After all, everyone is a colleague, and their personalities are not too unacceptable, so as long as there is no too much conflict, everyone gets along well--"

This is true.

Although it is true that he is a killer, and the other bodyguards have different occupations before this, of course, they are all bodyguards belonging to the secretary-general now, so on the contrary, everyone's primary job is to guard the secretary-general, and Heed his dispatch.

The rest, as long as it's not a big deal, everyone doesn't care too much. This is also attributable to the fact that the Secretary-General is well-mannered, and that he is very good at picking people. It will be so peaceful.

It's just that Ah Biao still doesn't understand, do these two have a grudge against Brother Che? Otherwise, why do you hear so much?


He was very pertinent, or it could be said to be a smooth answer, which made Shu Qianluo raise his eyebrows and look sideways at Su Gu Bai.

"What do you think?"


Seeing that he didn't even use a single bit of strength, he gave the little girl who seemed to be difficult to provoke and deal with to the little girl who easily stepped on her feet, the young man nodded his chin with laughter and pondered.

"Then, what does Mr. Abiao think of that brother Che?"


"Is there anything strange about it on weekdays?"

"...I didn't pay much attention to-"

"How is your attitude towards you?"


"What's your attitude towards the Secretary-General?"

"...Also good?"

"Then, that is to say, after Mr. Abiao washed his hands from the golden pot and was incorporated by the Secretary-General, in the process of getting along with that brother Che, he felt that he did a good job in all aspects? No way. People? Not annoying? Very neutral?"


"That's it~"

Between the question and answer, the young man laughed, his tone smirking.

"Then, if you embarrass Mr. A Biao and make you an enemy of the good brother Che in every way, what chance does Mr. A Biao have?"


Intuitively, these two paid too much attention to Brother Che, and even found him to ask, which made him very bad, and after hearing this, he couldn't help but change his face.

"Young Master Su, Fourth Master, we have revenge for revenge, and we have grievances for revenge, who's who we are looking for, and who's not who we are, don't let it hurt?"

When the words fell, he added another sentence.

"It's me who offended the fourth master, then it's my business whether the fourth master wants to kill or slash, and it has nothing to do with others, so just find me, I will take care of it—"

In other words, don't try to instruct him to mutilate others, especially the Secretary-General's most trusted Chego!

For this kind of thing, he absolutely does not want to do it, nor will he do it!

"Tsk, so loyal?"

Looking at the young man who didn't seem to have such a thing as loyalty in his bones, Shu Qianluo pulled his mouth, jumped off him, walked to his dog and sat down, turned the 'water gun' in his hand, and stared at him.

"Since we're so loyal, we can do it—"

? ? ?

The more he felt that it was not good, but he became more and more confused and could not figure out what the situation was. Ah Biao slowly sat up from the bed, pressing his head, which was so painful, that he couldn't stop it, and turned towards him. The young girl looked at it and opened her mouth.

"So, what are you two trying to do?"

At this moment, if he can't see it again, these two are obviously looking for him to settle old accounts, but in fact, they are eyeing Brother Che's A Biao, I am afraid that they will be dull and dead!

"Oh, I don't do anything, I just think that brother Che is not a good person. I'm afraid he will harm the secretary-general, so I'm just here to remind you-"

The thief who shamelessly said this, the school flower-sama, made that Abiao completely silent, and even almost ignored it and replied back——

Who is not a good person?

Although I don't know what Brother Che was doing before that, just looking at him right now, he is really a great guy when compared with these two, isn't he?

Moreover, according to his judgment, anyone will harm the Secretary-General, but Brother Che will not. After all, Brother Che treats the Secretary-General as an eyeball, so I really can't take this word-

"Do not believe?"

Looking at Ah Biao, whose expression was like swallowing a fly, the school flower-sama smiled.

"Then show you something that reshapes the three views, but before that—"

She looked at her young man with a frown, and the old man asked.

"I need to know, do you just love the job? Or are you willing to give your life for the job? Or—"

Looking at A Biao, who was stunned for a while, the girl who suddenly had a malicious expression suddenly threw out a sentence.

"What about the job, and the person who gave you the job?"

As soon as these words came out, Ah Biao's eyes became a little abnormal, and even his eyes looked at Shu Qianluo with an indescribable meaning, and he even asked him a question.

"Can Fourth Master Shu die for Su Shao?"

"Of course!"

Who knows, his rhetorical question caused the girl to nod without hesitation, even without thinking, and her expression was unwavering determination, which made Ah Biao's heart throb.

It seems that, from the beginning to the end, he has not had the thought and decision, and even the courage, to die without hesitation for someone or something.

However, before his throbbing surged for a second, he heard the girl add a carefree sentence.

"My little white won't give me such a chance, so this is complete nonsense!"


Suddenly, A Biao, who didn't really want to talk to her, looked sideways at the young man. When he met the young man's smile, he did not hide his doting and condoning eyes at all—

Somehow, the young man stabbed her.

"Birth, old age, sickness and death, human nature, even if you have a will, you can't stop it—"

But, as soon as these words fell, I saw the girl opposite, her expression suddenly changed to a very meaningful, and she threw a sentence.

"Indeed, birth, old age, sickness and death are the normal human nature of people. You can't go against the sky if you want to stop them, but—"

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