What answered them was a chuckle, as well.

"Wish you, have a good time~"

...In seconds, the eyebrows of several people jumped, and Shu Qianluo even scolded.

"Damn it! Didn't you tell me to train them? Why did you harm me too? That's not what you said before!"

"?? Tune, tune us? Didn't you try to beat us?"

The faces of Li Goudan'er and the others turned green, but at this moment, the school flower was not in the mood to pay attention to them. Instead, through his night vision, he glared angrily at the dog who was waving at her with a smile. Something gritted its teeth.

"It's not what you meant—, eh?"

Suddenly, the little girl blinked and laughed out loud.

Oh yes!

She and Xiaobai are in the same line, otherwise, she can't see him at the moment, and she has become blind like everyone else, so Xiaobai did harm her, but helped her harm other people——

This realization made the little girl feel better and blew a kiss at the boy who couldn't help but laugh, and then——

Unceremoniously, he directed at the few people beside him, and he was slapped randomly, and screamed and screamed at them. Even Qu Changge and Yu Jin were not spared. Embarrassed.

This kind of appearance made the Fourth Master Shu interesting, grinning with a perverted madman on his upper body.

"Hey! This is much more interesting than beating them!"

! I fuck-

The pain was so painful that the few people who were breathing cold air, the flames on the angry skulls became substantial, and the roars were even more exasperated.

"You're still not a person? Don't think you're a little girl, so you don't dare to hit you!"

"Oh, did you fight?"

The school flower, who threw the silver stick into a whip, smiled grimly.

"Come on, fight, as long as you can beat me, I'll make you a god!"

? ?

Several people stared.

"Fuck! Are you really fake?"

"Of course it's true! Ah, by the way—"

She smiled more and more like a mad girl, grinning out a gloomy little white teeth.

"In order to prevent you from saying that I cheated, I will never let my Xiaobai take action. Even, since my physical limit is several times yours, so-"

"You can join hands to kill me, and, no matter what means you use, as long as you can kill me, I will abide by the agreement and send you to gods! Absolutely do what I say, otherwise the sky will be struck by thunder!"

have to say--

The offer is tempting.

Become a god, this girl may not be able to do it, but the golden thigh behind her is definitely capable of doing it, so, with such a shortcut in front of them, how can they not be tempted?


Once you become a god, it is not what you want, what you want, what you want to do, you can go to heaven and earth!

Just thinking about the situation after becoming a god, several people can't control their mentality, even Li Goudan, who has always been very resistant to his golden fingers, can't help but be moved.


Let them really do it with this girl, it's really not a man--

A few people who were still a little tangled, hesitated and did not make a move, but the school flower adults who saw their expressions clearly, grinned at the temptation of being slow.

"Red, Fifth Master Qu and Family Master Yu, it seems that the two of you are very distressed because of the relationship between your fates? Then, on the other hand, once you become gods, only you will toss other people's fates, and there are others who can toss your fates. Yes? Right?"

"As for the little prince and Onozawa, you two seem to prefer new worlds and adventures? The same—"

"Once you become a god, what's in front of you is something more worth exploring than the world right now, isn't it? Wouldn't it be better for you to record or draw everything after that into a book, and burn it to the people you care about? ?"

When the words fell, she glanced at the few goods who were about to move and was persuaded, and turned her eyes to look at Li Goudan'er.

"The last one, the one who abandoned the daughter-in-law on the bright side is actually the one who was abandoned by the daughter-in-law. Think about it, if you become a god--"

"There are thousands of ways to coax your daughter-in-law back, right? You can find a way to bring your daughter-in-law and children into gods, and then live happily ever after, just thinking about If you think about it, you will laugh out loud, do you really not think about it?"

So, Li Goudan'er, who was completely heartbroken, let out a light cough.

"Well, then, offended? You can't be fooled when you look back!"

"of course not!"

Shu Qianluo looked at them seriously.

"I will never joke about this kind of thing, and, I swear, anyone who dares to deceive you will be struck by thunder!"

"Well, since that's the case—"

Li Goudan'er secretly took out his personal weapon. It was a machete, a bit like a sickle, but there were more bones in it, and the title went on. It was weird, but super handsome.

However, the school flower-sama who saw the sickle squinted and his eyes were deep.

"Li Goudan'er, your weapon looks very strange, where did it come from?"

"Ah, this—"

Bansai, who subconsciously shook the sickle, laughed.

"When I was a child, I was ignorant, I was very picky, and I also liked to play. I followed a group of tomb robbers to toss. This thing was found in an ancient tomb--


"I thought it was very pleasing to the eye and grabbed it, so I almost got stabbed in the eye! But don't say it, it's really smooth, if you don't know it's not for me Made to order, I have to doubt that it belongs to me in the first place!"

These words made Shu Qianluo look sideways at his dog, raised his chin obscurely, and spit it out silently.

【His device? 】


The boy nodded, his smile deepened.

[It can be seen that people, souls, and tools are really three in one~, right now, we have three pairs, but we don't know whether this is a group of three or a group of single people, so~]

【To understanding! 】

After the school flower nodded, he paused, and pointed to Qu Changge and Yu Jin.

[Then, their weapons and souls—]

[Uh~, I should, I haven't met it yet~ After all, the current ones, apart from their own aura, really don't have anything else—]

【so? 】

She touched her chin with a weird expression.

[Since it's Kasahiko or Li Goudan, their souls and weapons met by chance, then this brother and that girl should be the same, so wait and see——]

The little girl, who had completed the conspiracy without the other people's knowledge, calmly shook the silver stick in her hand and shouted.

"It's started!"

When the words fell, she killed them.

Perhaps the word "becoming a god" awakened some of the fire in their hearts, so that although they felt that it was inappropriate to fight with women, they still succumbed to 'greed' in the end, and even gave their senses to the greatest Change, try to kill this aunt!

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