Unconscious and sincere, Li Chen, who had slapped himself hard, held his daughter-in-law's hand in a burst of ghostly wailing, making the manor staff smirk and let the man who walked away. The gang twitched their lips when they heard it.

This wife and slave, I am afraid, will never turn over.

Tsk, poor, poor!

"here is?"

In the blink of an eye, a group of people appeared in a desolate, crowded place that looked like a mass grave. Kasahiko was confused and suspicious, but Li Goudan's expression was very subtle and strange. Looking at the mass grave, and at a certain young man who led them, it was a strange question.

"I said, did you put some kind of monitor on me? How did you know that I hid Milia here?"


These words made the rest of the people look dumbfounded, and they didn't quite know who Milia was, but Gu Bai laughed softly, joking.

"Yo? Is it such a coincidence? It seems~, Miss Milia and we really have a lot of fate~"


It sounds like there's nothing wrong with it, but Li Goudan'er, who has a problem with his intuition, looked at the boy suspiciously, strange.

"So, you didn't know Milia was here?"

"Of course~"

Young and young laugh.

"Master brought you here, just smuggling, but I didn't hear Mr. Bansay mentioning Miss Milia on the way, so I thought, either Mr. Bansey forgot the Lord's entrustment, or it was just a coincidence. , I hid Miss Milia near here, so I didn't stop until the destination, and it turned out that my prediction was quite correct~"

...This kid is really scary.

Scary in every way!

Quietly swallowed Li Goudan's saliva, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and then wandered around under the eyes of everyone. Then he ran towards a small **, and then dug out a human head from it, jumping the eyelids of everyone.

If it weren't for Li Goudan'er pulling a radish, holding his head and pulling out a whole body, and still breathing weakly, the big guy would definitely think it was a corpse.


"You are quite good at hiding 'corpses'—"

Yu Jin looked at the corpse, and the corner of his mouth twitched:

"How long has this been hidden? If you are buried alive, can you still live?"


For his complaints, Li Goudan'er carried Milia back to a few people with a smirk.

"Then what, it's fortunate that I found it early, if it was later, she would be dead! But then—"

He shook off the unconscious woman, and raised his eyebrows at several people proudly.

"I also think that my method of hiding a corpse is quite superb!"

...the stuff that pushes the nose on the face!

Bansai, who seemed to have no idea what modesty was, rolled his eyes in silence, and then turned to look at the young man.


As for Qu Changge and Yu Jin, the two of them knew to a certain extent that the young man brought them here, fearing that there was an entrance to the Xuanmen, but Ban Sai and the others didn't understand this.


The two were suspicious.

As far as they know, there are indeed several exits, whether it is from the Xuanmen or the outer door, but no matter where they are, they should be regular entrances and exits, that is, someone is guarding them, and a pass is required.

OK, here-

They turned their heads and looked around, their expressions subtle and strange.

It's obviously a deserted place, more like a good place to kill people and bury corpses. Where is the guard?

In other words-

That's just a place for smuggling, isn't it?

So, here comes the question-

Why do such smuggling entrances exist? And why hasn't it been discovered? Isn't this not too 'scientific'?

While the two were full of suspicion and confusion, they even felt that they were a little uncontrollably falling down the cliff in front of them, which shocked them and made Li Goudan'er scream.

"Damn it! Don't think about jumping off a cliff! Ah! Damn it! Who pushed me?!"

Seeing Qu Changge and Yu Jin who started jumping off the cliff inexplicably, Li Goudan'er was startled and subconsciously reached out to grab it. As a result, no one has been caught yet. Milia, who was holding on, also tilted uncontrollably toward the cliff.

Not only them, but also Kasahiko Onozawa.

Only the young girl stood on the cliff and waved at them with a smile.

"Let's go~"

"!! Are you **** human?!"

Bansai, who was about to cry with fright, fluttered his four legs, trying to grab something, and climbed back to the cliff again, only to see the two **** who killed people jumped down, which made him stunned. Bewildered.

what's going on?

What the **** is going on?

Just when he was so stunned that he was full of question marks and confused, he was entangled by a silver thread, not only him, but also the rest of the people, which made him more or less understand that this might not be the murder scene, But - to stimulate the scene?

Li Goudan's brow furiously twitched, speechless, and his voice trembled a little.

"Big brother! Can you give me a word? What are we doing here? Why is it like Qi Qi committed suicide? It's scary, isn't it?"


Kasahiko, whose teeth were shaking, held Onozawa tightly, his face was pale, and it was obvious that he was really frightened, but it was Qu Changge and Yu Jin, who seemed to be used to this kind of thing, nothing superfluous. Emotions.

Anyway, this little murder, it's right that they won't kill them!


Glancing at the three people who were overly frightened, the school flower-sama pouted with contempt.

"What kind of courage? When you usually go up the mountain and go to the sea, when you chop people and play in the mud, I never see you so cowardly? Why are you so cowardly now? Is it like a word?"

"Is that the same!"

Li Goudan glared.

"That's us playing with others! It's not others playing with us! It's us who abuse others! It's not others who abuse us!"

"Oh, like this?"

The fourth Miss Shu, who was calmly picking her nose, raised her eyebrows.

"Then, it's good to change your position now, isn't it?"

"Good fart, good!"

Li Goudaner, who was about to cry with anger, became a fat man weighing 300 pounds.

"No, to tell the truth, next time we commit such a sudden murder, can we give us a notice in advance so that we can be mentally prepared? Otherwise, if this continues, sooner or later, we will be scared to death, okay? I don't want to die! I really don't want to at all!"

The daughter-in-law has not come back yet!

I even want to get everything done before my daughter-in-law gives birth, and then go back to kneeling on the keyboard, nostalgic, or blade. As long as my daughter-in-law calms down, all potential dangers and crises have been dealt with. Don't let Li Goudan'er, who has a lot of time to make amends, really want to die?

But, **** it! **** it!

These two little **** always take his order against him, either kicking him to feed the monster or throwing him off a cliff. Although the final result may not be death, he will mutate!

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