So, Family Master Yu, who calmed down, looked at them expressionlessly.

"However, there is still a difference between the national government and the country. The national government here has absolute dominance and decision-making power over the 321A district. Therefore, as long as the wanted order issued by the national government headquarters is equivalent to that you will never turn over. There's room for-"

"Even if there is a first-class hidden family and a first-class sect that also stand against the government, they will take the lead in proofreading the wanted order of the government, and then double-tracking and killing, understand?"


Kasahiko, who was extremely hopeless, gulped his saliva with a thud, stammered and asked the boy and girl whose smiles remained the same, and who were not even scared at all.

"You two, what did you do? Are you wanted?"

"Uh~, this is it~"

Nodding his chin, the smiling boy blinked his eyes and said seriously—

"Maybe, I'm afraid you don't really want to hear the truth of the Lord. Of course, if you want to hear it, the Lord can tell you, then~"

His smile deepened, but it was full of evil.

"Want to listen?"

"do not want!"

Almost subconsciously, several people shook their heads and refused, even the little Prince Kasahiko, who asked for the exit, laughed even more dryly.

"No, I really don't need it, I, I just asked casually, I really asked casually—"

As for why he didn't want to know, and didn't dare to know?

Completely convicted, okay?

Although it was not Sugu Bai's actions that produced the almost 'devastating' blow in Japan, but it was done by Shu Qianluo, so the relative lethality is hundreds of thousands of Shu Qianluo. Su Gu Bai, who may not be able to compare, the fact that he is wanted by the whole country, he is true, he dare not listen to it!

For fear, listen to one more sentence, know more about the lost facts, turn around, and he will be able to die without a burial!

So, no more!

The rest of the people felt the same way about him. After all, they all knew how scary this ancestor was. Therefore, the less they knew, the higher the chance of survival. This is not a joke. !

Absolutely not!


Just after Sugu Baili and several people disappeared in the top three districts and appeared on a hill in the top one district, Shu Qianluo squinted his eyes abruptly and uttered doubts.

"What, gone?"

? ?

what's gone?

These inexplicable and inexplicable words made Li Goudan'er and several others look stunned, but Qu Changge and Yu Jin understood what she was talking about, and also frowned, looking at the mountains and rivers in front of them, their voices solemn.

"Isn't the Yuanyang faction the opening of the mountain protection formation? Otherwise, why is it gone? It's just—"

Qu Changge paused.

"If this is the case, then the Yuanyang faction will definitely have a major event. After all, no matter what school it is, as long as there is no crisis about the safety of the entire school, it will never open the mountain protection formation."


Shu Qianluo frowned.

"Can't the mountain protection formation be opened casually?"


Yu Jin nodded and took over.

"The so-called mountain protection formation is usually left by the ancestors of various factions or major families, and the last life-saving trump card, and once such an existence is opened, it will be in hundreds or thousands of years. The inexorable-"

"On the one hand, it is to try hard to resist the invasion from the outside, and to leave enough time for their family members to find a solution to the crisis as much as possible. On the other hand, it is to let them find a solution that can To avoid the crisis, to escape the chance of birth—"

"So, once the mountain protection formation is opened, it means that there is no turning point in the situation, and, usually, this situation also represents the crash and annihilation of one party's forces, so-"

Yu Jin didn't finish what he said next, but everyone present understood it.

It also made Shu Qianluo tense the corners of his lips and his eyes were cold.

She can't imagine and believe that she and Xiaobai have only gone to the outer door for a long time, and the Yuanyang faction, which was extremely brilliant before and even more profound, has disappeared like this?

Subconsciously, she reached out and touched her eyebrows.

There, in her sea of ​​consciousness, there is space, and the reason why she has space was given to her by Xiaobai, but Xiaobai's space was given by Qing Hongyun.

In other words, she was able to retain and save many life-saving trump cards, and even gave herself many opportunities to survive in crisis, all thanks to Old You.

But right now, the person who gave her all these things seems to never be seen again, and even, not only him, but also Min Lanqiong, Prose Qian, Gu Zhao, Fang Le, etc., and even a lot of love for her and Xiaobai They are all very good, and the disciples of the Yuanyang faction who take good care of them, all, I am afraid it will never happen again—

This sudden and unacceptable emotion made Shu Qianluo's aura unstable and vain, and even more, unconsciously dyed the surrounding air with a dark color that was almost terrifying. Caracal color.

Qu Changge and Yu Jin, whose five senses have been extended to being too sensitive, are shocked and their hairs stand up. Li Goudan and Li Goudan, who have not received any special training and are not too familiar with their own skills. Kasahiko couldn't help but take a step back and almost fell off the hillside.

It even made them look at Shu Qianluo in horror, and they could clearly see that around her, a dark mist filled her, enveloping her in a gloomy way, as terrifying as if a **** was coming into the world.

When they were about to be too frightened to think, a hand pressed on her head and rubbed it, and a warm and warm voice came into her and everyone's ears.

"Little Luoluo~, Old You and their 'life cards' are still there~"

? ?

Fate card?

what the hell?

Once again, I heard three big and small men who couldn't understand the words, but at this moment they didn't dare to interject at will.

However, while Qu Changge and Yu Jin breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously, they were a little puzzled.

"Why do you know that Old You and the others still have their fate cards?"

In other words, shouldn't things like the life tablets in Yuanyang Sect be kept in other people's ancestral halls? So, where did this young man perceive that those people's life cards are still there?

As for Shu Qianluo, who had heard him say that, and was easily crushed by the terrifying aura on her body, he blinked and looked at him suspiciously.

"You didn't steal their life cards, did you?"

"What is this?"

The helpless and uncontrollable teenager reached out and poked her forehead, smiled lowly, and took out a few stones and handed them to her.

"Hey, before that, I collected some of their essence and the like, refined it into a temporary life tablet and kept it, just in case, isn't it, just use it?"

"……just in case?"

These four words made several people stunned, and also made the school flower squinting.

"So, you already knew that the Yuanyang faction would have a catastrophe?"

"That's it~"

The smiling young man nodded his chin and pondered.

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