The Third Reich

Chapter 1020: Habania air base

Nuri did not stay in the sturdy basement, but went outside. His guards were now fighting the army outside.

"Nuri is the scum of our Iraq, the careerist!" Outside, the first division yelled: "He conspired to undermine our King Ghazi, and even sold our Iraqi interests to the British! It is a choice! It's up to you to die with Nuri, or stand up!"

Nuri murdered King Gazi. This rumor was spread all over the country. Moreover, looking at the army outside, the guards had no confidence, and some of them began to shake.

I definitely can't beat it. It's better to surrender. It's good to stay out of the situation.

Only some of Nuri's diehards are still holding on. They stare at their side. If anyone dares to escape, they will shoot immediately!

"Don't listen to outsiders!" At this moment, Nuri came out and said to his guard: "King Gazi died in a car accident. I am also very sad about his death, and I still try my best. Assisting King Gazi’s son, how could he murder the King!"

At this time, Nuri stood behind the guard, separated by the wall anyway, so there was no need to worry about being snipe by the opponent.

"Now, there are insurgents outside. If you leave now, then I can intercede with the king and forgive you for this treason." Nouri said, "Whoever dares to shoot at the Prime Minister's Mansion, that is Iraq. The sinner, his whole family, will be punished as they deserve!"

Nuri has already begun to threaten people outside. Although he will not scare him a few words and let him leave, at least he can delay time and wait for reinforcements!

Unfortunately, he still underestimated his opponent.

"Quick, get out, get out, howitzer, ready!"

When he heard the noise outside, Nuri's face changed drastically, spread his legs, and ran towards the basement.

"Boom, boom!" There was a huge explosion outside. In this terrible sound, the wall was blown up, and even the building of the Prime Minister's Office was torn apart!

The other party was surrounded just now, and did not attack immediately, just waiting for the wild cannons behind to be dragged over and hit a prime minister's mansion. They did not hesitate to use wild cannons!

The wall was blasted down, and the wounded guards screamed. Outside, the infantrymen of the First Division had already started to rush inside!

Camille brought by, of course, the most determined personnel, they will not be fooled by Nuri's words, they have long believed that Nuri was the murderer of King Gazi!

Inside Baghdad, there was a rumble of cannons and chaos.

Outside Baghdad, 97 kilometers, the small town of Habania.

This is the resident of the Royal Air Force. Historically, it was only a flight training school. The aircraft in the base were also old-fashioned. There were 9 Glasgow "Gladiator" biplane fighters and 1 Bliss. Thor "Burlingham" Mk.I bomber, 26 speed "Oxford" trainer aircraft, 8 Ferry "Gordon" trainer aircraft and 30 Hawker "Odex" trainer aircraft.

However, it is different now. As the United Kingdom continues to retreat in the Middle East, this is the main base of the British Air Force. There are more than 5,000 soldiers and more than 100 modern fighters, most of which are from the United States. Most of the output is P-40.

This kind of fighter plane improved on the basis of the P-36 has good performance, especially the fast delivery speed, so it won the contract of the U.S. Army Air Force and exported in large quantities.

The British Air Force calls this type of aircraft "Mohawk". They are quite satisfied with the performance of this type of aircraft. In air combat, at least it will not be completely downwind. It can fight the German BF109 and fight the FW190. It's a bit worse, but experienced pilots can also win.

Now, the entire air base has sounded the emergency horn.

Rashid’s coup was a courage, and there was almost no possibility of failure. It was just icing on the cake. However, facts have proved that the Iraqis did not have the ability to fight, and even a coup was not fully prepared.

For example, the attack on British bases has been temporarily increased, but their coup d'etat has not been launched at the same time. When the chaotic infantry divisions went to surround the Prime Minister's Office, the British Air Force base here has already received news of assistance.

Although it was in the dark, they also began to prepare, the entire base was shining brightly, and on the tarmac, one P-40 fighter jet was preparing for departure.

Wait a few more hours, the sky will light up, and they will be able to take off before they light up to drive out the rebels outside the Prime Minister's Office!

And some of the pilots who are capable of flying at night can't wait to take off immediately.

The pilot D-F-Hattaqi, carrying his own flight helmet, came to the side of the plane and watched the ground crew making nervous preparations before takeoff.

As a fighter, the main weapon of this aircraft is two Browning M2 heavy machine guns with a caliber of 12.7 mm on the nose, plus two Browning M1919 machine guns on the left and right wings, with a caliber of 7.62 mm~www.wuxiaspot. com~Although the most commonly used caliber in the UK is 7.7mm, these aircraft are too late to be replaced. Anyway, the United Kingdom's backup is now the United States, and it is enough to send them 7.62mm bullets.

At the same time, when necessary, a 1,000-pound bomb can be mounted under the fuselage of this aircraft, and two triple rockets can be added to the wings.

Now, their task is to support Baghdad and disperse the rebels. In this case, their aircraft must be equipped with ground weapons.

Originally, the plane was full of fuel and the machine gun bullets were full, so now it’s bombing! On the trolley, the ground crew put more than 400 kilograms of bombs on the belly of the plane, and then installed rockets.

Just as the ground crew was installing, Hatach could not wait to climb onto the plane, preparing for takeoff.

When his canopy was closed, Hattaqi had already started the engine. The fighter was headed high and slid to the runway. Then, the throttle was increased, the liquid-cooled engine exploded with 1,150 horsepower, and the P-40 slid on the runway. He started running faster and faster. He gently brought the operating lever, and the P-40 easily pulled up.

With moonlight, you can have a vague visibility of several hundred meters. This is enough. When the two sides exchanged fire in Baghdad, it must be brighter. Hataki pushed the joystick and wanted to fly in the direction of Baghdad. At that time, I suddenly heard an anxious voice in the headset.

"Kingfisher, kingfisher, hurry up, northeast of the base, and find the rebels are coming to us!"

Almost at the same time, Khataki saw fire from the distance on the ground, it was artillery fire!

"Boom!" The mechanized brigade arrived first, and the leading Renault FT17 tank launched the first round of shelling towards the airport. ()

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