"Then, have you asked them if it was their own will? Or was it ordered by others? If it is their own will, what does it have to do with my Xiaobai? If they are instructed, is it my Xiaobai? "

"Master, you have to finish your speech so that you won't be beaten. Similarly, you should finish asking questions, right? Otherwise, what's the difference between taking it out of context and harming the innocent?"

"You, you just can't see the coffin without losing your eyes-"

The Guofu old man, who was about to laugh angrily, moved his hand to the three of them and roared.

"Tell me! Where do you have the courage to go to the government's territory to steal Xuanjing? Do you know what Xuanjing means before you dare to do harm? Ah! Speak!"

After shouting, he glared at the girl grimly, gnashing his teeth.

"Is there any problem with that?"

"Not this time—"

The girl even nodded thoughtfully with the attitude of an elder, baring her teeth to the crowd.

Good guy, this girl's guts are really strong, she deserves to be a character on the list of blackheads, she really doesn't bury the number one for hundreds of years!

At this point, how could they not recognize the girl who dared to fight against the old man of the government, who was on the wanted list released by the government not long ago?

Not only her, but the little white in her mouth, probably the other one.

tut tut-

Sure enough, heroes come out of teenagers, in various senses.

Her appearance almost made the old man of the government choked and rolled his eyes, and the three of them, who were stared at by the old man with murderous eyes, shivered subconsciously.

Moreover, at this moment, the minds of Qu Changge and Yu Jin were magically connected, and they both pointed to Zuo Zhanghe and said in unison:

"He threatened me!"

! ! !

This Nima's is a typical cunning rabbit dead, a lackey cooking?

It hasn't happened yet, can these two goods supply him?

Simply, simply—

Zuo Zhanghe stared at them incredulously with wide eyes, and opened his mouth to refute, however, Yu Jin and Qu Changge didn't give him a chance to explain and quickly added.

"Because the Yuanyang faction suffered for no reason, Zuo Lao opened the mountain protection formation at a critical juncture, and he did not know what method he used to freely enter and exit the Yuanyang faction. Then, by chance, he ran into us who were hiding somewhere. Threatening us with such subpar means as exposing us—"

"By helping him steal the profound crystal, it can provide us with a good place to avoid being wanted outside, and to cultivate with peace of mind-, so, um, reluctantly agreed, after all, for some reasons, we temporarily Banished from the family—"

"Therefore, even if you are really caught, no one will save you. In addition, there are some problems with your own cultivation. A small number of people can still resist the arrest, but if there are too many people, it will not work. , just, just-"

Zuo Zhanghe: "..."

I would have believed it if I hadn't been the party involved!

I didn't expect that Qu Changge, who is quite calm and calm on weekdays, and even a little indifferent, could even come out of his mouth when he was lying? Also, do you mean nose and eyes? Like real?

That's fine, that kid Yu Jin nodded his head while agreeing.

"That's right, we were also forced, innocent—"

Something like that, completely smashed his good reputation, good quality, good upbringing, good character for many years, or the kind that can't be put together again?

But, can he refute, whitewash, and justify?

I'm afraid yes, I can't, because--

"Look, just say it has nothing to do with my little white?"

Hey, someone, the final word, doesn't give him a chance to succeed at all--

With a pale face, Zuo Zhanghe, like a tool man, nodded, and replied mechanically and sluggishly:

"Yes, that's it, my reason, that's all."

...You guys, are you fooling everyone by thinking they're fools?

The completely careless interaction between them, as long as anyone can see the tricks in it, of course, these few are so open and upright, and they report each other's "righteousness and relatives"?

To be honest, they looked all angry for the old man in the government, really, super angry!


Under the serious nonsense of Qu Changge and Yu Jin, and Shu Qianluo nodding in agreement, the old man in the country, who could not bear the uncle and aunt, pulled away the young men who were pulling him. Come on, dodge in front of these juggling goods, raise your legs and kick them!

That speed, that strength, if it is really swept away, I am afraid that it will be abolished on the spot!

He raised the hearts of everyone, especially the Qu family and Yu family, who regarded themselves as irrelevant people, and instantly turned their faces and rushed up to prepare to fight back.



A soft smile like water came from the other side of the door.

"Old man~, other people can beat up casually, it doesn't matter if they are killed~, but—"

"Master's little Luoluo, if the old man dares to hurt a single point, then the master will crush the state and burn it to pieces~"

"As for whether the master can do it, the old man should be the clearest. If it is not clear enough, you can ask Sulingzheng to see what kind of situation he is in at this time?"


Su, Su Mausoleum?

These three words that are like thunder, shocked everyone in the entire area once again.

However, with the light laughing words, the old man's foot that was about to kick down came to an abrupt stop. The young man's words, Ning suffocated behind the old man's feet, behind him, it seemed that he never dared to move an inch forward!

"Tsk, or this virtue?"

To everyone's surprise, the old man of the government did not get irritated again by the boy's unbridled threats and arrogant attitude, but the old **** retracted his legs and patted the non-existent dust on his head, staring at the door behind him. After seeing people and other sights, the eyebrows twitched.

Did this stinky boy regard the forest as his back garden?

Go when you want to go?

How do you want to absorb the profound energy in it?

Besides, it doesn't count when you've absorbed it by yourself, so why don't you let others go in? Going to kill others, scheming others for their welfare and taking the blame?

Sure enough, all the people with the surname Su are not good ones, they are all a bunch of crooked fruits!


The old man of the state who stared at the boy for a while, suddenly laughed sinisterly.

"You dare to raise your hand and swear to the sky that you didn't take the Xuanjing they stole?"

! This old man is too insidious, isn't he?

The squinted school flower-sama stared at him with a bad expression, and even more secretly took out his own weapon, obviously wanting to beat him up!

As for the boy who was staring at him, he couldn't help but laugh, his lips curved and he smiled, shining brightly, glowing like the sun.

"I swear~"

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